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XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
And we're back! After two weeks of Wiki absence due to server issues, we're back on a new server and bigger than ever! Mega thanks to [[Frito]] and [[Nute]] for taking care of the onerous task of fighting with our old server and installing on the new. There may still be some bugs, so please contact '''[mailto:x-project-wiki@googlegroups.com the Wiki editorial team]''' if you find anything that's wrong, such as missing pages.
And we're back! After two weeks of Wiki absence due to server issues, we're back on a new server and bigger than ever! Mega thanks to [[Frito]] and [[Nute]] for taking care of the onerous task of fighting with our old server and installing on the new. There may still be some bugs, so please contact '''[mailto:x-project-wiki@googlegroups.com the Wiki editorial team]''' if you find anything that's wrong, such as missing pages.
In other news, [[Da'mien]] has picked up [[Jono Starsmore]], Sil has put [[Lorna Dane]] into mothballs for a time whilst she takes on [[Karolina Dean]]. Her run will start in August. Also, welcome to [[Catherine]], who will be bringing in another student, [[Callie Betto| Callie "Dryad" Betto]].
In other news, [[Jason]] has acquired [[Sam Guthrie]], [[Da'mien]] has picked up [[Jono Starsmore]], Sil has put [[Lorna Dane]] into mothballs for a time whilst she takes on [[Karolina Dean]]. Her run will start in August. Also, welcome to [[Catherine]], who will be bringing in another student, [[Callie Betto| Callie "Dryad" Betto]].
<center>'''[http://xp-friends.livejournal.com/friends Coming Soon to X-Project!]'''</center>
<center>'''[http://xp-friends.livejournal.com/friends Coming Soon to X-Project!]'''</center>

Revision as of 10:32, 13 June 2008

Welcome to The XProject Wiki

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Featured Article:

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Moment of Awesome - Emma Frost/The White Queen: Concerned about strangeness impacting the resident psis, Arthur Centino interviews Emma and gets a shameful confession.

Arthur's polite smile broke into an answering grin as Emma spoke. "I have to say, your accent is superb — clothing for our thoughts." He lengthened his own vowels at the end, drawing his voice closer to Emma's own. "You've got more upper crust, there, though? Boardroom aristocracy. Hint of Boston at the edges. Fabulous indeed."

The blond man waved that off, getting back to business. His eyes shone with good humor. "My goal here is to learn what's normal for you before jumping into what might have been different lately. Sounds like you're describing what Haller would call," and he reflexively switched accents again to something closer to Jim's holmesian logic, "standard telepathic projection and manipulation." He put a hand to his chin in thought. "So let's get to it. Has anything been different within the last three months? Flares, expected growth, not coming as easily as normal?"

"Standard telepathic projection and manipulation in the way Cartier makes standard jewellery, yes," replied Emma, smiling. "None of the more exotic flavourings like technopathy or psychometry. As for changes. . . None that I've noticed particularly. I haven't been in the Mansion much, I admit, and from your email it sounds like you think that's where any changes might manifest? I mean," Emma leaned back in her chair, "I did unexpectedly turn into organic diamond during a spectacularly traumatic event, so I'm willing to consider more deeply if you have parameters to work within?"

He nodded over his notes, but extended a hand. "Psychometry here," and he gave his fingers a wiggle, "I just discovered I had it last year, but it's a good example — I've been putting my own memories onto objects without knowing it. There are at least ten others experiencing power issues — just the psis — but the common part does seem to be being at or around the Mansion." Arthur tried to give an honest smile. "There's no clear through-line or objective yet. When's the last time you were at the Mansion?"

Emma shrugged. “I’ve flitted in and out; a few hours here or there over the last few weeks.” She frowned suddenly, tapped a diamond fingernail on the desk. “When you’re talking differences in powers. . . would you be talking about a shift in my telepathy? Or is there any suggestion of suddenly using an. . . associated power.” She shook her head slightly and sighed. “Let me be terribly blunt about the whole thing; is there a possibility I could be suffering from telekinesis?”

This got his interest. Arthur raised both eyebrows and leaned in just a little. "Please, tell me more about 'suffering from telekinesis.' I've never had to worry about it."

Emma made a moue. “It’s so. . . tacky,” she sighed. “All these telepaths going round and developing telekinesis. Like lifting things with your mind isn’t just turning your brain into a brute force machine. Telekinesis isn’t elegant, Arthur.” She sighed again, this one deep and positively heart-rending. “I assumed one of the others was pranking me.”

"If it helps," he offered with an extended hand, not close enough to touch, "Everyone else is likely too preoccupied to have noticed. TK does seem," and there was the slow consideration of carefully chosen words here, "common paired with telepathy. Are we talking big things," and the man spread his arms to helpfully mime lifting a heavy object, "or smaller?" His gesture tightened, as if he was trying to indicate the shape of a racketball.

“Pieces of paper,” replied Emma. “Small items falling over behind me, that kind of thing. The kind of thing that might be a sudden unexpected gust of wind, or dust, or a sudden unexpected burst of TK, all of which are available to residents here. Ugh,” said Emma, somehow managing to make the word sound impossibly elegant. “Adrienne once told me she saw a few of my bedside trinkets floating beside me when she came in to wake me up. The thing is, Mr Centino,” said Emma, almost but not quite accusatory, “I absolutely refuse to be telekinetic. My mind is a scalpel, not a bulldozer. If I need to lift heavy objects, I have my own methods.” And for a moment, her skin rippled into diamond form and then back again.

Today in XProject:

September 29

2003: Crimson Dawn: Ororo informs Nathaniel Essex he isn't to take Betsy from the school before she has spoken to Professor Xavier.

2004: Charles tries in vain to alleviate Remy’s fears, and the Cajun then gets treated to a meal by Lorna and an examination by Madelyn. The doctor also gets a visit from Jubilee, who’s playing hooky, and heads to the bar with Kurt to plot mischievously. Kitty opens the books on which female member of the staff Haroun will hook up with, and when Sam and Alison will get back together. Charles riddles Moira. Nathan continues his search for Moira’s ring, and gets the third degree from Angelo when he loses his balance. That night, Nathan shows the ring to an approving Alison, and then deals with Askani and an astral-projecting Amanda in his dreams. Alex and Lorna continue making up for lost cute while a lot of the student body takes a movie night down in New York City.

2005: Kashmir Waltz: Nathan tells Angelo they need to go to Kashmir to seek information on young mutants. Manuel and Dani nearly sleep together. Jennie emails Fred Duncan to find her mother for her. Upgrade: Dr. Jonathan Hawksmoor talks to Alison about Haroun's recovery and about the old cyberware being an experiment in creating super-soldiers.

2006: Mommy Dearest Redux: Kurt leaves several messages indicating that he will be leaving for a short while.

2007: New Orleans Is Sinking: Research reveals Belladonna has magically enhanced a hurricane and used her political connections to stifle the evacuation; mercenaries are also being used to keep the poor population in New Orleans and blow up the levies as the storm hits to smash Tante's power base; Ororo volunteers to go with X-Force to New Orleans to try and stop the hurricane. Garrison goes to New York to watch over Marie-Ange. Haller emails Lorna about the previous day's goings on. Terry announces a Highlander movie marathon. Kevin accidentally withers a hippie girl's arm as she touches him, and panics. Terry emails Nathan to ask what's happened to Marie-Ange.

2008: Krypteia: Nathan emails Pete about his conclusions re the Taygetos program's private funding; Mariana Machado leaves the mansion, following goodbyes from Angelo and a rather odd scene with Nathan.

2009: Yvette makes her 'new trainee' post at x_team and the naming begins. Wanda emails Amanda inviting her out to lunch. Adrienne reads Kurt's rosary as a powers experiment goes awry and learns a little about his past. Catseye posts asking about a school play for the upcoming year. Julian leaves a present- a t shirt from wootshirt- for Doreen.

2010: Yvette posts about seeing Xuân, Nga and Leong in Salem Center. Angel spots Kevin out on the mansion grounds and decides to catch up with him, only to wrangle him into dinner with her mom. Julian invites Dori to a movie. Jean-Paul e-mails Wanda a thank you for the tickets she gave him.

2011: Sam posts about being nice to Adrienne. Korvus talks Lilandra about the truth behind his disappearance and incarceration in Madripoor, and arrangements are made for him to go to Xavier's. The Curse: The showdown between X-Force, the Minorus and Arcana Minoru very much does not go to plan, as Arcana kills Nico's parents and is let loose on the world.

2012: Sooraya and Scott talks about Sooraya going back on active duty.

2013: Maddie posts asking if she could die from a tea overdose because she thinks she has the plague and cold medication makes her loopy. Angel inquires as to whether anyone is missing a pet after she fell asleep outside and woke up among several animals due to her heat output. Tabitha posts asking if anyone wants to partake in a Betty White marathon. Laurie and Doug meet up to discuss her asking him out and the complications involved.

2014: Julian leaves two gifts and a note for Tandy. Tandy texts Julian to thank him for his presents. Megan meets with Amanda after her lesson and asks her to test her dust. Julian leaves Rogue a picture of a handbag that’s en route to her. Jessica and Rogue decide to show off by smashing rocks. Scott and Rogue catch up and reconnect in the Danger Room.

2015: Sooraya takes Angel riding and tries to draw her out on the subject on Clint, with a surprising lack of success. Felicia posts to Instagram showing a picture from the Georgio Armani fashion show she was attending. Aex posts to Instagram showing off pictures from home during his road trip with Lorna.

2016: The Dulcet Sound of My Voice: Clint texts Darcy and lets her know Garrulous and Scanner got away; Darcy, in turn, emails Hope A. and Doug to let them know.

2017: Quentin sends a fruit bouquet to Emma and Haller. Stephen asks Amanda to teach him offensive magic in the wake of the Shadow King incident.

2018: Betsy arrives at the mansion and Topaz gives her a tour. Topaz texts Amanda to alert her about Betsy’s arrival who in turn alerts some of the other members of X-Force.



2021: Gabe posts about the very stark racism of the Gala. Darcy and Kevin finally have that drink and discuss power training. Topaz texts America to let her know she forgot her shoes.


2023: Clean Slate - Madin gets a text about people asking around for them; Madin makes an escape plan; Kevin emails Garrison about Madin. A Haven to Call Home - Quentin updates everyone on the missing husband and announces they're going to Oregon; XFI finds a mutant definitely-not-a-cult, and Quentin is drawn in; they get info on the missing spouse and leave, case solved.

XProject Announcements and News:

And we're back! After two weeks of Wiki absence due to server issues, we're back on a new server and bigger than ever! Mega thanks to Frito and Nute for taking care of the onerous task of fighting with our old server and installing on the new. There may still be some bugs, so please contact the Wiki editorial team if you find anything that's wrong, such as missing pages.

In other news, Jason has acquired Sam Guthrie, Da'mien has picked up Jono Starsmore, Sil has put Lorna Dane into mothballs for a time whilst she takes on Karolina Dean. Her run will start in August. Also, welcome to Catherine, who will be bringing in another student, Callie "Dryad" Betto.

Coming Soon to X-Project!

  • Keep The Faith: When the Brotherhood captures a field team of mostly-inexperienced X-Men, they put them through the darkest of psychological mindgames to get them to crack.

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  • Creations Beautiful and Wondrous: An Elpis investigatory mission to Kyrgyzstan runs into some unusual complications.
  • Third Strike - Kurt's search for answers after 'Keep The Faith' takes an unexpected turn.
  • Red God: Nathan, Ororo and Jean travel to Wakanda, and wind up at the mercy of forces none of them understand.

As always, you can email the mods if you have any enquires about the game itself.

Please contact the Wiki editorial team if you have questions about the Wiki, suggestions for new pages or you've spotted an error.

Only current players will be granted editing rights to the Wiki.

Thanks to all those who have volunteered, and whose hard work made this project possible.

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