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<b>Nov 15</b> - Wade encounters a hungry Rahne in the kitchen and invites her out to dinner. Clint encounters Jennie as she finds a possible location for her ex-boyfriend, the Disciple, at work in Copenhagen, and offers to go with her; Clint texts Natasha about using her safehouse. Wade posts asking about people’s Thanksgiving plans so he can buy turkeys.  
<b>Nov 15</b> - Wade encounters a hungry Rahne in the kitchen and invites her out to dinner. Clint encounters Jennie as she finds a possible location for her ex-boyfriend, the Disciple, at work in Copenhagen, and offers to go with her; Clint texts Natasha about using her safehouse. Wade posts asking about people’s Thanksgiving plans so he can buy turkeys. Angel is excited about the return of the turkey-crab-octopus-bacon monstrosity. Xavin has a powers issue, resulting in Maya panicking and calling Wade and medlab.

Revision as of 13:28, 16 November 2015

October 2015 *** December 2015
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025


Nov 1 - Warren texts Felicia telling her that his beard is gone and asking if she wants to go out for brunch. Jean-Paul and Gabriel chat after waking up in an apartment in Brooklyn together, having spent the night with roommates. Stephen and Sharon play a game of soccer and discuss magic and the limits to his power. Do I Know You?: Quentin telepathically experiences the pain a young woman being prepped for powers-removing surgery feels from her powers six hundred miles away; Rachel texts Haller asking if he heard a sound like a wild monkey getting decapitated by a rhino. Bobbi meets Clint thanks to a thrown sock and beer and sandwiches ensue. Rahne, scared of Maya and her angry outbursts, tries to get her attention without startling her but sets off Maya’s powers instead; Xavin’s xBox controller is the only casualty, fortunately.

Nov 2 - Do I Know You? - The young psi in Quebec reaches out again and this time Quentin reaches back, only to find himself being dragged into her mind; in a panic, Quentin latches onto the nearest minds he can reach as anchors, but only succeeds in dragging them with him; trapped in the body of Daniella Gauthier and about to be lobotomised, Wanda, Jean-Paul, Gabriel and Quentin work together to escape the restraints and get their shared body out of the hospital; Lorna texts the medstaff to alert them to the fact Wanda has fallen unconscious and won’t wake up; Arthur texts Cecilia to impart similar news about Gabriel; Namor texts Clint to tell him not to leave his people (Quentin this time) lying unconscious around the place, while Topaz texts Clarice to let her know Quentin is passed out in the library; Kitty texts Jean to let her know Jean-Paul is also unconscious and unresponsive; Clint alerts Scott to what’s going on; evading orderlies from the hospital, “Daniella” lifts a wallet and gets some clothes, but their plans to call the mansion are stymied by a series of electronic failures; Alex lets Scott know Lorna will be staying with them that night as she’s upset about Wanda; Amanda complains about car alarms going off in her head and it’s revealed all of the magic users are being bothered by some kind of alarm; “Daniella” finds a place to stay for the night and the four captured minds reflect on what happened and how to get out of it, especially since Wanda’s Chthon ward is interfering with modern conveniences like phones and computers; while the body, Wanda and Jean-Paul sleep, Quentin and Gabriel’s shared teenaged trauma drags them onto the astral plane and into a series of confidences; Rachel texts Haller about “hearing” the strange sound again and that she thinks it’s related to the wave of unconscious people; Cecilia admits not knowing what it going on to the other medlab staff; . Felicia makes an appointment for North to go to a tailor and get pick up his clothes, having arranged for them to be altered to fit his ‘new’ body.

Nov 3 - Do I Know You? - Clint passes on gossip to Felicia about the strange goings-on; Maya wonders if random unconscious people is a mansion “thing”; “Daniella” decides getting to Montreal and Jean-Paul’s mentor is the best idea and hotwires an older car for the drive; while getting gas, they are nearly arrested by the RCMP and have to ditch the car and lay low for a while before venturing out again; Quentin ventures out into the astral plane again and this time it’s Jean-Paul who gets taken along for the ride along with some hard truths that Quentin doesn’t want to hear; reaching Montreal, they contact Raymonde and he calls the mansion, with Clarice arriving to take them home; Charles helps Quentin guide them to where Daniella is ‘hiding’ in her mind, and between them, they encourage her to take control again and let them go; Wanda emails Lorna, Amanda and X-Force to let them all know she’s all right but in need of magical follow-up after the issue with the Chthon ward; Wanda posts to her journal to reassure people she’s all right and to thank Felicia for the post-it she found on her leg; Gabriel demands fast food delivery to medlab. Kurt emails Jubilee about a gift he received and realises it’s a proposal, which he accepts.

Nov 4 - Doug reflects on the paths his thinking takes after having received a city map pin of Denver from Jubilee. Kurt emails Rogue, Meggan and Amanda to tell them he and Jubilee are engaged, to mixed response from Amanda. Xavin posts to their journal, asking Maya if she broke something of theirs and if she intends to replace it. Do I Know You? - With Daniella heading off to Colorado with the Mutant Underground, Quentin and Wanda talk about their experiences and why Wanda isn’t with her father, Magneto. Gabriel summons Quentin to his room for sex and pizza; afterwards, the two talk about how good it is to be back in their own bodies.

Nov 5 - Nica asks if it’s okay for her father to join the mansion Thanksgiving celebrations. Lorna texts Alex to explain what happened with Wanda and to thank him for his support.

Nov 6 - Sooraya announces she has taken the first steps towards becoming a naturalised American citizen.

Nov 7 -

Nov 8 - Maya shares this post. Hope meets Bas in dragon form and they talk. Angel sends Clint a card and tells him she has Chinese food.

Nov 9 - Clea is excited about the start of Homecoming Week and the upcoming dance. Angel offers Miles a job with her newspaper and texts Rogue to ask her for political cartoons. Miles asks Gabriel about his Thanksgiving plans and invites him to his family’s celebration.

Nov 10 - Darcy asks about the mansion’s Thanksgiving meal.

Nov 11 -

Nov 12 - Maya posts a link and talks about anger being the only emotion that makes sense. Miles and Bobby make a decision about Homecoming.

Nov 13 - Clea is excited about the Homecoming Dance that night. Miles posts a photo to Instagram of himself and Bobby at the dance.

Nov 14 - Alison posts about nearly outing herself as Dazzler during the dance by doing her signature dance to one of her songs.

Nov 15 - Wade encounters a hungry Rahne in the kitchen and invites her out to dinner. Clint encounters Jennie as she finds a possible location for her ex-boyfriend, the Disciple, at work in Copenhagen, and offers to go with her; Clint texts Natasha about using her safehouse. Wade posts asking about people’s Thanksgiving plans so he can buy turkeys. Angel is excited about the return of the turkey-crab-octopus-bacon monstrosity. Xavin has a powers issue, resulting in Maya panicking and calling Wade and medlab.


Do I Know You?

External Links

November 2015