House of Wolves

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House of Wolves
Dates run: August 14-18, 2009
Run By: Indiana J
Read the logs: House of Wolves

"Agatha is difficult at the best of times and these at not the best of them."

An attack on Wanda's mentor leads to a lot of questions and very few answers.


Wanda Maximoff, Jake Gavin, Mark Sheppard, Illyana Rasputin

Agatha Harkness, Dr. Victor Shade, Terrance Ward, Ian McNee, Hanzi


August 14-18, 2009

Plot Summary

Wanda decides that a few days in London with some of the Snow Valley crew would be a good way to relax - she ends up taking Jake, Illyana and Mark to London (she takes Jake, who thinks taking Illyana is a great idea, who somehow manages to convince Mark because she refuses to go alone with those two weirdos). It's simply supposed to be a few days of vacation, sight seeing and drinking for those that drink.

A day or two before they're scheduled to go back, Wanda gets a call - the museum that Agatha Harkness is in charge of has been attacked. Agatha's in critical condition, as is a guard (Wanda's cousin, actually) while three other security guards have been found eviscerated and torn apart and it looks like someone was attempting to steal from the museum but didn't have a chance before getting interrupted.

As Agatha has no living relatives, and Wanda is one of her emergency contacts, and she's related to one of the guards she's asked to come up to Cambridge. Seeing the fact that something big happened, the others tag along with her. When they arrive, Agatha is awake but refuses, point blank, to give them any potentially helpful information. At a loss, and completely shocked by Agatha's refusal, Wanda plans takes the others to the museum to see if they can anything out - surveillance cameras, talk to the staff, that sort of thing.

She does, however, get some information out of her cousin. From what Hanzi can tell her, someone managed to get beyond the security and interrupted a pretty fierce 'story telling' to pass the time. He's in shock and keeps muttering about how the old tales are true and that something is stalking the museum at night.

Wanda chalks it up to being smacked around and loss of blood, though the fact that several guards were ripped apart is telling that something happened last night.

With Agatha refusing to help and being pretty stubborn about letting them help, Wanda calls in a favor and contacts Dr. Shade, the professor she had been involved with years and years ago. With him as the head of the Department of Social Anthropology now and as someone with some say in Agatha's museum, he agrees to let her take a look and he uses his clout to convince the local police to allow them to help.

After the police are done, the group enters the place on the second night - half go to view copies of the surveillance tapes and the other half to go searching for what might have been the cause of the break in. What Wanda finds completely floors her - Agatha had been secretly hiding a large number of mystical artifacts for safe keeping. A majority of them are under lock and key but some of the lesser known, lesser powered ones are on display. The entire place is acting as a bank vault for numerous things of power - another secret Agatha was keeping from Wanda.

Those checking out the tapes ping Wanda on her cell phone - someone's in the building. She manages to catch up to an obviously fleeing, and bleeding McNee who keeps trying to escape. Not just from her but from the creature, a giant 'shadow' wolf, that appears almost out of nowhere.

Assuming that it's magical, Wanda and the others alternately attack and are chased through the museum as a whole until the small crystal around it's neck is shattered. With it broken, the concentration is broken and everyone is stunned when the creature disappears and leaves a young man on the floor. As McNee makes his escape, they're left to try and put down the confused Ward - his powers are latching onto everyone but without McNee's influence via the crystal, he's unable to keep hold of any one fear for long. In short order, they manage to overpower his powers, despite the incredible creepiness of the entire thing.

In the mean time, McNee has made his escape (again) and the tapes show that he, indeed, had been carrying something. With the museum now torn apart, on top of purposeful spotty record keeping by Agatha, the only way for them to figure out what was stolen was to let Agatha, once she heals, to go through inventory.

The one piece of information they do take back with them is the meaning, finally, behind the weird symbol found in the sewers and again in Africa. It had been hastily carved into the shoulder of their attacker, which allowed for more magical influence.

Wanda is staggered when Agatha hands over research - the symbol means chaos and there are rumors of a new, stronger Chthon cult who use it.

Related Links

Head Like A Hole

These Earthly Things

Operation: Anansesem

External Links

House of Wolves

Trivia and Meta


Wanda and Jake slept together as part of the aftermath of the event and began a romantic relationship despite the two of them both having issues with committment.


Plotrunner: Indiana J