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File:Topaz Wiki.jpg
Portrayed by Samvrutha Sunil
Codename: Topaz
Affiliations: New Mutants
Birthdate: March 10, 1997 (Adopted)
Journal: x_topaz
Player: Sam

Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: x_topaz

Real Name: Vimala Ashdown (Will not answer to this. Ever)

Codename: Topaz

Aliases: Topaz (What she is mostly known by and will answer to); Topie (Sometimes)

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: March 10, 1997 (adopted)

Place of Birth: India

Citizenship: Dual: Indian, British (through adoption)

Relatives: Luca Ashdown, “Taboo” (adopted father); Alice Ashdown (adopted mother; deceased)

Education: Up to Year 9 (8th grade in America) in the British school system. Home-schooled for all of Year 10 (Freshman) and Year 11 (Sophomore) until her arrival to Xavier’s.

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Magician-in-Training

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Summary of the character's pre-Xavier's life.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 110 lbs.

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Black

Other Features: None



Topaz is a an empath/telepath hybrid. She can gauge how a person is feeling, as well as manipulate those emotions and intensify them (she’s discovered that she’s quite good at manipulating the more negative side of emotions - for example, anger and envy). The telepathy is very secondary - the only thoughts Topaz can hear are ones that are accompanied with particularly powerful emotions, giving her the ability to interpret why a person feels the way he or she feels. But she can’t just read a person’s mind and know his or her every thought.

At the moment, her empathy only extends as far as her immediate area (approximately a twenty-ish feet radius), and gets weaker after ten feet. She can almost always sense a dull buzz of emotions from the people around her, but over time she’s learned to tune that out.


Pre-mutation, Topaz drew on her own life energy in order to perform spells. After her mutation developed, the Ashdowns changed direction a bit, deciding to find a way for Topaz to use emotions to fuel her spells instead. They started with using her own, generally suppressed emotions, which was a success. She also began learning how to allow others' emotions to amplify her own, therefore making her magic stronger, but she hasn't had much of a chance to practice that one yet.

Topaz's magic is limited by how much energy she can draw off her own emotions and the availability of the emotions of people around her. How strong the spell is depends on how strong the emotions are — in a high-stress situation like a riot, for example, when there are a lot of people around panicking and/or feeling angry, she's more powerful than she would be if she was just sitting in a room with a bunch of very calm people.

The type of spells Topaz can use focus largely on the mental plane. With the development of her mutation, she began to drift away from her foster parents' original teachings, forging her own magical path.

One fun ability that she'd just begun to experiment with right before Alice's death involved the idea of karma — causing things to happen to people based on their emotions and actions. One attempt to use it involved witnessing a mugging one day while she was in town. A man took a woman's purse, and as he was running away a flower pot fell off a window sill and onto his head. On a different occasion, she witnessed a teenage boy spending the last of his money to buy an ice cream for his crying little brother. As they were walking away, the boy happened to look down and find a ten pound note.

It's important to note that: A) Topaz has no control over the events that will take place. A subtle suggestion is planted in the back of a person's mind (like the boy choosing just that moment to look down at the sidewalk), causing them to take a route that will lead either somewhere good or bad, depending on the person's emotions. The suggestion is random, however. It depends largely on how much energy is available to Topaz in the moment — the more energy she has, the more long-reaching the consequences of the suggestion will be. So, for example, if she'd been surrounded by panicking people when she witnessed the mugging and tried to cast the spell, the mugger probably would have turned into the street and gotten hit by a car. B) Topaz herself does not cause these events. For example, the flower pot was going to fall whether or not the man mugged the woman. Topaz just made it so that the man was under the pot when it fell.

When Topaz draws energy off of other people's emotions, it renders them temporarily apathetic (usually lasting anywhere from five minutes to half an hour, depending on the strength of the emotions). In turn, she takes the emotions on herself, making for a very crowded emotional plane at times. Again, depending on how strong the emotions are (and how many people she drew off of), this can last for minutes or for hours. This effect is negated when she draws energy off her own emotions, though due to the limited power source (she can only get so much energy from herself) the spells aren't nearly as strong.

She possesses a vague ability to astral project, taught to her by Luca in the early days of her training, but that was a test in patience for him, and to this day she can't manage it for longer than thirty seconds.

The number of spells she can perform is limited right now - she can do up to two within a twelve hour time frame without seriously endangering herself. Any more and she's likely to collapse.


Examples: Nate's psimitar, Angelo's Asgardian sword, Jamie's staff, Remy's bo, Amanda's amulet etc.


An optimist says the glass is half full. A pessimist says the glass is half empty. Topaz says there's liquid in glass, so why are people arguing about semantics.


Links only. No descriptions.


Player: Sam

E-mail: Samemail.jpg


Player Icon Base: Samvrutha Sunil

Meta Trivia

Topaz is Sam's second character and baby, introduced in 2012.