Category:Fiction and Art
Sometimes people's creativity overflows past the confines of the game. Check out the results, be they alternate histories, unposted logs, behind the scenes drabbles or artistic daubings.
(incomplete - there's still lots of drabbles out there to be added!)
Arranged by author:
Alicia, Cora, Frito, Jazz, Kate, Nute, Erik, Rossi, Seraph, Tapestry, Willow.
Reader pieces:
Longer Pieces/Series
Beginnings (Kurt Wagner) by Rossi
Coffee And Cake (Kurt Wagner) by Rossi and Kate
Sin (Kurt Wagner) by Rossi and Kate
The Heist ( Domino and Yuriko) by Alicia and Erik
Oops, I Know What A Girl Wants, So Show Me The Meaning Of Being Dirrty (Shinobi Shaw) by Lauren and Hilory.
Asian Tigers, part 1 of 3 (Nathan Dayspring and The Pack) by Alicia
Angels Weep (Jay Guthrie/Kevin Cabot) by Ben
Go Tell The Spartans (AU - Nathan Dayspring) by Alicia
- Prologue Gray Spirits
- Part 1 Sinking Stars
- Part 2 Vest The Dim Sea
- Part 3 The Strength That Moved Heaven And Earth
- Part 4 Untravell'd Worlds
- Part 5 The Thunder and The Sunshine
Bored (Jennie Stavros, Marius Laverne) by Azzy
Over The Hills And Far Away (Nathan Dayspring and The Pack) by Alicia
The Adventures of Lili and Crush by Amy
When? (Dr. Stephen Strange, Agatha Harkness) by Jen
X-Project 2015
A series of scenes written in 2005, projecting ten years into the future.
Haroun 2015 by Erik
Forge 2015 by Nute
Catseye 2015 by Willow
Manuel 2015 by Erik
Shiro 2015 by Ben
Terry 2015 by Sil
Kitty 2015 by Cora
Bobby 2015 by Jess
Amanda 2015 by Rossi
Lorna 2015 by Sil
Angel 2015 by Toby
Jennie 2015 by Azzy
Inside the Actor's Studio
Note from Dex: Something that Rossi and I played with as a potential April Fool's event was the idea of interviews with our character player bases as if XP was an actual production; who likes who, feuds and rumours, what got awards, etc. It's been kicking around my work computer for a while, so I decided to finish it up.
Callum Keith Rennie aka Remy LeBeau, by Dex
Billie Piper aka Amanda Sefton, by Rossi
Alicia Witt aka Marie-Ange Colbert, by Rossi
Brock Lesnar aka Cain Marko, by Frito
Ryan Phillipe aka Doug Ramsey, by Nute
When Alex Blew Up ( Alex Summers, Lorna Dane, Emma Frost, Scott Summers) by Amy, Sil, Andrew and Jules. (incomplete)
During The Invasion (Sarah Morlocke, Betsy Braddock) by Emily and Jazz
Three Unfinished Logs ( Kitty Pryde-Lee Kuk, Illyana Rasputin- Kitty Pryde, Paige Guthrie- Kitty Pryde) by Cora, Lauren and Aisy. (incomplete)
Cautionary Tales ( Jean Grey and Lorna Dane) by Cora and Sil (incomplete)
Theraputic Kidnapping (Pete Wisdom, Domino) by Alicia and Alasdair (incomplete)
Theraputic Kidnapping II (Pete Wisdom, Domino, Marie-Ange Colbert, Sarah Morlocke, Amanda Sefton) by Alasdair, Alicia, Frito, Emily and Rossi (incomplete)
Feast, Then Ashes (Remy LeBeau, Lorna Dane and Amanda Sefton) by Dex, Sil and Rossi
First Session (Manuel de la Rocha and David Haller) by Erik and Tapestry
Bilbao (Manuel de la Rocha, Domino) by Erik and Alicia
Cassidys (Sean Cassidy, Theresa Cassidy) by Alasdair and Sil
Lunch With A Princess ( Lorna Dane, Crystal Amaquelin) by Sil and Cassidy
Approved as canon unless otherwise stated.
Take Out ( Jean Grey-Charles Xavier) by Cora
When Scotty Met Jeannie (Scott Summers- Jean Grey) by Alicia and Cora
The Dance Continues (Scott Summers- Jean Grey) by Alicia and Cora
Girl Talk ( Jean Grey-Ororo Munroe) by Cora
Rumblings ( Jean Grey/Scott Summers) by Alicia and Cora
Personal Demons (Moira MacTaggart, Nathan Dayspring) by Jen
The Stars At Northerly Latitudes (Moira MacTaggart-Nathan Dayspring) by Jen and Alicia
A Royal Meeting (Pietro Maximoff, Medusa Amaquelin, Crystal Amaquelin) by Alan, Avital and Cassidy
Scenes From A Life (Jubilation Lee) by Seraph with socking by Dex
You can also find pieces posted on x_project
Trainee banner - the first generation by Aisy
Trainee wallpaper - the second generation by Nute
New Mutants banner 1 and 2 by Nute
New Mutants 2008-2009 Wallpaper by Nute
New Mutants Wallpaper v. 2 by Nute
Penance (art) by Al
Gladiator poster commissioned from Amy of Marvel Icons on IJ.
Imperial Guard/Sacrifice poster commissioned from Amy of Marvel Icons on IJ.
X-Men Trainees 2012 Wallpaper by Sam
New Mutants banner 2012-2013 by Sam
Adrienne at Harry's by Chelsea Conlin
Evolution Leaps Forward by Mackinzie
A Very Guthrie Christmas by Roy
Dixe Dead Shake poster by Mackinzie
Art supplied by various DeviantArt artists and posted to the feedback comm.
Don't Close Your Eyes by Mackinzie
X-Project vid, This Is War by Mackinzie
X-Project vid, Human by Mackinzie
X-Project vignettes by Mackinzie
Jean Grey-Summers - I Will Break by Mackinzie
Molly Hayes - One Girl Revolution by Mackinzie
Welcome To Genosha by Mackinzie for the Genosha Arc
The Truth, by Mackinzie for the Genosha Arc
Genosha - Oh Death, by Mackinzie for the Genosha Arc
Pages in category "Fiction and Art"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- Take Out
- Tapestry Drabbles
- Teen Girl Squad
- Terry 2015
- The Adventures of Lili and Crush
- The Dance Continues
- The Heist
- The Stars At Northerly Latitudes
- The Strength That Moved Heaven And Earth
- The Thunder and The Sunshine
- Theraputic Kidnapping
- Theraputic Kidnapping II
- Three Unfinished Logs
- Trainee banner - the first generation
- Trainee wallpaper - the second generation
Media in category "Fiction and Art"
The following 158 files are in this category, out of 158 total.
- 5DE42215-9CB8-440F-81F3-5089DB53DFCB.png 1,241 × 1,748; 875 KB
- 7minutes.jpg 600 × 800; 385 KB
- A v X.jpg 209 × 300; 28 KB
- Adrienne.jpg 716 × 1,000; 182 KB
- AEFAESmall.png 250 × 300; 135 KB
- Afon.png 250 × 300; 197 KB
- Afterlife-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 217 KB
- AmadeusAd.PNG 250 × 300; 149 KB
- Analog kid.jpg 300 × 300; 35 KB
- Any other world.jpg 200 × 250; 23 KB
- Aoa-poster-x2.jpg 600 × 800; 302 KB
- APIAS.jpg 225 × 300; 95 KB
- Arise Xman.jpg 300 × 300; 41 KB
- Ashes-logo-250.png 250 × 333; 83 KB
- Attica-attica.jpg 600 × 800; 389 KB
- Bedlam poster.jpg 400 × 600; 236 KB
- Best-deceptions.jpg 250 × 340; 92 KB
- Bhagavad Gita poster.jpeg 397 × 525; 46 KB
- BlingNewAd.png 250 × 300; 156 KB
- Botpoh-pixie-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 461 KB
- Brimstone-logo-250-corrected.png 250 × 333; 136 KB
- Btwposter small.png 250 × 379; 127 KB
- Capital-turpitude-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 178 KB
- Chart V4.jpg 841 × 1,189; 248 KB
- ChartV1.jpg 900 × 700; 90 KB
- ChartV2.jpg 1,200 × 800; 97 KB
- ChartV3.jpg 1,024 × 800; 128 KB
- ChartV5.jpg 800 × 1,050; 152 KB
- ChartV6.jpg 717 × 1,036; 180 KB
- ChartV7.jpg 1,192 × 714; 173 KB
- ChicagoIsBurning Poster2.png 250 × 300; 95 KB
- Christian's Angels.png 250 × 188; 23 KB
- Clause 16 poster.jpg 600 × 800; 251 KB
- Color of horror poster.png 250 × 300; 136 KB
- Danger-room-paradox-small.jpg 280 × 350; 94 KB
- Dark-phoenix-poster-duex.jpg 600 × 800; 278 KB
- Darkness-plot-poster.jpg 834 × 1,200; 402 KB
- Day Zero poster.jpg 600 × 800; 292 KB
- Dead Letter Office - Swiss Connection poster.jpg 600 × 800; 449 KB
- Dead Letter Office - We Won't Play Sun City poster.jpg 600 × 800; 413 KB
- Deli-cat-essen-wiki-logo.jpg 275 × 400; 81 KB
- DestineArcSmall.png 250 × 300; 132 KB
- Digital Kid Analog Man poster.jpg 600 × 600; 185 KB
- Dinosaur bugaloo.jpg 225 × 300; 34 KB
- Dixie-dead-shake-poster.jpg 1,944 × 2,952; 1.89 MB
- DruidAd.png 250 × 300; 173 KB
- Dw small.png 225 × 300; 124 KB
- Dwtd-poster-2.jpg 778 × 1,017; 332 KB
- DWTD.jpg 225 × 300; 45 KB
- Evolution Leaps Forward.jpeg 600 × 800; 0 bytes
- Fear-in-the-dark-wiki.png 250 × 300; 50 KB
- Fiddlers green poster.jpg 600 × 800; 375 KB
- Fifth Column poster.jpeg 600 × 800; 311 KB
- FRPoster 2.png 250 × 300; 150 KB
- Funkadoo.jpg 553 × 692; 240 KB
- Fury-plot-outtake (1).jpg 600 × 800; 93 KB
- Fury-said-to-a-mouse-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 323 KB
- GalleryRogue.jpg 760 × 1,423; 144 KB
- Genosha 5.jpg 225 × 300; 99 KB
- Genosha 6.jpg 225 × 300; 83 KB
- Genosha BG.jpg 1,366 × 780; 950 KB
- Genosha Part 1.jpg 600 × 800; 155 KB
- Genosha Part 2.jpg 600 × 800; 207 KB
- Genosha.jpg 225 × 300; 120 KB
- Gladiator poster.jpg 400 × 534; 93 KB
- Godisagun.png 250 × 333; 165 KB
- Great Attractors poster.jpg 1,000 × 1,310; 360 KB
- Grotesque and Sublime small.jpg 250 × 294; 46 KB
- Half An Ocean Away.jpg 225 × 300; 108 KB
- HDD Poster.png 250 × 300; 118 KB
- Heretics poster.jpg 600 × 800; 467 KB
- Hfc-invitation 1 400px.jpg 306 × 400; 42 KB
- HISTMC poster.png 233 × 350; 74 KB
- House-of-horrors-poster-small.jpg 280 × 350; 69 KB
- HTH.png 225 × 300; 167 KB
- I Do Not Poster.jpg 225 × 300; 99 KB
- In The Balance.jpg 225 × 300; 54 KB
- IoG Small.png 250 × 300; 139 KB
- Joyful-noixe.png 816 × 1,056; 113 KB
- Kingtideposter4.png 778 × 1,017; 964 KB
- Ktf poster.jpg 600 × 800; 249 KB
- Little Paper Dolls poster.jpg 800 × 533; 67 KB
- Madripoor-poster.jpg 600 × 705; 215 KB
- MagicGraphic.png 250 × 151; 74 KB
- Mansion-demons.jpg 600 × 800; 259 KB
- Mansion-fireworks-v2.jpg 1,078 × 918; 168 KB
- MoR poster.jpg 958 × 818; 492 KB
- MRA.jpg 600 × 250; 33 KB
- Mummies poster.jpg 600 × 800; 460 KB
- Murder-they-tweeted-poster-small.jpg 280 × 350; 111 KB
- NDorkTimes.jpg 500 × 333; 50 KB
- New Mutant 2012-13.jpg 1,366 × 768; 347 KB
- NewMutants1.jpg 920 × 400; 272 KB
- NewMutants2.jpg 800 × 164; 112 KB
- Nightmare-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 124 KB
- Nm wallpaper 2.jpg 1,440 × 900; 556 KB
- Nm wallpaper.JPG 1,024 × 768; 710 KB
- Nm-banner-2011-class.jpg 800 × 164; 64 KB
- Nowhereking.png 406 × 500; 387 KB
- One-night-in-madripoor-jor-fix.jpg 600 × 800; 278 KB
- One-night-in-madripoor-teaser (1).jpg 600 × 800; 210 KB
- Onwards to Victory.jpg 225 × 300; 86 KB
- Ows-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 304 KB
- Penance art.jpg 625 × 583; 43 KB
- Poor-Unfortunate-Souls-Poster.jpg 600 × 800; 333 KB
- Problematique.jpg 188 × 250; 46 KB
- RCD Poster2.png 250 × 333; 193 KB
- Rdq-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 285 KB
- Red x.jpg 600 × 800; 293 KB
- RenFair.jpg 225 × 300; 103 KB
- Revenant poster.jpeg 692 × 451; 259 KB
- Rubicon poster.jpg 800 × 600; 251 KB
- Sacrifice.jpg 400 × 533; 104 KB
- Satan Claw poster.jpg 800 × 600; 525 KB
- Sauron-2-yep.jpg 600 × 800; 501 KB
- Savrola.jpg 225 × 300; 74 KB
- Secret empire motorcycle club.png 250 × 300; 39 KB
- SetFireWiki.png 250 × 300; 120 KB
- SGAd.png 250 × 300; 178 KB
- Shaboom.jpeg 250 × 171; 33 KB
- Shiva poster.jpg 696 × 459; 230 KB
- SIB Poster.png 225 × 300; 101 KB
- Siege-Perilous-Poster-Wide.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 1.67 MB
- Sleeping-beauty-poster.jpg 700 × 558; 154 KB
- Somewheremorefamiliar.jpg 213 × 300; 97 KB
- Sons-of-mutancy-poster.jpg 250 × 313; 31 KB
- SotFSmall.png 200 × 240; 105 KB
- Spider.png 250 × 300; 146 KB
- Sstwc.png 233 × 350; 107 KB
- Stemming the Tide.jpg 225 × 300; 119 KB
- Step by Step.jpg 225 × 300; 110 KB
- TabsAd.png 250 × 300; 160 KB
- TDP-Poster small.jpg 233 × 350; 48 KB
- Teenage Wasteland.jpg 225 × 300; 114 KB
- Teengirlsquad.jpg 600 × 400; 42 KB
- The Chart v8.3.jpg 1,628 × 1,272; 252 KB
- The Dawn of Liberation.jpg 225 × 300; 82 KB
- The Unrelenting Struggle.jpg 225 × 300; 93 KB
- TheProblématique.jpg 600 × 800; 251 KB
- Thosewhoaredeadcopy.png 799 × 613; 464 KB
- Times They Are A-Changin.jpg 225 × 300; 75 KB
- Trainee wallpaper copy.jpg 1,280 × 1,024; 376 KB
- Trainees 2012.jpg 1,366 × 768; 451 KB
- Trainees.jpg 600 × 450; 30 KB
- Trialofjeangrey small.png 250 × 333; 200 KB
- TSS Poster.png 250 × 300; 148 KB
- TToAPoster.png 233 × 350; 186 KB
- ViolentGamesPoster.jpg 500 × 800; 84 KB
- Voodoochild.jpeg 250 × 157; 17 KB
- Winter soldier.jpg 225 × 300; 46 KB
- Wonderwall-poster.jpg 600 × 800; 148 KB
- X-factor-logo.jpg 800 × 164; 58 KB
- X-Force Wallpaper.JPG 1,440 × 900; 258 KB
- X-force-logo.jpg 800 × 164; 75 KB
- XP Scribblenauts.jpg 360 × 323; 58 KB
- Xp-ban2.jpg 842 × 387; 141 KB
- Zemoposter1.jpg 600 × 800; 335 KB
- Zemoposter2.jpg 600 × 800; 425 KB