Template:Selected anniversaries/December 9

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December 9th - Sofia Mantega-Barret's birthday


2003: Scott returns from his FOH-related mission. Something Wicked: Betsy confesses to Scott that she is losing time and doing things she can't remember. Angelo moves into a new room and makes an appointment to see Charles Xavier. Doug asks Marie out and she accepts as a friend. Cain has his first therapy session with Moira and he smashes her desk. Doug helps track down Emma by investigating psychic inhibitor drug orders.

2004: Scott puts Alison back to work, giving her something fun to do. Alison and Madelyn go to talk to the FBI about Alison's stalker, then go shopping - followed by a bar brawl. Manuel and Kyle go swimming, and Manuel discovers that he remembers how. Remy's Eleven: Amanda calls Angelo the night before the raid, and they exchange news. Doug is given a palatial suite at the casino as a high roller, and Forge is put in a suitcase.

2005: In a remarkable act of civility, Catseye agrees to help Marius with a little training that does not involve random attacks (though claws continue to feature). Marius and Tommy finally cross paths, and, strangely enough, find it's something of a relief to talk to someone else still new to the whole mutant thing. After music class, Terry has a request for Alison. But first, dancing pens! Forge comes to Nathan with questions about the book of Askani technology that Nathan left for him. Some questions are answered, more are raised, and an agreement is come to. Safely returned from his harrowing abduction by Lorna and Paige, Scott gets a visit from Marius that has nothing to do with anything. Except for cider. There is a certain extent of cider involved. Catseye rewards Marius for his hard work by giving him a cat pillow. Alison reads Haroun's letter, then decides to go have some Words with the Moor.

2006: Snow wars - the red heads line up against the rest of the school; comments in Yvette's journal lead to Crystal and Kyle arguing about how the other perceives people and Yvette gets upset; Kyle emails the staff apologising and goes to hide in his tree. Nathan and Angelo do some shopping in Oman and discuss various matters. Crystal and Terry work on Winter Ball preparations. Juanita Espinosa and Gail Collins meet and discuss a "parents of mutants" support group. Sofia celebrates her birthday.

2007: Sofia's birthday, and Amanda leaves her a plant. Angelo and Marie-Ange meet, and she is unsuccessful in trying to reassure him about the death prophesied; Angelo goes out and gets extremely drunk.

2008: Julian emails to Karolina to apologise for doubting the existence of the superhero team in the basement. Morgan-as-Manuel runs into Zanne and apologises for being an ass on the journals, and then flirts with (and makes a date with) Amara. Manuel approaches Jean-Paul about the safety of the students and is rebuffed; Jean-Paul emails Nathan, concerned about his reactions to Manuel and is informed the empath was probably projecting, Nathan removes the remains of an empathic loop from Jean-Paul's mind. Amara meets Julian. Jan meets Julian and invites him to the mall with her.

2009: Amanda wishes Sofia a happy birthday, as does Wanda, recovering from her 'flu. Marie-Ange mentions researching strange lights in the sky over Norway in case it's Asgardian in nature.

2010: Amara announces in her journal that HeliX is hosting a Christmas party/fundraiser next week. Laurie complains about being given more school work. Fianchetto: While out and about in the city, Doug gets attacked by an assassin and ends up killing the man; Amanda comments about Doug's appearance in a journal post; Doug informs X-Force about it.

2011: Sarah V. emails Layla to check up on her, given the resurrected critters around the mansion. Scott reports another sighting of the 'pirate mice', one missing an eye and one missing a leg, this time in the garage. Adrienne visits Vanessa with pizza and they have one of their very rambling discussions, including Adri's role with X-Factor and her return to Narcotics Anonymous. Jean-Paul texts Adrienne to warn her of impending lunch kidnapping. Jubilee posts about Remy and Ororo's marriage and other things David might have missed while he was away. Following Sarah's email, Sarah V. and Layla watch movies together and get more physically close than either does normally.

2012: Kyle and Wade clean out the kitchen.

2013: Topaz posts about having lost a book and if anyone has seen it.

2014: Wade delivers an iPad to Arthur with an IM asking if he's alive. Arthur and Haller explore the gaps in Arthur's memories. Matt leaves clint an iTunes gift card as a late birthday present. Clarice posts a picture of her decorated suite. Gabriel posts about how things have been crazy. God is a Gun: Molly discovers a hole in her hat and takes it the adults; Wade is taken out by Bullseye and kidnapped; Scott texts Marie-Ange saying he thinks Molly was the actual target, and finds out he's wrong; Marie-Ange goes to see Doug at the clinic, and they realize they've been making wrong assumptions; Bullseye gives Wade his version of a last supper before they get started, Rogue and Cammie interrupt the party just in time to keep Wade from losing his head. Literally.