Template:Featured Articles/21-2020

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MoA Velocidad.png
Moment of Awesome - Gabriel Cohuelo/Velocidad: An accident sees Gabriel encountering a doctor whose mutant phobia is only slightly less than his racism.

As he leaned back on a hospital bed, a nurse stood at the other end, removing the T-shirt he'd tied around his leg to stop the bleeding. "Be careful with that," he advised her, wincing as she peeled it off. "I had to sleep with an ex to get those concert tickets, and I'm gonna want that souvenir back."

The nurse, who's nametag read 'Georgia' gave Gabriel a smile. "I'll do my best, honey," she said, gently setting the t-shirt into a pan.

"I don't think that blood is gonna come out in the wash, though."

"Who do we have now?" a male voice said, muffled from outside in the hallway, and Georgia's smile disappeared like flicking a lightswitch.

"Human or another mutie? This one has insurance right? We aren't running a charity hospital."

Georgia spared Gabriel a sympathetic look. She stared to speak when a thin man in a lab coat pushed his way in to the exam room. He was starting to go bald, and had a severe face that was only tempered a little by glasses. His nametag read 'Dr. Martin Morano,'

"How it's going in here, Georgia?" he said, picking up Gabriel's chart.

"Gabriel...Co-hue-lo....Ah. You speak English?" he said, raising his voice slightly, squinting. "Se habla....English?"

He eyed Gabriel's leg. "Well, that looks nasty. Better be more careful."

Georgia cleared her throat. "Uh...Dr. Grey is on her way. This is her patient," she said.

Morano waved her off. "Grey's running late picking up labs. I just popped into make sure nothing goes pear-shaped until she gets here. He'll be fine."

"Charming beside manner there, doc." Gabriel's eyes had narrowed considerably. He had already decided to pilfer the man's watch, wallet or wedding ring on his way out of the hospital. "Or maybe you were out sick the day they taught that in medical school?"

He let a beat go by before looking down at Georgia in mock shock. "Oh gosh, did I say that right? My English just isn't so good, you know?"