Carry On

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Carry On...
Dates run: December 30, 2009- January 1, 2010
Run By: Ryan
Read the logs: Carry On

"You mean the Simon dude that ruined your beach house? What happened there anyway? What's going on, Keller? You look like we are about to get into a fight...and I don't like that one bit."

A trip to Dori's grandfather's farm in California brings Julian back in touch with his past again.

Part 2 of the Lords of War arc.


Julian Keller, Nico Minoru, Doreen Green, Megan Gwynn

Maureen Green, Sean Gallchobhair, Simon Gutierrez, Randal Simms, Ramona Simms


December 30, 2009- January 1, 2010

Plot Summary

Carry On: Doreen, Julian, Megan and Nico arrive at her grandfather's farm in California for New Years. Julian discovers, via the tv news, that old friend Dean Alwin is about to be taken off life support. Understandably upset, Julian heads into the city the next day with the three girls in tow for moral support.

Julian and company arrive at the ICU where he sees Simon Gutierrez heading into Dean's room. After once again explaining the road that led Julian to Xavier's, they follow him to a local shopping center only to lose him once inside. That is until Nico uses the Staff of One to find his location by turning a "You Are Here" sign into a tracking board.

They end up interrupting a drug deal and it's only with the help of Dori and Nico that the tide turns with a wave of giant squirrels. In the wake of the incident, Dori talks to her mother about becoming a trainee and gets the blessing she desired.

Related Links

Malibu Madness

Noise and Confusion

External Links

Carry On

Trivia and Meta


This was Nico and Megan's first trip away from the mansion since they'd arrived.


Plotrunner: Ryan