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Jennifer "Jennie" Stavros is a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. She's a free-spirited teenage girl who prefers to bend the rules instead of break them.


Character Journal x_roulette

Real Name: Jennifer Primavera Stavros

Codename: none

Aliases: None known as yet.

First Appearance: July 26, 2005

Date of Birth: October 31st, 1988

Place of Birth: Queens, New York

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Stavros Family Penelope Stavros (mother, deceased), Aristotle Niarchos (father), Grace Niarchos (stepmother), Olivia Niarchos (half-sister), Dorian Niarchos (half-brother), three younger half-brothers, Maternal Grandparents

Education: Attends the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Currently in senior year of High School.

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: none



Jennie is the product of a brief relationship between a Greek-born dancer named Penelope Stavros and a Greek shipping heir named Aristotle Niarchos. After Jennie was born, her mother moved them to Las Vegas, Nevada, where Penny found work as a dancer in the many large shows on the strip. Jennie had a relatively stable childhood, especially when her mother began to see a lighting technician named Dan. Jennie and her mother lived with Dan for 6 years until he split suddenly when Jennie was 12. As a consequence her mother's substance abuse ran dangerously out of control, and Jennie retaliated by staying out late, drinking, hanging out with much older people and seeing boys. Also during this time Jennie's neatness habits began to develop into a form of mild OCD. Her powers also manifested around this time, during a heated argument with her mother she caused their microwave to explode. Bad luck began to follow Jennie everywhere she went as an uncontrollable side-effect of her probability manipulation powers. This culminated with her mother throwing her out of their house when Jennie was 15.

Jennie spent the next few months sleeping on friends' couches, and bouncing between the teen shelter and group homes. Finally, her friend Julia offered her a permanent place to stay. Jennie dropped out of school halfway through her sophomore year of high school so she could take a second part-time job and better support herself. During the summer of 2005, she found her friend and roommate Julia brutally murdered. The lead suspect was the woman's on-again, off-again boyfriend, who was under suspicion for alleged ties to the mafia. The FBI took her case, and with the girl being a mutant and with no where to go, they handed her over to agent Fred Duncan, who contacted Madelyn Bartlet at the school.

Coming to Xavier's

Madelyn Bartlet met the young woman in the New York FBI offices, and convinced her that the school was the safest place for Jennie to go. In spite of some initial hesitation, Jennie agreed. After a slow start, Jennie settled in and began to make friends, including the young inventor Forge, and her powers tutor, Wanda Maximoff.

During the month of September, when the medlab was very understaffed Jennie volunteered and was trained as a medlab helper. During one of her shifts watching the comatose Tommy Jones she became bored, and along with Clarice Ferguson, painted his toenails.

She also met and bonded with fellow student Marius Laverne. The two quickly became friends after they got drunk together during the Seattle riots and later when Jennie dumped a bookshelf and a door on his head in retaliation for him being an utter nuisance. Also during the fall and winter Jennie contacted her mother, and began to slowly rebuild their relationship. In March, Penny revealed to Jennie she had been speaking with her parents again. However, her mother suffered a sudden stroke and died shortly thereafter. Jennie was accompanied to the funeral by Marius and Nathan Dayspring. Afterwards she asked Forge to locate her father, whose identity was still unknown. She finally contacted her father in the summer of 2006, and has begun a tenuous relationship with him and her stepmother and half-siblings.

During the summer she acquired a roommate after a year of living by herself, Crystal Amaquelin. After a bumpy start, the two befriended each other, and Crystal was the one who was the most vocal when Jennie disappeared.


During the summer Marius Laverne's maladaptive mutation finally got the better of him and frustrated, he left the school. Jennie left soon afterwards to visit her father in Europe. On the trip home, Jennie ran into Marius at a Paris airport and decided to stay longer in order to convince her friend to return to the school. Unbeknownst to either of them, she became caught in an empathic loop that prevented her from leaving anyway. She accompanied Marius and Manuel de la Rocha around Paris, and later to Monaco when the former's parents cut him off. She was vehemently opposed to Marius's purchase of Yvette Petrovic, but unable to make her opinions known due to the empathic loop. She used her powers to help them survive, but they eventually backfired on her and caused a probability backlash that resulted in Manuel being seriously injured. The staff, having shown up before the lucksnap, took both Jennie and Marius home.

After waking up and realizing what had happened was not entirely her fault, Jennie had a falling out with Marius, and refused to have anything to do with him. She also had a severe flare-up of her OCD, she cleaned the floor of her bathroom to the point where her fingers bled. Jennie finally reached a breaking point and sought help from the student counselor Haller, and from Dr. Samson. Jennie also sought and recieved Yvette's forgiveness, as the girl became her new suitemate.

Vitiation and the Aftermath

On a visit to see her powers tutor, Wanda Maximoff, Jennie encounters Marie-Ange, who has a precognitive vision. When Marius later comes into contact with the infectia virus, he quickly starts to degrade. When Marius startles Yvette in the kitchen, the younger girl found Jennie and asked her to help him. It is because of Marie-Ange's vision that Jennie followed Marius into the woods. Going by herself in a stroke of brilliance, she used her luck powers to find him, and lost her cellphone in the process. Having no control over his predator instincts, Marius chased Jennie, who tried to incapacitate him by hitting him with a tree. Wounded, but not out, Marius attacked Jennie, only to be subdued by Cain and Kyle.

Realizing that she still cared for her friend, in spite of his best efforts, Jennie sought Marius out and forgave him. The two resumed their friendship, claming to the rest of the school that they had eloped while in Europe. Shortly thereafter Marius underwent an experimental medical procedure, and surprised Jennie on her 18th birthday, completely cured.


Jennie is busy completing her senior year in high school, dealing with the issues that have arisen because of her time in Europe, and working on controlling her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She still remains a free spirit, and is working on "corrupting" some of the younger students at Xavier's.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 lbs

Eyes: Blue.

Hair: Currently black (she doesn't remember her natural hair color)

Other Features: Multiple piercings in both ears, barbell in belly button, and a Marilyn piercing on her upper lip. Scars on lower left side of neck and right wrist.


Jennie has the ability to manipulate probability, which is like telekinesis on a quantum level. She can give objects or people, and to a degree certain situations, "good" or "bad" luck. I.E, a lamp sitting on a desk has a 50/50 chance of staying on the desk or falling over. With her powers, she pushes it to a 0/100 percent chance in either direction. But sometimes the results aren't always what she plans. If she uses her chaos powers, the lamp could tip over, it could short out and break, or it could disintergrate. With her luck powers, she can do anything from finding missing objects, affect the outcome of a card game in her favor, to (theoretically) dodging bullets, (she's not too eager to test that one out). If she manipulates a certain kind of energy too much, the natural balance will be upset and the universe will snap back, sort of like a rubber band. The universe wants to stay in 50/50, and will reasert itself forcibily if she messes with things too much. The last time something like this happened, she accidentally destroyed two city blocks after an overuse of good luck.

Her powers also come with a type of short-range precognition. She "sees" probability as red or white light on the edges of her vision, and more directly if she squints. The more a type of light an object or situation has, the more energy of the opposite type she has to throw at it to get what she wants. It also helps her to read certain situations. If the world goes red, something's about to go FUBAR. She projects the energy via flat disks, which are that way for no other reason than she played a lot of frisbee as a child and it's easier to aim than a straight energy blast. She can also affect objects with a touch, and project a good or bad luck field around herself.




  • Jennie is horribly embarrassed by her middle name and only a select few of the Xavier's residents actually know it.
  • Jennie's godparents are actually two former drag queens who were friends of her mother. They may be the ones responsible for her middle name.
  • Actually quite smart, Jennie was the one who figured out that Forge, Kyle, Jay and Marius had been in her laundry basket and messing with her things in their ill-concieved panty raid. She was also the one who spearheaded the revenge that left all four boys tied up in the foyer in women's underwear.
  • Jennie is the type who does complex math equations for fun. She's memorized the first 100 numbers of pi, can sing the distributive formula to the tune of jingle bells, and has an emergency sudoku puzzle book in case the students need to be evacuated to the shelters.
  • She doesn't shave her legs during the winter, as her leghair is blonde. Much to the derision of her friends.



Mutants and Molotovs


Masque (plot)

Publish or Perish




Red X Mission: Whiteout

This Savage Land



Player: Azzy

E-mail: 120px

AIM: Azzinita12

Player Icon Base: Zooey Deschanel