May 2010

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April 2010 *** June 2010
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May 1 - Jared introduces himself on the journals and in the course of comments, Kevin's relationship with Jean-Paul is outed. Artie runs into Kurt and Triscuit while out on his bike and they chat about India and Artie's schooling.

May 2 - Jean-Paul runs into Jake again at a bakery in New York and they have a tense discussion about Jake's lack of warning to the school about his presence and possible pursuers. Cammie offers her roommate, Laura, for sale.

May 3 - Kevin emails Yvette, apologising for not telling her about relationship with Jean-Paul in person. Meggan gets a visit from Kurt, during day one of her two days of enforced bed rest. Yvette e-mails Angel about going out for ice cream after her e-mail from Kevin. Kurt gives Cammie a lesson in cheating at cards, and then Nico comes by and they talk about the Staff of One and choices. Amanda resurfaces, informing people she isn't quite dead after her previous fun on the journals. Jan posts about Cinco de Mayo. Laurie visits Jean-Paul to change his dressings, give him a healing boost with her powers and feed him soup.

May 4 - Crystal posts about finally being out of Medlab.

May 5 - Yvette e-mails Logan and Garrison about X-Men combat training. A Brother's Protection: Nick receives an e-mail from his sister begging for help; Nick goes to see Kurt, the first person he thinks of that can help save his sister and Kurt agrees to help Nick get her out; Kurt recruits Hank in case of medical emergencies; Kurt posts to the X-Men comm with a note on what they're doing, and why.

May 6 - Jared e-mails Jean-Phillipe wanting some company as he feels a bit adrift. Amara finally catches up with Angelo to get her tour of Elpis and she is very impressed. A Brother's Protection: Hank and Kurt arrive at the steel mill and find it surprisingly sparsely guarded for a stronghold; Kurt teleports in to save Natalie, and is surprised by the ease of everything; things are thrown into question by two voices passing by; Kurt later returns to the mansion with Natalie, and are met by a very relieved Nick.

May 7 - John and Amara have coffee. Vanessa runs into Bishop at her favorite cafe, jokingly poses an offer and finds herself with a prospective PI for her agency. A Brother's Protection: Nick takes his sister to go meet with Professor Xavier to help decide the next course of action for his sister.

May 8 - John SMS's Amara to find out how her studying is going and to invite her to the movies, and receives a cranky response. Amanda drags Bobby out to Harry's for enforced social time.

May 9 - Jean-Paul e-mails John to find out how work is going. Amara e-mails John with an apology.

May 10 - Kurt and Garrison share duty down in the situation room, reviewing the post-mission involving Risman's intentions.

May 11 - Laura gets her cast off. Kyle awakens from his coma. Jean-Paul gets food delivered to Kyle's suite.

May 12 - Sarah makes a post on the journal, and there is talk of restyling Logan's jeans but all hell breaks loose when Doug and Amanda get into a fight over recent events involving Belladonna, forcing Remy to step in. After emailing Amanda and receiving news that Belladonna's been made Black Queen, Angelo informs Doug that their friendship is over. Farouk meets with David Langstrom in Washington and declines an offer of protection by the Company. He meets with Remy soon after and informs him of his intention to leave the mansion, but not before handing over the Ozymandius File. Doug sends Amanda an email letting her know that he will continue to do his job regardless of how everyone else feels about it. Doug sends Angelo an email to try to set things straight. Nico decides to plan a surprise party for Doreen and contacts the New Mutants about it. While nursing a hangover, Jared meets Kurt in the kitchen and they make small talk. John picks Amara up after work and they head out for a movie. Sofia makes a post in her journal, commenting about the drama in her office.

May 13 - Jubilee invites Amanda out to Silver. Doreen posts about her WOW achievement. Jared runs into Garrison while at Harry's and considers returning to work as a bartender.

May 14 - Megan sends Lorna a request to bake a birthday cake for Doreen's party. Nico gets in touch with Doreen after her surprise party. Artie seeks Tabitha out for a quick chat about the New Mutants, and later makes a journal post informing everyone of his decision to rejoin the New Mutants.

May 15 - Doreen makes a posts in her journal and thanks everyone for her surprise birthday party. After a conversation with Jared, Cammie goes to see Remy about a job but things don't go so well. Megan and Kane meet for the first time and find that they have a mutual interest in music.

May 16 - Laurie sends Yvette an email asking for a favor in relation to Kyle's physical therapy.


A Brother's Protection

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May 2010