January 2025
December 2024 *** February 2025 |
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
Jan 1 - Jono and Paige explore London, get their tarot cards read, and have a dance.
Jan 2 - Ashley posts about her resolution to ask people for their adjectives.
Jan 3 - Liam posts about being home from Maine and getting into his first college. Jessie texts Ashley a meme about the new Wicked movie. Operation: We'll Always Have Paris: Christian Kane comes to Snow Valley looking for help with a situation involving the Paris branch of the Hellfire Club and magic. While around, Christian also drops by to visit Garrison and Jean.
Jan 4 - Operation: We'll Always Have Paris: X-Force meets to plan their infiltration mission in Paris.
Jan 5 - Operation: We'll Always Have Paris: X-Force arrives at the Paris Hellfire Club; the team collects intel and works the ballroom; Trevor Fitzroy, who plans to plunder the club's magical treasure, makes his grand reveal; Doug and Marie-Ange divert Fitzroy's forces and the nanites in Doug's arm shred a bullet; Hope A. and Sue go to the security office to lift the computer lockdown; a physical security switch has Darcy and Sarah headed to the basement to lift it and darcy gets slightly fried; Kevin leads Team Magic into the labyrinth that protects the magical treasures and Amanda and Topaz harry Fitzroy's guards; Clea and Kevin take out the last of Fitzroy's supports in the labyrinth; when Fitzroy reaches the magical library he's met by Kevin and Wanda and is forced to leave empty handed.
Jan 6 -
Jan 7 - Maya posts about job hunting as she has a degree.
Jan 8 - Reality OWD: Glamour Machine: Namor posted about an anomalous energy signature was detected in the Irish Sea; Jay emails Jono about any folklore they should know about before heading to the location of the anomaly. Rictor successfully makes lunch without burning down the kitchen and meets Gaia for the first time. Rictor texts Shatterstar about the tacos he had made in the kitchen and invites him to eat, while mentioning meeting Gaia. Laura posts about passing the vibe check with other girls at the school regarding what she was reading and that she was invited to the Booktok Book Club. Doug leaves birthday gifts from France for Jessie, Hope S., and Laura. After Paris, Kevin's mission becomes a waiting game, with Darcy in a coma.
Jan 9 - Laura texts Doug saying she loved her punny t-shirt. Jessie texts Doug saying thank you for the delicious food she received. Reality OWD: Glamour Machine: Namor makes a post that he, Megan, Meggan, and Jay will be out to investigate a recent rift that has opened in the Irish Sea.
Jan 10 -Reality OWD: Glamour Machine: While settling into their lodgings on the Isle of Man, the members of eXcalibur are interrupted during breakfast by Jono and Paige; the team spends the afternoon canvasing the town, but split up as the location of the dimensional tear is narrowed based on what stories they have gathered; the group splits - Paige heading back by herself, then Jay and Jono, leaving only Namor, Meggan, and Pixie to investigate the tear; Jay and Jono awaken to find themselves not in Ireland anymore and Jono is quick to lay down the ground rules and work to negotiate passage; Paige and Meggan find themselves captives of a less ambiguous variety and listen to their fellow prisoners as they tell their tales of this land and its inhabitants; Namor and Pixie awaken to a warm welcome by the ruler of the realm where she offers hospitality and an unwelcome revelation; Jay and Jono travel through the city of this Otherworld on their way to be presented to the Grand Dame, and the city is both stranger and more modern than expected; the Grand Dame takes Namor and Pixie on a tour of her kingdom with highlighting The Engine; Meggan and Paige work to escape their imprisonment and find shapeshifting to be useful; the evening’s entertainment proves to be more than the Grande Dame anticipated when the scattered travelers are finally reunited and a bargain is struck; Namor, Meggan, and Paige work to find a mechanical repair to the Engine; while they learn more about its inner workings, Meggan’s affinity for the fae realm and Paige’s current form prove to offer certain advantages aiding in the repair, however, they find they’ll need something more than just a wrench; as the group searches for a solution, Jono, Jay and Pixie hit upon a potential answer and Jono puts on a show after all; When the Grande Dame attempts a last minute renegotiation, Pixie takes it upon herself to troubleshoot; eXcalibur crosses the threshold between one world and the next and close the door behind them.
Jan 11 - Paige and Jono get back to their hotel after the events of Glamor Machine and have a heart-to-heart.
Jan 12 -
Jan 13 - Megan posts about the Grande Dame and how she knows who she is and where so belongs.
Jan 14 -
Jan 15 -
Jan 16 -
Jan 17 -
Jan 18 - Darcy wakes up, but her powers are complicating matters
Jan 19 -
Jan 20 - Clea gets an invitation to join the Paris HFC and Amanda is unhappy, to say the least. Haller and Gabe meet at Harry's to drink and talk over the end of the world.
Jan 21 - Gabe stumbles across Emily practicing some magic, as he returns from an assignation with Namor.
Jan 22 - Sam texts mel to see how she's doing back in Kentucky
Jan 23 - Bobbi visits the mansion and winds up taking tea with Amanda in the magical library.
Jan 24 -
Jan 25 -
Jan 26 - Gabriel is grumpy with the freezing weather and being stuck inside the mansion.
Jan 27 - Gabe makes a post reminding those at the mansion to clean up after themselves. Sooraya recruits Sam for volunteer tutoring. Haller emails Gabe to check in on him. Hope A. emails Melody with an offer. Clea texts Amanda about her choices going forward.
Jan 28 - Liam bemoans his newest growth spurt.
Jan 29 -
Jan 30 -
Jan 31 - Maya shares a poetry video. Emily shares her newest creation. Gabe texts Quentin about going out for drinks. Melody texts her siblings to let them know she's making the journey back to the mansion. Marius texts Kyle concerning Emily's magic glyph.
Operation: We'll Always Have Paris