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Callie Betto
Portrayed by Haley Bennett
Codename: None
Affiliations: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - Student
Birthdate: 24 August, 1991
Journal: Sabra Girl
Player: Catherine

The daughter of the well-known mutant landscaper Giancarlo Betto, Callie returns to the States after almost a year abroad in attempt to regain control of her powers.

(Work in Progress)


Character Journal: x_dryad

Real Name: Calliope Ann Betto


Aliases: Callie

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: 24 August, 1991

Place of Birth: Burlington, VT

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Giancarlo (father), Elizabeth (mother, deceased)

Education: Up to 11th grade

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: (if applicable)



Born in Burlington, Vermont in 1991 to Giancarlo Betto and his wife Elizabeth, Calliope Ann Betto was a seemingly normal child; well apart from the pointed ears and pink skin that didn’t disappear as she grew up. Giancarlo, a famous mutant landscape architect, and Elizabeth, a music teacher, were both mutants, and it was almost assured that their little girl would be one as well.

Growing up Callie was never ashamed to be a mutant, but she never thought it made her any different, especially because she hadn’t manifested her powers. She attended the private school where her mom taught music, and was generally accepted despite her unusual appearance. She had a few close friends, and was generally liked by all. Being rather studious, Callie spent a good deal of time reading outside in her free time. Or when her father was home he would take her hiking, camping, rock-climbing, and teach her all sorts of outdoorsy things.

As she entered puberty, both she and her parents wondered which of their powers she had inherited; Elizabeth was a low-level telepath and Giancarlo was chlorokinetic. One day when she was eleven, after what had been a frightfully long and harsh winter Callie and Elizabeth were out in the garden planting flowers. Usually by this time the flowers had bloomed, and as Callie willed it so they did. Callie’s father was particularly proud of his daughter after this point and took it upon himself to help her learn to control her powers. He minimized his traveling for work, and only traveled within the country so he could spend more time with his daughter.

Then tragedy struck the Betto household the summer in which Callie was set to turn 14. Elizabeth had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. For two years the doctors tried to treat her, but nothing they did seemed to help, it was already too invasive and had been caught too late. Shortly before Callie’s sixteenth birthday her mother died, and Giancarlo moved him and his daughter to Milan to be with his parents.

Living At The X-Mansion

Shortly following Elizabeth’s death, Callie began to demonstrate loss of control over her powers. Either they would not work, or they would cause exponential growth. Assuming that this was a temporary expression of grief, Giancarlo thought nothing of it. That is until late April/early May when he realized that this problem had escalated to her not being able to do anything with her powers and decided to send his daughter to Westchester to see if the group there could help.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’10

Weight: 150lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Other Features: Pink skin, pointy ears, one piercing in each ear


Chlorokinesis- Callie’s power is twofold:

Plant communication: Callie has the ability to communicate with plants much like a telepath can with people. It is not a particularly strong connection in that she must actively be maintaining a link (ie a plant cannot simply call out telepathically to her mind) for communication to occur. It is for this reason that she rarely uses the power, and tends to forget about it at times. When a plant communicates, it is not like humans nor animals because plants do not have emotions. They cannot express fear, excitement, happiness, etc. Instead, Callie would explain plants as “speaking” in senses. For example, if a plant needed water Callie would receive wetness. She wouldn’t feel wet, but because she knows what wetness is from prior experience she would be able to understand. The same holds true for when she speaks to them. She can only focus on one “thought” at a time; usually the ones she understands. When she doesn’t understand (for example if the plant is being killed off by a certain chemical that she wouldn’t respond to) she can sometimes offer vague explanations about the general state of the plant, or she has no idea what’s going on.

Plant control: Callie can accelerate, decelerate, or reverse plant growth. She can control plants within a twenty foot radius. The type of growth that occurs depends on each plant. Smaller, less complex plants grow very quickly (for example vines, weeds, flowers, etc.) while larger plants, such as trees she only controls a section of. She can cause a branch of a tree to bend at an angle from the tree, whether that be parallel to the ground or perpendicular to it, as well as causing leaves, flowers, and fruit to grow. Growing a full tree is possible with much time and concentration, and certainly not in one sitting.


Nothing special.


Callie was named for an instrument and not the Greek muse as most people might think.



Player: Catherine


AIM: MusiCath51188

Player Icon Base: Haley Bennett

Meta Trivia

Much thanks to Nute for doing the icons and images