Ramsey Family

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Ramsey Family
Portrayed by Various
Known Aliases: John, Mary, Katie and Jennifer Ramsey
Affiliations: Doug Ramsey
Socked By:
Introduction: Fianchetto

The Ramseys are the immediate family of Doug Ramsey. While on good terms with their son, they haven't exactly been around in his life since his genetic status was discovered.


First appearance: March 2010

John Ramsey
No PB selected.jpg
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PB: To be determined

Mary Ramsey
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PB: To be determined

Katie Ramsey
The eldest of Doug's two younger sisters. In 2010 she surprised (and shocked00 her brother by announcing she was attending Columbia University in New York, causing him to have to juggle his other life as an X-Force operative. Following her abduction by Telford Porter as leverage against her brother, Katie's memory was altered by Emma Frost and a feeling of deep antipathy to Doug created, resulting in her relocating to the West Coast and refusing to talk to her brother again.

PB: Aimee Teegarden

Jennifer Ramsey
No PB selected.jpg
(description here)

PB: To be determined.

Other family members: (for family members that appear rarely on screen in minor roles)


Brief family history, with all events connected directly to the school referenced.


July 2004 - Marie-Ange and Doug run into problems with the Friends of Humanity while visiting his family.

March 2010 - Doug's family visits his workplace, unaware of the real work X-Force does.



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