Hope Abbott

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Hope Abbott
Portrayed by Ariel Winters
Codename: Trance
Birthdate: 18 May 1997
Journal: x_trance
Player: Eva

Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: http://x-trance.livejournal.com/profile x_trance]

Real Name: Hope Abbott

Codename: n/a

Aliases: n/a

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: 18 May 1997

Place of Birth: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Parents Jason and Catherine Abbott & her grandmother Hannah Abbott

Education: Sophomore in the year 2012-2013

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Hish school student

Team Affiliation:



Hope was born and raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. On the outside she had an idyllic childhood in many ways. Her father Jason was an accountant, her mother Catherine was an stay-at-home mom. As an only child, her parents poured much of their energy in her. She lacked for nothing, though she wasn’t spoiled. Her parents sent her to an expensive private school, [www.dcds.edu/page.cfm?p=1 Detroit Country Day School], where she started learning French and the violin in Kindergarten and art history in third grade among other things. At school she was a good student, making good, but not outstanding grades. Her mom was a stay-at-home mom, though she could be something of a helicopter mom. After school she would do homework, practice the violin and occasionally play in the neighborhood with her friends. Her father worked long hours and as a consequence he wasn’t around that much. From seventh grade she had to participate in at least one sport at school and she choose sports like tennis or volleyball.

Yet there was always a subtle pressure on Hope. Her parents were social climbers and they were very much concerned with how they would appear to the people around them. Hope was supposed to be the model of a perfect child. Well-behaved, well-liked, well-dressed, well-read, and successful in her grades and hobbies, but not so she would stick out in any way. A good marriage later would be important and a man doesn’t like it if a woman overachieves him in anything. The first time this happened was when she was only six and in first grade. She came home, telling she had beaten one of the boys in her class on a spelling bee they had had. Her parents didn’t congratulate her, but her mother told her that she should have let the boy win. She needed to marry a good boy when she was grownup and boys don’t like it when girls are better then them. She is encouraged though to be among the best of the girls though, showing that she makes excellent marriage material.

When she was twelve, Catherine decided her daughter needed more sophistication. So she convinced a few of her friends and together they enrolled their daughters in a [www.charlestonschoolofprotocol.com/topic.asp?pid=56/ summer etiquette course/camp] for young teens for five days that included things like introducing yourself and others, handshaking, making eye contact, extending and accepting invitations, thank you notes, table manners, giving and receiving compliments, telephone etiquette, poise, posture, the art of listening and leadership. Things like the fundamentals of ballroom dancing, public speaking and how to dress were also included. It was concluded with a formal dinner. Hope’s mother is the only one of the mothers though who also really enforces the use of these manners in day to day life though. She does find other people who don’t use basic manners strange and maybe even a little uncivilized.

As Hope grew older, college was always on the horizon, but absolutely no major in something that would result in a real career, despite the fact that she attended an expensive college prep school.. Something like English, art history or American studies was considered appropriate. College was meant to get her Mrs. degree. If not during college, she could find a little job somewhere she would have good chances of meeting appropriate men. Her mother would love to have her take a gap year and attend [www.institutvillapierrefeu.com/EN.html/ Institut Villa Pierrefeu], but her dad finds $53,320 for a nine month course on good manners and running a household totally unnecessary and even somewhat a waste of money.

Things looked good for Hope in her freshmen year. She enjoyed her classes, had joined the Day Times Newspaper because she wanted to try something new and she even got her first boyfriend Simon just before her fifteenth birthday. He was a fellow student at Detroit Country Day School and also played the violin, where they were closely matched in capabilities. Their relationship was very much still a puppy love relationship, nothing much further then holding hands and a few small kisses. Nothing like unchaperoned dates or French kissing.

Living At The X-Mansion

Will follow...

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’8

Weight: 39 lbs or 63 kg

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown

Other Features: Her ears are pierced.


Hope has the power of astral projection. She goes into some kind of altered state of consciousness to release her astral self. Her body falls unconscious when she leaves and in the beginning she will always return after about ten minutes, but with training she will be able to spent a few hours outside her body. She has a range of about 100 meters at first, but this can expand to about 1000 after a lot of practice. She can see an hear, but she cannot feel or smell things. Her astral form appears as a white ghost to the people around her and is visible to everyone. Her astral form is capable of flight and can pass through walls.

Since she is a from of energy herself, she can detect parts of the psionic and electromagnetic spectrum, since the two are closely related, instead of the normal human five senses. She perceives auras and energy patterns that are invisible to the naked human eye such as the emotional state of others from their auras or heat signatures. From the electromagnetic spectrum she perceives: - Infrared - 'see in the dark'. She can heat signatures with this for example. - UV - ‘see UV-light’ She will be able to use this check if bill or other documents with counterfeit measures are real. - X-Ray - 'see through walls'. This she can use to see through walls or look into locked containers.

At first she will have a lot trouble processing all the information that she receives by this. She will see everything at once as a large jumble. Later on she’ll be able to sort things out and maybe even filter things out. First she can only to this in astral form, but later on she will be able to do this in human form also. She can communicate with humans by a form of projective telepathy, much like Jane Doe.

In her astral form she is invulnerable to physical attacks and getting hit by an energy blast will force her back to her own body with a shock. She is particularly vulnerable to a psychic attack by an telepath or empath for example.




Hope is skilled at playing the violin.


Links only. No descriptions.


Player: Eva



Player Icon Base: Ariel Winters

Meta Trivia

Hope is Eva's second character.