Molly Hayes

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Molly Hayes
Portrayed by Chloe Moretz
Codename: Bruiser
Birthdate: July 11, 1998
Journal: x_minibruiser
Player: Mackinzie


Character Journal: x_minibruiser

Real Name: Molly Grace Hayes

Codename: Bruiser

Aliases: Princess Powerful, Dozer, Mol, Pipsqueak, Tiny

First Appearance: December 31, 2010

Date of Birth: July 11, 1998

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Dr. Alice Hayes (mother), Dr. Gene Hayes (father)

Education: Junior High School

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student, Demolisher of fine things

Team Affiliation: (if applicable)



Molly Hayes was born to Alice and Gene Hayes, two doctors who had been trying desperately to have a child for many years with little success. When she was born, Molly was their shining moment, the apple of their eyes. They loved her dearly and raised her to have everything she ever wanted. As Molly grew older, Molly’s father began to grow somewhat distant after Molly was tested negative for what was apparently diabetes.

Unknown to Molly and most people in their community, Alice and Gene Hayes were actually mutants, both telepaths. While they agreed with some of the mutant terrorist Magneto’s beliefs they didn’t go around flaunting it, knowing the consequences should anyone have found out. So instead, they chose to help out the Brotherhood in other ways, giving money when needed along with other low key types of activities.

What they had tested Molly for was for the mutant gene and discovering her to be apparently negative, Gene grew somewhat resentful. Though he still loved his daughter he couldn’t get over what she was not. Alice remained ambivalent, torn between her beliefs and the facts, but still treated Molly the same, if a bit more protective than before given her “weakness.”

Molly was a happy, healthy kid, though she did notice the growing change in her parents. After her eleventh birthday she also began to notice that she was a bit stronger than usual when a bully at school started to pick on her and she threw him across the room.

While she tried to tell her parents, they were too preoccupied with their own problems to even begin to listen to her.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 100 pounds

Eyes: Green (eyes glow purple when using powers)

Hair: Brown

Other Features: Rarely without hat, even in summer. Owns assorted collection of hats, most of them animal shaped, odd or cute.


Molly possesses the potential for immense strength, the heights of which are unmeasured. She currently can lift a school bus at around 11 tons with for a minute or two. The main drawback to her ability, however, is after using her strength she is overwhelmed with fatigue and will often fall asleep right then and there. For the most part she has a fair amount of control over her abilities, but can be prone to losing that control and overdoing her strength a little if she’s angry or stressed. When she uses her powers her eyes will glow purple, so it is difficult to hide that she is exerting her strength. Her powers are fueled by adrenaline. The moment that adrenaline starts to wear away is when the fatigue sets in.

In addition to super strength, Molly also possesses invulnerability, able to withstand blows that would normally seriously injure a normal person. She could withstand fire if she had to walk through it but the heat could be a problem if around it too long (her organs are not invulnerable and would essentially be cooked like a baked potato). She could also stay in the cold a bit longer than a normal person but could eventually get hypothermia. She would not survive if she were held underwater, however, as she couldn’t breathe.

Molly loves being a mutant, and is not afraid to show off her abilities (for better or worse


Lots and lots of hats.


Molly owns up to three dozen hats.



The Best Deceptions


The Best Deceptions


Player: Mackinzie

E-mail: 125px


Player Icon Base: (provide html link to IMDB, Wiki etc page)

Meta Trivia

Molly was introduced to the game in January 2011 as Mack's second character.