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Moment of Awesome - Hope Summers: During the siege of District X, Hope goes up against Death... and fails.

The girl with the red hair stood in the street. She was always pale, but somehow the whipcord tension of her body made the contrast between her face and hair more prominent, tilted up toward the winter sky; the fists clenched at her sides with blanched knuckles.

She swallowed, her throat moving, and seemed to steel herself, eyes closing, reaching for something unseen.

When her eyes opened, light burst, and in the same moment, invisible forces moved: Not a wall, but a cube, crushing inward on itself with the man on the rooftop in the middle.

To no effect.

Death cocked his head as he felt something shudder through him: pressure, then release, like his ears popping at a high altitude. Someone had just tried something on him.

Slowly, the Horseman straightened.

The lack of any reaction - barely a twitch - and no sign of damage made the girl take a step back; ashamed, she planted her feet, her eyes fixed on the symbol on his chest.

(That wasn't everything. Not even close.)

The glow in her left eye grew brighter and more intense, and the buildings around the man rattled - glass shaking against windowpanes, fragments of concrete or brick tumbling down facades - as not a cube but something more like a telekinetic dodecahedron surrounded the man from all sides. Each face was a different strength and frequency, psionic energy adjusted on the fly to ensure that at least a few hit whatever was cancelling them out.

The world around him seemed to shiver with heat-haze. Death raised a hand to press against the invisible wall as it grew closer, letting the force gently propel it back towards his chest as it advanced. The air took on a close, almost muffled quality as the construct began to compress, then compress again -- only to once more disappear the instant it met the resistance of Death's body.

"Ah, telekinesis," he concluded.

The blaze from Hope's eye didn't disguise the pure fear on Hope's face as Death absorbed what she had thought would be an undodgeable attack - and, in fact, he hadn't dodged it, because he hadn't needed to. She swallowed again, convulsively, and her head swung around, trying to spot someone she knew - preferably someone with Omega-level powers of a different type. But there wasn't anyone; in her panic, she didn't even clock if there were mutants nearby. She jogged further down the street, trying to get a better vantage.

Her eyebrows creasing with effort, she tried again; but instead of pure telekinetic energy, this time the roof around Death roiled, cracking like rapid gunfire, and rolled upwards, rubble turned into projectile weaponry that shot at the lone figure with speed and precision.

He was not having good luck with rooftops today, Death thought as he leapt away from the epicenter. The shrapnel bounced harmlessly from the instinctive telekinetic shield -- far less polished than the dodecahedron that had attempted to crush him, but just as strong. Even without the borrowed power it would have been little more than a nuisance, but the unseen telekinetic seemed intent on pressing the point.

Death considered. His attacker was almost certainly somewhere with a direct sightline to the roof, likely facing towards the western wall if they had the right angle to see him from street level. He turned to scan the street and saw -- a light. And an aura.

The Horseman narrowed his eyes, and vanished.

Hope craned her neck, squinting, trying to see if it had worked - if it had had any effect at all. As she let the debris fall, she relaxed slightly; there was no sign of the Horseman still standing. He must be down.

There was a faint gust of sulfur, and a voice directly behind her said:

"Excuse me. Kindly desist."

The small girl whirled around, choking back a scream, and took an instinctive step back, throwing up a telekinetic shield between them just as instinctively. Her eyes were a little too bright, and she swallowed convulsively. The sound of cracking surrounded them.

Two chunks of concrete tore themselves from opposite ends of the street and slammed into Death, pinning him in the centre. Or such would have been the case had the Horseman not already teleported again, this time directly in front of Hope's shield.

"We don't know each other," said Death, wholly unbothered by the crash of concrete harmlessly clattering to the ground behind him. His orange eyes burned within the sunken ridges of his death's head. "And as such I am willing to attribute this to a bit of high spirits. I advise you to be on your way before you force me to break a personal rule and beat a literal child."

The shielding reassembled itself as the girl jerked back another few steps, tears now blatantly standing in her eyes - or at least the one visible, the other now a blaze of light. The girl had to swallow again before her voice would work; but in the background, rubble was beginning to float in a wide radius, and cracks not just in sidewalks but in the roadways were forming. “You’re going to end the world,” she said, her pitch wrong - afraid, not angry.

"This particular part of it, certainly. Nothing to be done for it. There's no harvest without the wheat." Telekinetic counter-eddies began to pulse against the floating debris, a perfectly opposing force. Death's eyes burned cold.

"If you insist on becoming one more stalk, on your own head be it."

Today in XProject:

March 28

2015: Laurie texts Kyle inviting him to come play Dance Dance revolution with her after he is done being scolded. Laurie plans a Rocky Horror Picture Show weekend with Doug, Wade and Marie-Ange. Laurie meets Arthur in the medlabs. Clint texts Matt to arrange for dinner after he meets Barney. Looking for his brother Clint runs into Kitty at a seedy bar. Gabriel shares the new song he’s obsessed with to prove he’s not always sour. Rogue contacts Logan to catch him up on Vegas. Jean and Warren make up after their fight and he shows off his baking skills. Warren later tells everyone the result, a croquembouche is available in the kitchen. In Paris, Adrienne and Garrison comes across a car accident and help the woman driver, unaware that Rick Chalker, the last of the Chalker brothers, is unconscious in the back of the box truck involved, where he was planning to unleash his exo-suit against them; instead, he is only able to fly out of the truck before the suit loses power and he winds up at the bottom of the Seine.

2016: Miles celebrates his score on a practice test. Kevin S. continues to train Gabriel in the ways of espionage. Wade texts Cecilia asking to hang out. Laurie posts about the movie "Crimson Peak." Are We Ourselves: Coulson calls Clint to investigate disappearances in Alaska, sparking the following string of texts and emails; Clint texts Natasha to discuss; Clint invites Kyle and Molly to join him; Clint asks Matt to dogsit; Molly asks Topaz if she wants to come on Clint's trip; Clint emails Jennie to let her know about his whereabouts; Topaz texts Amanda to get her to catsit; Molly tells Wade she's going on a real mission; Wade texts Marie-Ange his feelings on this.

2017: Marie-Ange wants to hatewatch American Gods.

2018: Marie-Ange posts about a crystal ball frappuccino, and wanting one every other day.

2019: Sue suggests taking advantage of a warm weekend with a BBQ.

2020: 793. Daniel Drumm and Wong meet with Amanda and Topaz (with Marie-Ange and Doug as not-entirely-welcome guests), and explain that the London Sanctum has locked them out; Amanda and Topaz play nice with the Sanctum/Library to get inside; the group pairs off in various ways to use their skills and restore the library, while also running across various fictional characters; in return for their help, the library decides to offer a little advice to the group about their various issues in the form of more strange avatars - Marie-Ange gets Frau Totenkinder (of Fables), Doug gets John Constantine, Topaz gets Magdaleana Brooks (a British Fae Librarian), and Amanda gets the first woman of the British isles condemned for witchcraft; with things finally restored to a somewhat normal state, the group takes their happy leave, all agreeing that Doug still gets to be dunked in cold water.



2023: Madin makes a journal entry about returning the car and asking what’s happened while they were away. Terry drops in to watch Kyle fight and makes some unsettling discoveries... discussions are had. Quentin and Gabriel catch up on the roof after the powers swap and possibly share more than they intended. In New York, Alex takes Madin out for a meal and Madin starts to think staying at the mansion may not be entirely terrible.

2024: Paige pays Alani a visit, and the girls discuss how things are going for them.

2004: Jake and Amanda get drunk, flirt, and end up in bed. Manuel tries to get Kitty to break the collar off of him.

2005: Jubilee asks for permission to become a trainee; Scott assigns her an essay stating her reasons. Jubilee talks to Hank about mistakes and her past year. Galin and Manuel discuss Jean and her refusal to let Manuel help her adjust. Hank makes carnivore-friendly soup. Kylun decides to learn about the world he's found himself in.

2006: Jamie has his first Danger Room session, and Alison is sneaky and evil and fills the Danger Room with slime, but he passes it anyway... and then decides to share the slime with everyone he sees. Not So Plain Jane:Logan finds Jane in Central Park and almost kills her before choosing to ignore his instincts. Jennie comes back from Greece in time to be slimed.

2007: Monet leaves some clothes for Janet, and then goes to cleanse her soul with fashion magazines. Pete is confused about Mark's donation jar asking for money to get him breasts to rival Shakira's. In Madagascar, Amanda's close call with drowning resurfaces. Garrison and Mondo discuss his knee injury. Kyle emails Yvette about fox cubs in the woods. Yvette asks Forge about the Doug and Marie-Ange conspiracy. Betsy posts about the sudden deluge of new students and returning graduates. Jennie apologises to her suite mates for being tetchy in the week before the anniversary of her mother's death.

2008: X-Men Mission: Nicobar Reef: Scott isn't happy about the family situation, but reluctantly comes around and invites his father to the school to see Alex; the bad pirates are handed over to the local law enforcement authorities; Siryn posts the mission report; Alex is incomprehensible in his joy at finding out his father is alive; Marius is somewhat more cynical on x_grads, foreseeing the inevitable evilness of the newly-found parent. Operation: Take A Bow: Mark lets the rest of X-Force know they're reasonably sure it's the Warwolves and that Amanda is working on a spell to banish them back to their home dimension; plans are laid for an ambush; Amanda and Mark scope out the location at which they intend to spring their trap.

2009: Manuel and Lil get extremely drunk together; in the morning, Jean-Paul administers to both of their hangovers, but inadvertently sets Manuel into a frame of mind that requires more drinking; Manuel asks Amanda to take Valentia for the weekend, and she agrees. Callie tells people about Earth Hour. Johnny is confused to find a hungover Nathan on Jean-Paul's couch in the morning. Yvette posts about spending the day in the woods. Heretics: Nathan sees Wanda about tracking down Irene Merryweather. Dani and Jay decide to share a suite and Dani moves in. Jan suggests the adults watch what they talk about in their journals and it isn't well received.

2010: Kevin leaves Jean-Paul a drawing. Doug and his father have a talk over basketball and beer.

2011: Jean-Paul has an appointment with Hank to talk about his medication and they discuss how much better he's been sleeping, and Hank suggests trialing lowering his dosage.

2012: Wade reminds everyone that there are plenty of tacos left over from yesterday's taco day. Angelica phones Yvette from England in a panic at the reaction of her roommate when she discovered that Angelica was a mutant. Angelo posts that he has discovered a movie called Mongolian Death Worm that he believes that should be added to the collection. Nico runs into an old lady who asks her what she's studying until she scares her off. Emma sends Adrienne an e-mail asking her if she has plans for her birthday and the sisters agree to meet up next week.

2013: Megan makes a journal entry announcing she’s at an art school campus in Hong Kong on a fashion program trip for school. Frank meets Matt and doesn’t get his ass kicked.

2014: Jubilee posts about having “Hooked On A Feeling” stuck in her head, and compares Kyle in boxers to Kurt in boxers. Angel posts a picture she took of Wade with his mouth stuffed full of food. Tandy posts about the non-weirdness of seeing her English teacher in his boxers. Yvette posts reminding everyone about a Red X training session. Matt posts bemoaning about missing the kitchen party, but says his midterm went well. Jubilee and Kurt talk about their relationship the night before she leaves for China for a meeting.

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