Megan Gwynn

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Megan Gwynn
[[Image:File:Pixiewiki 2.png]]
Portrayed by Evanna Lynch
Codename: Pixie
Affiliations: New Mutants
Birthdate: March 1, 1994
Journal: x_welshpixie
Player: Marlena

Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: x_welshpixie

Real Name: Megan Gwynn


Aliases: Pixie

First Appearance: October 19, 2009

Date of Birth: March 1, 1994

Place of Birth: Abergylid, Wales

Citizenship: Wales

Relatives: One older sister

Education: High school (Sophomore in American school system)

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Megan speaks and writes English and Welsh fluently. She received a good education, even though her family never had a lot of money. She lived with her mother, father and older sister. Megan was never very close to her father, as he worked long and hard hours at the coal mine (and later the coal company office) in order to provide for her family. Her mother was a teacher and a school librarian. But the Gwynn family respected each other, and Megan and her sister got along fairly well.

Then Dad died of lung cancer when Megan was 11 years old. The cancer was caused by years of smoking and working in the coal mines.

The Manifesting, Part I

When Megan was 13, her wings first began to appear. She had ignored the pain in her back, hoping she was going through another growth spurt (she's very conscious of how small she is). At first they were small stubs that couldn't be used for flight. Also she began to get small crops of pixie dust on her skin, but she would always just wash it off and it never seemed to do anything. Megan's family (mother and sister) was initially in shock when her mutant appearance first began to appear, but quickly adopted an attitude that was half acceptance and half just-not-mentioning-it.

Mom Dies

When Megan was 14, her mom died of a heart attack. This was especially hard on Megan and her sister. Megan's sister, now 18 years old, moved to London and ceased contact with anyone in Abergylid, including Megan. Megan's sister didn't specifically blame Megan for the turn of events, but it was too much for her to handle emotionally so she left. To this day, Megan still has very little contact with her sister. For almost a year, Megan lived by herself but kept her situation on the down-low. Her older sister was supposed to be her legal guardian, and Megan was careful to not let on that her sister had left.

The Manifesting, Part II

At age 15 (one month before she joins the story), Megan accidentally overdosed a large population of her town with her pixie dust. What happened was that, while waiting for the train, she read a newspaper expose about her late father's coal mining company knowingly operating the mines in conditions that were unsafe for the workers. According to the article, they had falsified inspection reports for years.This led Megan to believe that her father had had not died simply of smoking-related causes but because of negligence on the company's part. Megan's family had never received compensation for her father's death--according to the expose, the company had directly covered up their actions so they wouldn't have to pay out to the families of the workers.

Megan became so angry that she triggered her mutancy the rest of the way. Dragonfly wings sprang fully from her back, and a thick coating of dust (like pollen) covered her skin. The dust was breathed in by dozens of people who were at the subway station where this event took place.

Authorities seemed content with the explanation that there was a toxic chemical leak near the station that caused the victims to become disoriented and ill.

The event made big news in the UK, and although it wasn't widely heard of in the US, Prof. Xavier noted it and suspected that it may be linked to a mutant. When Prof. Xavier came to Abergylid, he found Megan living alone, with the water and power shut off to her home.

At this point, it became apparent that Megan was living alone with adult supervision. Not only that, but she was no longer trusted among her community (not everyone bought the "toxic chemical leak" explanation). Things became chaotic very quickly. With her sister now living in London, she had nothing left in Abergylid, Wales. Professor Xavier has a fairly easy job of recruiting her. She just needed to sell her house in Abergylid, the details of which she left to her and her sister's attorney they hired to deal with mom's estate, and move to the US.

Living At The X-Mansion

Currently Megan lives and goes to school at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. She shares a dorm room with Nico Minoru.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 113 lbs.

Eyes: almost completely black (her pupils aren't distinguishable)

Hair: pink

Other Features: rainbow-colored, translucent dragonfly wings


Flying ability. Megan can fly when her wings are uncovered, but she didn't get a lot of practice flying before she came to the school.


"Pixie dust" that comes off her skin involuntarily and causes hallucinogenic effects to people who breathe it (similar to LSD). Megan's pixie dust ability manifested first when she accidentally overdosed a bunch of people in her Welsh mining town. The dust is like white pollen, and not like glitter.

Pixie Dust effects:

Almost instantly, it causes the victim to become disoriented and causes visual effects like objects moving, swaying, dripping, walls breathing, etc. Often, the person cannot properly gauge how large or small they are in relation to the space they are in. Interior spaces will often shift in size and, outside, perspectives are deceiving. It is not a good idea for the victim to walk around outside on a busy street or drive a vehicle while under the effects of the pixie dust! Also, many victims feel a level of ego-death. They feel a part of everything, and can't tell where they end and the universe begins. This effect varies in intensity from person to person, however. A third common effect is that the victim will usually hallucinate shifting patterns and colors. It is unusual to have a hallucination of say, a completely different place or a person that isn't there. Megan's pixie dust isn't strong enough to cause that level of hallucination.

Effects can also vary based on the victim's resistance and on their emotional state. Someone who is angry or upset is more likely to see disturbing imagery such as patterns of faces, etc. and feel unable to return to their body, while someone in a neutral or happy state is more likely to just be disoriented, confused by the visual effects and mildly euphoric.

The radius of effect is about 6 to 12 feet, depending on air currents. Indoors, it tends to be a lot more potent than outside, where the dust is easily dispersed to a negligible amount.

The effects last 20-30 minutes and take several hours to wear off completely. After 20-30 minutes the victim will stop hallucinating but will still be unable to process information completely correctly. There is nothing that can make it wear off faster except that some people may be more resilient against it than others.

Pixie Dust control:

Megan is not good at controlling the dust--an emotional outburst can trigger it--though she usually keeps from dusting by keeping her emotions in check. She cannot control how people will react once they are dosed, or what they will experience. The pixie dust is basically a form of defense, allowing her to escape from danger.

An emotional outburst doesn't always mean her skin will release dust. But she has no way of consciously releasing the pixie dust.




Little snippets that reflect your character's personality.




Player: Marlena

E-mail: Marlenaemail.jpg


Player Icon Base: Evanna Lynch

Meta Trivia

Megan was brought into the game by Marlena in October 2009