Jean-Paul Beaubier

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This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.


Character Journal: x_vega

Real Name: Jean-Paul Beaubier

Codename: Northstar

Aliases: Jean-Paul Martin

First Appearance: July 13, 2004

Date of Birth: May 26, 1970

Place of Birth: Quebec, Canada

Citizenship: Canadian

Relatives: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (twin sister)

Education: Degree in Literature and History and his teaching certificate.

Relationship Status: Single


Team Affiliation: Alpha Flight



Jean-Paul grew up in a series of foster homes and is accustomed to poverty and physical abuse and hardship. His parents died in an accident when he was two and he and his twin sister Jeanne-Marie were separated when he was adopted and she was not. His adoptive parents died when he was five. He grew up as a slight, pretty boy in a series of rural Quebec foster-homes, which should effectively define his childhood. He did, however, excel at athletics and this kept him out of a certain amount of trouble.

Jean-Paul competed in the Winter Olympics when he was 18 and once held 4 Olympic gold medals, all of which he turned over after publically acknowledging his status as a "mutant" in 1992 when he began working with Department H. He maintained that he was not fully aware of his "condition" when he competed in the Olympics. Jean-Paul has been out of the closet as a gay man to the public and media since 1994 as well, prompting his first 'sabbatical' from the Depatment and some time spent wandering France. He performed in the circus in France and is an excellent acrobat. While with the circus, he specialized in aerial acrobatics.

Alpha Flight

When Department H finally announced the activation of the final stage of the Flight Program, Alpha Flight, Jean-Paul was one of the first members. He grew close with Walter Langkowski, and was reunited with his sister Aurora. The twins participated actively in Alpha Flight on and off until 2004. The twins were notorious for constantly fighting and reconciling, but it wasn't until the Christmas of 2003 that the two of them swore never to speak to one another again.

They had decided to spend Christmas together, Aurora bringing their close friend, the man who altered her mutation and her boyfriend, Walter Langkowski, to dinner. Little did either of them know that Langkowski would propose at that dinner. Jean-Paul suddenly found himself thirty-four, alone, and in love with his sister's fiancee with little of what he considered a future and ended up taking it out on his sister. Visibly shaken, he turned cold, even rude. Aurora, hurt and appalled that the man she loved most in life, her brother, could not be happy for her on such a joyous occasion, she confronted him in anger which only managed to start a huge argument, eventually leading to their separation, convinced this was the end of their relationship.

Living At The X-Mansion

Further Information

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 150 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Other Features: Delicate features, pointed ears, silver shine in his hair, Olympic rings tattoo on his left upper arm with the year 1990 below it, faded tattoo of two narrow pale silver-blue crescent moons interlocked to form a Gemini symbol over his heart

Looks more like he's in his twenties, despite his age.


Jean-Paul's powers are relatively modest but well-developed. He's a flyer, exceptionally fast and agile, able to reach 200mph, and has incredible endurance - for the most part, he simply does not get physically tired. His speed is not just flight, it applies to all his motion, and he is able to deliver jackhammer-speed blows and simply avoid or outmaneuver his opponents. He's also able to translate physical energy into balls of light or concussive bursts, nothing extravagant but enough to give him the advantage when it's needed, especially when applied in closed spaces.

He is quite strong for a human, especially one his size, but most of that is due to his constant focus on being fit. He's very physically durable, he can take far more punishment than even a very healthy man, and he is immune to extremes of temperature. However, he is far from invulnerable compared to some others.




Jean-Paul hates being called JP and goes mainly by "Paul".

He is openly gay, but not effeminate.

He is vegan, very health conscious, and into a variety of active sports in the outdoors as much as possible.


Blaze of Glory

Trojan Horse





Player Icon Base: Christian Bale

Meta Trivia

Formerly played by Ande