February 2015

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Revision as of 19:51, 16 February 2015 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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January 2015 *** March 2015
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Feb 1 - Jennie and Cecilia organize the medlab and discuss their tenure at the mansion and how they’re doing with everything that’s happened. Wade texts Arthur to tell him cecilia and Marie-Ange want him to take Arthur tie-shopping. Warren texts Jean to tell her he can’t stop thinking about her and can he see her on Monday. Tabitha’s parents take her to the mansion, despite her sulking, and she meets Scott. Gabriel walks home the worse for wear after a night of hard drinking and pot use and comes across an older, very much alive Clint being evicted by his latest girlfriend and they chat casually in the street despite Gabe’s shock. Clint texts Matt to tell him Lisa will not be coming to family dinner that night. Gabriel posts to say that everything sucks. Gabriel texts Angel to tell her he’s come across a new version of Clint.

Feb 2 - Clarice sends Marie-Ange a pair of haut couture shoes. Rogue bumps into Kurt and is comforted by his presence. Rogue sends her new boss, Adrienne, coffee and flowers. Julian and Angel talk about the need for something other than the New Mutants program in the new world and ask Jessica for her help running Generation X. On her third date with Warren, Jean obtains the information on mutant bioweapons she’s been searching for, and her conscience gets the better of her and she flees, leading Warren to think he came on too strong. Matt reveals to Warren his alter-ego, Daredevil.

Feb 3 - The news reveals lightning was responsible for a fire that burned down the Greater Brooklyn Chapter of the Friends of Humanity. Wade emails Marie-Ange about the recent events in New York concerning building collapses and lightning strikes; on Marie-Ange’s suggestion, Wade emails Amanda about weather-proofing the office, and Amanda mentions her suspicions regarding what’s causing the ‘accidents’. Warren texts Jean to apologise for being inappropriate. Clarice complains about having to wear an image inducer again. Adrienne mentions the New York incidents and mentions that since there’s no money in it, X-Factor won’t investigate. Bobby complains about getting homework for the first day of school. Adrienne texts Amanda needing help with her temptation to go back on drugs and her grief over Tandy. Angel texts Daredevil asking if he’s going out tonight. Cecilia is confused about where Pizza Dog is getting the snowballs that he’s bringing to her room from. Lorna leaves a pie for Wade to make up for the one she ate and Wade texts her to thank her.

Feb 4 - Jennie is gleeful about a pair of six year old twins who have joined her dance studio. CNN reports on a Friends of Humanity billboard in Times Square going missing overnight; Amanda posts to xp_teams about the recent incidents and her concerns about backlash, asking for suggestions; Wade texts Arthur regarding possible powers issues from him causing the incidents; Arthur suggests to Wanda, Jennie and Wade that they go on a field trip in New York to see if there’s a probability manipulator involved. Adrienne leaves breakfast for Amanda and Marie-Ange as a thank you for letting her crash with them the night before. Clint texts Matt to see if he was out the night before. Jean runs into old X-Corps teammate, Angelo, and they chat about Warren. Scott comes across Rogue in the gym, having trouble with her ‘new’ powers. Doug meets with Daddy Libido and Sexy Mutha Washington, to suggest an option for their mutant daughter; Wade lets the various teams know a new student - Roxy Washington - is coming back to the school with Doug. Warren, hurt that Jean hasn’t returned his messages, drunk texts her a picture of his abs and then accidentally texts Matt instead. Jean meets up with Angelo, one of her fellow X-Corps buddies, to talk about life, beer, and Warren Worthington.

Feb 5 - NYPD puts out a news release concerning the assault of two gay men; Gabriel reflects on the incident, and how it isn’t safe to be a gay man in New York. Roxy emails her parents to let them know she arrived safely. Julian gets a check-up with Cecilia. Wade and Jennie discover they have similar tastes in bad taste. Jean realises that she needs to ask Warren for help investigating Worthington Industries and reveals her true intentions.

Feb 6 - Jennie trains Arthur in his powers. While Miles, Peter and Matt are out on patrol, they are joined by Billy, a new vigilante; Matt texts Clint to let him know he was with the group. Warren confronts his father about Biotech. Julian introduces himself to Roxy and discovers they already know each other. Kevin Sydney and Neena Thurman attend a job interview at the Snow Valley offices and become the newest members of X-Force; Marie-Ange text Doug to let him know they have new people needing to be set up with tech.

Feb 7 - Fox news reports that a Texan Republican Senator’s campaign ad filming was delayed due to the equipment turning into bacon. Yes, bacon; Jennie is hugely amused by the story and discussion turns into breakfast. Gabriel emails Charles for therapy help. Jessica brings champagne and movies to Rogue’s room to see how she’s faring.

Feb 8 - Wade asks Kevin for a loan of his hat. Lorna texts Wanda, asking about what she plans to do for her and Pietro’s birthday and if she’s heard anything about the Brotherhood. Wade comes across Roxy having powers issues and lends a hand. Other new arrival Tabitha makes her first journal post. Warren lets Jean know that he’s ready to meet with her people. Bobbi posts about the Grammys making her feel old. Rogue shows off her new manicure. Laurie hangs this sign to the door of her lab. Doug emails Laurie to let her know why he’s being so sarcastic to Tabitha.

Feb 9 - Jubilee emails Marie-Ange, Amanda and North from Australia. Clint meets with his Director, Abigail Brand, and gets permission to investigate the odd occurrences in the city. Jean brings North to Warren’s apartment to sweep for bugs, and things are awkward; Jean and Warren go to talk to Charles about what to do next, and meet Scott; Scott checks on Warren after the meeting; Jean introduces herself to Scott. Bobby makes an ice slide to distract Roxy from her powers issues. Bobby makes a journal entry about how pumped he is for Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Jean makes a journal entry introducing herself. Cecilia e-mails Arthur and Wade about Jean. Clarice texts Cece about Jean’s appearance.

Feb 10 - Laurie makes a journal entry about being able to cook and seeking accompaniment for purchasing ingredients. Adri texts Kane about Jean’s recent arrival. Logan texts Scott about how Jean’s appearance makes things complicated. Wanda makes a journal entry commenting on the anniversary of her 21st birthday. Warren and Lorna meet in the kitchen and share some leftovers. Warren runs into Roxy in the woods and he tries to charm her out of her melancholy in regards to a couple power malfunctions that happen around him. Angel goes and meets Roxy in her student suite. Roxy posts an introductory journal entry, complete with a link to the new Pitch Perfect 2 trailer. Warren texts Matt about being brought to Xavier’s. Megan e-mails Adri about having to change her work schedule due to not getting the classes she wanted.

Feb 11 - Jubilee shares a thing on her journal. Adri e-mails Rogue for help looking into eVolution and Megan’s previous e-mail about working for her there. Warren texts Scott asking about friends of his interested in coming to Xavier’s. Adrienne enlists Arthur for a little luck in exploring who she can trust in the top levels of her business empire, but soon finds that there are two sides to that coin.

Feb 12 - Warren e-mails Matt about Xavier’s for him and his friend’s benefit. Warren, Matt, Miles, and Peter finally reveal their identities to each other and Warren pitches Xavier’s to them.

Feb 13 - Jubilee makes a journal entry about her and Kurt’s return, and they brought presents! Topaz texts Hope about their new Fairy Wine Mothers. Fox tweets about mutants attacking a peaceful protest outside the NYC city hall, while the New York Times tweets about a 12 year old’s science project causing a panic at a rally outside the NYC City Hall. Bobby runs into Rogue, who wasn’t expecting to see him at all.

Feb 14 - Sooraya makes a post to xp_teams about X-Corp and the currently difficult circumstances in offering humanitarian aid. Scott shows Miles and Matt around the mansion, and they’re sold pretty quickly. Gabriel makes a journal entry stating it’s just another day and he’s fine. Roxy posts .mp4s of cover songs she’s performed for Valentine’s Day. Jubilee drops some truth on how to be a successful human being. Jubes e-mails Cammie to apologize for getting weird and stalky with her.

Feb 15 - Julian texts Angelica seeking a professional super-heroing opinion vis-a-vis his headache. Warren and Cece talk in the morning after having slept together following a Valentine's Day evening group outing. Into the Fog: Amanda posts to xp_teams about a new job that will take them en route to Reykjavik. Matt and Clint snipe back and forth, drink, eat Indian food, and, oh yeah, discuss this whole mutant school thing. While taking a look at the Medlab after hours, Jean runs into Rogue.


Into The Fog

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February 2015