Genoshan Government

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Portrayed by
Known Aliases: list individuals here
Socked By:

Blurb - short summary of who the group is and what their aims are.

First Appearance

Genosha Arc


(each member should have a short description of who they are, how they came to be with the group, their role and their current status. Images should be 100x100 px)

David Moreau - President
Moreau was the leader of the National Progressive Party, and due to their majority in the Genoshan parliament, was the sitting President of the Legislature. Moreau was in power for fifteen years, serving in his fourth term as President in June 2012. An excellent speaker and consummate politician, Moreau enjoyed strong backing from most of Genosha and had been a big reason for the continued dominance of the NPP. Moreau’s wife died suddenly twelve years ago, leaving him to raise their only son, Phillip. Somewhat domineering and distant, David believed that his son had learned the important lessons before his disappearance and the tangible feelings of betrayal made him confine his son to solitary confinement since his recapture.

To the world at large, Moreau projected the face of the grave, reasoned statesman, who strove for stability, prosperity and peace. Unfortunately, a streak of ruthlessness and ambition had slowly grown over his years in power. While not specifically anti-mutant, he did believe that their powers represent too great a risk to be left uncontrolled, and too great a resource to be left to individual whim. Through the mutate process, Moreau saw a way for Genosha to drag itself up to the same level as the other major world powers and dominate Africa the same way France or Germany dominates the EU. To fulfill those goals, David moved further and further away from the principles he once held, and quickly lost any grasp of what was right in his quest for Genosha’s rise. When outright rebellion started, his response was to threaten to destroy every mutate on Genosha with a failsafe that had been place into their programming. His son, Phillip, freed from his cell, confronted David and shot him dead when David refused to back down.

PB: Anthony Stewart Head. Socked by Dex.

Thomas Moreau - Minister of ________
Thomas was the older brother of the President. Like many Genoshans of his era, he joined the British military to escape the poverty of his home, and had a distinguished ten year career with the SAS. He returned home as one of the first commanders in the nascent Magistrate forces and eventually retired to follow his brother into politics. Unlike his brother, Thomas never had a crisis of conscience. He saw mutants the same way others see livestock, and while he carefully tempered his public persona to avoid antagonising political allies, his attitudes hardened over the years. He saw the mutate process from a military perspective – a way to dominate Africa directly, setting up Genosha as a first world power with mutate forces guarding one of the world’s richest resource areas.

Thomas had control over some of the more secret ‘black’ projects undertaken by the Magistrates, outside of the normal chain of command. He was not well liked, but was largely respected for his abilities and his constant pro-Genoshan stances. Behind it though was a man ready to employ brutal methods to get what he wanted. This was revealed during the Genosha Arc, with the kidnapping of the Xavier's people being his idea as a way to discourage Professor Charles Xavier from getting too involved in Genoshan politics. When his brother was killed by his nephew, Phillip, during the final battle for the Citadel, Thomas' mind snapped and he revealed the extensive power grafts he had undertaken, becoming a monstrous figure who was eventually killed by the combined forces of the X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor and the New Mutants.

PB: Sean Bean. Socked by Dex.

Phillip Moreau - son of David Moreau
Son of the President and 'heir apparent' to the leading political party, Phillip was raised believing in Genosha's policies and in the need for mutate labour. This changed, however, when he fell in love with Jenny Ransome and she was later identified as a mutant. Reluctant to have her forced to serve Genosha as a mutate, the pair ran away, seeking asylum in the States. They were guests at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters while their fate was decided. They disappeared whilst under FBI protection, en route to Muir Island in February 2012. He was discovered in a cell in the Citadel's mutate processing area and was freed by the X-Men. Upon confronting his father and demanding that a cessation of hostilities be called, he drew a gun and killed David Moreau when that demand was refused. He was gunned down by his father's protective detail in response.

PB: Bradley James. Socked by Dex.

Okim Etunfunwa - Former President, Interim Speaker
(description here)

PB: Morgan Freeman. Socked by Dex

Bennett Creighten-Hayes - Genoshan Ambassador to the U.S.
(description here)

PB: To be determined. Socked by Doqz.

Dr. Sasha Ryan - Commissioner of Mutant Affairs, Interim President
(description here)

PB: . Socked by Eva.

Russell Davis - assistant to Dr. Ryan
Davis was a young staffer for Dr. Sasha Ryan, who had been secretly working for British Intelligence. An Oxford educated Genoshan from a prominent family, Davis originally agreed to provide intelligence to the British after his uncle, a mutant, was killed at the Prenova geothermal facility. He’d sent a secret letter to Russell outlining what he saw were abuses just before he died, and when Davis revealed it to his parents, they destroyed it. Davis had been quietly building up dossiers on potential dissidents against the Moreau regime, and was looking for an opportunity to strike back. He was killed by Genoshan forces after helping Xavier's people connect with the Mutant Affairs Commission.

PB: None, socked by Dex

The Genegineer
(description here)

PB: _____, socked by Dex

  • (other members not named/too minor for a PB and description)

Mutant Affairs Commission

The original eight Genoshan mutants – of which six remain – are part of a political body called the Commission. The Commission reports to Dr. Sasha Ryan, and is responsible for advising the government on mutant related policies. They have immense influence on the deployment of the island’s mutant resources, as well as the legal status of future mutants. The Commission has been Genosha’s main response to foreign criticism regarding their mutant population, and is the government’s ambassador to the Genoshan mutant population. They are widely popular and save for two exceptions, were content to support the government’s curtailing of freedoms for their own kind.

Joseph Nku Reneau
One of the original eight mutants that formed the Commission, Reneau is keenly coming to the understanding that his life’s work may be the exact opposite of what he intended. His powers are tightly controlled pyrokinetics, although at his advanced age, the use tires him out. He was once the face of the Commission, but illness and political considerations have seen him marginalized. Still, his name and voice have considerable impact on Genosha’s people, but he may be past the point of caring.

PB: None. Socked by Dex

Jobeth Razafimanjaka
Unlike the others of the Commission, Jobeth saw the future years ago. She did her best to get the structure changed so that the Commissioner’s office and the Commission had direct control over the administrative elements of the mutant population, but as their influence slowly eroded, so did their hold. Still a passionate patriot, Jobeth has been working to try and counteract the influence of the Moreau’s, but with the rest of the Commission made complacent by lavish benefits, there is little that she can do inside the realms of influence. Once a gifted earth shaper, most of Jobeth’s powers are now passive in nature.

PB: None. Socked by Dex

  • The remaining four members of the Commission were not named and were not seen on-screen.


(description of the group's formation, actions in game time (brief - full details can be described in plots) and current status.


Genosha Arc


Socked by: Various