Template:Featured Articles/46-2011

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Sooraya sm.jpg
Sooraya Qadir is a young Afghani girl with the ability to turn herself into sand. Taken and sold by slavers as a young girl, she was 'bought' and freed by Nathan Dayspring during an Elpis fact-finding mission and brought back to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Quiet and modest according to her culture, Sooraya has spent the last two years working on her English and her powers. An unexpected reunion with her mother in 2007 gave her the impetus to continue her schooling and return home for the summer, and she returned to Xavier's in October 2009. Things had changed, however, and she decided to relocate to the Attilan school in August 2010.

This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.