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More rumour than anything else, the EOE's motives are unknown. They do, however, seem to have a wide range of interest in the paranormal, including mutants.

First Appearance

May 1, 2006


Largely unknown. Francis Russell, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Home Office, was linked to the Executive after the rescue of Romany Wisdom, but he died shortly after his capture, apparently of a massive heart attack.


The EOE - Extranormal Operations Executive - is an old name for an English group associated with the government that was thought to have fallen out of use many years ago. In 2006 it resurfaced, in connection to the abduction of London's magic-using community, forcing magic practitioners to go even further underground for their own safety. Their apparent connections with the British government - the only known member was a Parliamentary Under-Secretary - make them a difficult target, and without hard and fast evidence of their activities, little has been able to be done. X-Force believes they encountered the group again in Uganda almost a year later, but again, they are lacking in evidence of this.

Investigations into the group continue.


Operation: Opening Salvo

Operation: Cruel Country


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