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MoA Dominion2.png
Moment of Awesome - Garrison Kane/Dominion: After months undercover as Erik the Red, Garrison reveals the truth to Magneto.

“I told you the truth about the Sentinels. That the X-Men weren’t in a position to act and that only you could shut it down. That was all true. Without you and the Brotherhood, there’s no way we could have forced Trask and his program out of the Pentagon, set up his AIM facility to be destroyed and sent Olivier back to his realm for now. But now, your part of this is over.”

“And why shouldn’t I simply kill you now before finishing off the demon?”

“He can’t be defeated in his realm. Not by any normal means. You go in there, and he’ll take control of your mind, like he thought he did with mine. You’ll be his creature for the rest of your life, taking all the power you currently focus on mutants for his own ends.” Kane said. “We might be enemies, but I don’t think you deserve that fate. Only my people can finish off Olivier for good.”

“As if I could believe that.”

“It’s up to you. Here’s what I do know. You crushed the Sentinels for months, even years as a threat. When I take care of Olivier, that’s hundreds or thousands of mutants who won’t be threatened by him ever again. And while the X-Men are currently ambushing your Brotherhood at the facility, their focus will be on destroying the building, so most of your people should be able to escape.” Kane said. “For a betrayal, you got a lot of your goals accomplished for a relatively minor cost.”

Magneto was silent. He closed his eyes for a moment, utilizing his comms and shook his head. “Your X-Men are indeed at the battle site. I’ve told my Brotherhood to withdraw. It was a masterful ploy, Kane, but I hope it was worth it for you.”

“You know me, Erik. I’ll do what it takes.”

“The motto of many a dead man.” His eyes flickered over to the glow that sprung up in the parking lot. “I see the rest of your forces.”

“Go Erik. You did legitimate good today. There’s no need for another fight.”

“But that is where you are wrong.”