Julian Keller

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Julian Keller
Portrayed by Thomas Sturridge
Codename: None
Affiliations: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - student, New Mutants
Birthdate: October 29, 1991
Journal: In It For The Green
Player: Ryan

Son of a wealthy California family, Julian was rejected by them and his friends when he refused to hide his mutant gifts. Xavier's offered him a place as an alternative to military school.


Character Journal: In It For The Green

Real Name: Julian Keller

Codename: Scion

Aliases: Jules

First Appearance:

Date of Birth: October 29, 1991

Place of Birth: Beverly Hills, CA

Citizenship: United States of America

Relatives: William Keller [father], Elizabeth Keller [mother], James Keller [younger brother]

Education: Incomplete High School

Relationship Status: Recently Single

Occupation: Student, ex-Dilettante

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Julian Keller is the first born son of the self-made billionaire William Keller and his trophy wife Elizabeth Keller. In his early life, Julian was doted upon by his father and as soon as he could walk William began to groom him to be his heir. When his younger brother, James, was born, Julian was four. The two became inseparable for the rest of their young life. Growing up in Beverly Hills, Julian and James had every advantage afforded to them from private schools to foreign language tutors. By the time he started school, Julian could understand Spanish, Russian, Japanese and French- though he never had a tongue for them and had a hard time with even rudimentary phrases.

Family life was good for Julian until he turned thirteen and his powers manifested. He awoke in the early hours of the morning, and after an intense nightmare, to find himself floating a few feet from his ceiling, his bed ten feet below him. He fell and broke his bed, fortunately he was physically unharmed. He began to be able to move things with his mind and immediately told his parents. While not members of any mutant hate groups, William and Elizabeth didn’t have any particular care for mutants and advised their son to keep his abilities quiet. Ever the dutiful son, Julian obeyed, but his powers were still very active while he slept, moving things around the house and, on one occasion, blocking his parents in their room. As he grew older Julian’s telekinetic abilities grew with him, things around the neighborhood started to move around in the middle of the night, once, all the cars in a neighbors garage were turned upside-down. The community suspected vandals at first, until someone saw their car flip over first hand and claimed a green glow surrounded her vehicle when it flipped. Julian turned from favored son to black sheep in the blink of an eye and Elizabeth’s reaction was to send him to a counselor to curb his rebelliousness- regardless of the fact Julian had no control over the nocturnal incidents.

The counselor enlisted him in a mutant support group and Julian began to learn about the struggles of others like him. With the support of his peers (the others from the group) Julian began to secretly practice his abilities, but years of repression had stunted them. At the time, Julian was fifteen and, since they had attended one themselves, William and Elizabeth enrolled him in a public high school. The handsome, young and rich Keller had no trouble making friends, but kept his abilities secret. He joined the basketball and swim teams, threw parties and became very well known at his school. As he continued to practice, the nocturnal events started to curb off, no longer affecting the entire neighborhood. Julian’s training progressed and he soon found himself able to lift weights over thirty pounds with his mind. The summer before the start of his Junior year Julian and a friend from the group who was never caught decided to go patrolling in South Central. They came across a group of, what they thought were, drug dealers. As it turned out, they were undercover police officers and Julian found himself thrown in jail- his friend got away and Julian never gave him up. The Keller’s bought the police a new mobile-tactical-vehicle to keep the incident quiet and kept their son grounded the rest of the summer.

Just after the start of his Junior year, Julian decided that he could no longer live “in-the-closet” and came out as a mutant at school. He was immediately expelled and his parents began looking into reform schools. Julian lost his friends and support networks, including those in the support group who had a strict confidentiality agreement. The only person who didn’t hate him was James- who was being groomed to take over the company in his place and wasn’t able to show the support he wanted to. Before William could enroll Julian in a school out in the middle of the Nevada desert, he received a phone call from someone named Charles Xavier and was quickly sold on his private academy in upstate New York.

Living At The X-Mansion

Julian has just arrived at the mansion, feeling rejected by everyone he's cared about.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Other Features: Dimpled chin, heroically-square jaw line


Telekinesis, with a green energy aura: Julian’s first manifestation occurred during a nightmare when he was thirteen years old. At the behest of his parents he suppressed his powers and they ended up manifesting as nocturnal outbursts- these outbursts still occur during particularly intense dreams. When Keller finally did start to develop/train his abilities he concentrated on heavy objects, ignoring the fact that fine motor control was just as difficult. Currently he is able to lift up to a dozen objects that weigh thirty pounds- or up to half-a-ton of singular weight- the heavier the objects the fewer of them he is able to lift. At one point, Julian tried to float a basketball across the court, only to pop the ball- this discouraged him from experimenting with light weight objects. When confronted by the police, Keller attempted to pin one officer to the wall, only to end up breaking both of the man’s arms- in short he lacks gentleness or finesse. He has been practicing levitation on himself, though the results have been poor. With proper training and instruction, this could be developed to flight.

Julian can create telekinetic shields and bubbles that are as durable as the armor on a light tank. These shields are the only thing he is able to do when they are engaged and can only fit two or three people at their maximum. Keller’s active range has been tried to fifty feet without showing signs of over exertion- during nocturnal episodes, there were reports of incidents from up to a half-a-mile away. When he uses his abilities in excess, his eyes begin to glow green. After the adrenaline rush has passed in one of these incidents, he’s likely to pass out and sleep for a day or two. Keller possess quick reflexes and has shown a clever acumen at solving problems with his abilities instead of with his hands. Given that, if presented with a problem that powers can’t solve, Julian is likely to be temporarily stunned or at least slowed down. Keller has a significant amount of potential, but it will take a significant amount of training to develop.


Nothing of note.


  • Julian enjoys the beach and is a competent surfer, though he generally doesn't like to talk about it.
  • Julian took second place in the regional 100 Meter Free-Style back in California.
  • Julian has an intense dislike for cold weather.
  • Julian has never had a job and wouldn't even know how to start looking for one.


None at this time.


Player: Ryan

E-mail: 150px

AIM: greenscionjk

Player Icon Base: Thomas Sturridge

Meta Trivia

The name Scion was chosen for Julian instead of Hellion (616-Continuity), since Emma Frost is not the Co-Headmistress of the school.