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MoA Meggan.png
Moment of Awesome - Meggan: When Scott Summers has Jean-Phillipe Colbert EMP the BLackbird to remove a nanite infestation, Meggan is part of the recovery team.

Scott finally emerged, his brown eyes observing the once-proud wreckage of the Blackbird, the jet that har survived countless missions, the best that the greatest villains in the world could throw at it. He'd rebuild it, better than ever but...it was dead for now. A steep, fingertips brushing over the dirt-covered floor for a moment before he reached out to pluck up a scrap of metal that had been thrown from the dashboard, turning it over and over in his hands, not looking up, not reacting. Not just yet.

Emma did a quick telepathic scan of the walking wounded and frowned as her mind ran across Scott’s. It didn’t feel quite right; she was used to a bright, vivid sense of Scott and he felt unreactive, like the world was a bit too far away. “Meggan,” said Emma. “You’re the lightest of us - can you tiptoe into the Blackbird and let us know if there’s anything that seems like to explode or collapse catastrophically? Don’t go in far if it seems dangerous. And Scott,” she said, softly. “Is there any chance you could have a concussion? Or perhaps - you’ve been overtaken by nanites?” She wished desperately for a moment that she had someone with more medical training with her, but she hoped Scott would have some idea of what he was feeling.

“Of course; yes,” Meggan quickly agreed upon hearing Emma's suggestion. She had an idea to go with that, too. There was moving lightly, and then there was the next best thing to that; levitation would not put any pressure onto the metal at all, if it was under such strain. “It will be tiptoeing with a dash of floating, in case it’s really ready to collapse,” she added as she moved towards the entrance to the Blackbird.

The X-Man blinked slowly before shaking his head, "No...no nanites." It just all felt so...unreal. This was the Blackbird...he'd crashed the Blackbird. Now Charles would take away his keys and never let him fly the jet again. "I...I..just tired." Perhaps he could just take a nap here, till this was over, but there would always be another emergency, and another one after that. THere was always one more emergency to deal with and put down. It just never seemed to stop and he was so so tired...

Emma cursed under her breath at both Scott's words and the thoughts he was randomly floating into the atmosphere, like a somewhat untethered balloon. It was definitely a concussion. Concussion irritated Emma; if she absolutely needed to she could use her telepathy and perk you right back up, but she was a telekinetic and she couldn’t fix the physical damage to the brain. Time was the only thing that fixed that. But she slipped her mind into Scott's, bolstering his consciousness, waking him up somewhat. "No sleeping, Scott," she said, briskly. "Not until we’ve got you to a doctor." She looked at what surrounded her a made a couple of quick decisions. "Arthur, could you please help Scott get back to the Mansion; he’s a bit woozy and I don’t want him falling over. Angelo, give me Jean-Phillipe - could you please hover near the door of the Blackbird? If anything starts falling in or exploding, you might be able to reach and help Meggan get out without needing to go in to an unstable structure. I’ll get Jean-Phillipe to a safe distance and then I’ll come back and help."

"You got it. JP - no, come on now, Emma's going to look after you.” He peeled his somewhat exhausted husband's arms off his waist and handed him over, then headed for the plane door. "Megs? You OK in there?"

Meggan was just then starting her way back, through some minor smoke, which was emitted from some of the burned instruments. Just as she opened her mouth to say she was fine so far, Meggan heard an ominous noise in the depths of the Blackbird that wasn’t just the groan of settling metal anymore. It was time to get out, as flames crackled, and erupted. “Nope, everyone out of the way! Fire!” She called as she flew as fast as she could towards the hatch.

Angelo had been watching for this, and instantly lashed out to grab her with as much skin as he could spare then whipped it all back in, pulling her towards him and the door much faster than she could move herself. He was already running before she reached him and the skin strips wrapped her safely against his back.

Emma looked behind her at the sound of the explosion. She'd got a decent distance away from the jet, helping Jean-Phillipe keep his feet. It was far enough that she had time to see Angelo, with a surprised Meggan attached to his back, running at an angle away from the plane, and Arthur and Scott far enough away that the debris was miraculously making a wide curve around them. The wide curve meant, however, that a very large section of jet fuselage was heading at high speed directly at her. With another, significantly more inventive, curse, Emma swung Jean-Phillipe in front of her, then turned to diamond, leaning back into the oncoming explosion.