Template:Selected anniversaries/February 26

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February 26


2004: Limbo: Illyana is kidnapped by Belasco and taken into Limbo; by the time she's retrieved, she has aged over eight and a half years; several of the staff and students are injured in the fight.

2005: Hellfire and Damnation: Scott deliberately allows Pete access to the file with the information on de la Rocha's involvement in his father's death.

2006: Shiro and Haroun spar, then discuss promotions; Shiro voices his doubts about himself, and Haroun tries to beat him over the head with some good advice. In the aftermath of the whole pregnancy mess, Jay finds Bobby and they talk about what happened, before Bobby crosses a line by kissing Jay. Cain makes a visit to the Vietnam Wall and reflects. Haroun meets Karolina and invites her to watch Pride Fighting Championship, which she politely declines. Kyle finds out about Bobby hitting on Jay, and reacts surprisingly maturely - for Kyle. Bobby tries to apologise to Terry, but she's not ready to be gracious. Shiro is horrified by pictures of a giant jellyfish in National Geographic, and decides to share. Haroun decides to take back the Powered Flight class. Not So Plain Jane: Parker Matthews, Jean's admirer from the cocktail party, pushes his suit a little too far and gets way more than he bargained for, as a result of which Jean - or Jane - abandons the field trip and the school with only a note; Haller asks Kylun and Cain if they know what's going on; Forge also notices her absence; Jane sends Scott a brutal email telling him she's leaving the school, the X-Men and him, after making a similar announcement in the staff community.

2007: After Pietro talks to Lorna about his time with the Brotherhood of Mutants, he accepts Scott's offer. Scott announces Pietro is joining the team, and the reception is mixed. Jean talks to Logan about his reaction and finds the answer in a piece of his past. Rahne emails Jennie about her apology and why she is so angry. Angelo stops speaking after reading Jennie's post and resigns from his teaching position for the duration. 40 Days (in the Desert): Lorna asks Sofia to track down her sister. New Orleans Is Sinking: Sofia is stopped in the street by a Guild member who hands her a letter for Pere LeBeau. Nate, Angelo and Amanda come back to New York, and Doug manages to get Amanda to sit down and rest.

2008: Forge emails Garrison, wanting hand-to-hand training; Forge gets his ass rather comprehensively handed to him by Garrison, but there's hope there; Forge goes to seek comfort from Crystal and things are initially awkward. Sofia is cranky about the journals. Jay runs into Forge and discuss meaning and relationships. Kevin asks Nathan for an Elpis job and is hired on; Kevin announces his new job. Remy and Jubilee have lunch and decide her future. Crystal emails Kyle about Kevin's comments the day before. These Earthly Things: Wanda manages to convince Amanda to take a break from her research. Jennie declares a pantless dance party as a cure for angst.

2009: Lil emails Kyle, asking him for help with new furniture and spackle, plus a new phone. Jean-Paul emails Nathan about hanging out. Julian emails Nathan, asking permission to take Angel off grounds on their date.

2010: Laurie leaves breakfast for Jean-Paul. Catseye emails Yvette about talking to Kevin and offers to be with her as moral support when Kevin comes to seek her out; Kevin finds Yvette in the library before she's read her email and they work things out themselves. Catseye finds Fred moping in the garage and manages to cheer him up a little as well as get a lesson in vehicle maintenance. Angel emails Kevin to thank him for her sculpture. Jean-Paul thanks Laurie for breakfast and turns down her offer to use him as an assistant baker. John walks in on Amara in the mansion kitchen while returning his keys and winds up flirting and getting fed.

2011: Amanda and Kurt have a late lunch and talk about Nick's return and amnesia. Marie-Ange posts to her journal about being back in the office and her love of New York regardless of working on a Saturday morning; Marie-Ange emails Wade to tell him Snow Valley are actually spies. Laurie mentions a conversation with her father about underwear vending machines in Japan. Artie plays a prank on Laurie with his powers and doesn't appreciate the subsequent dressing-down she gives him. Jubilee posts late at night to x_grads to invite anyone to Silver for Saturday night party night. An accident with Megan's pixie-dust leaves Hank hallucinating. Molly and Nico play together in the snow, and agree to swap birthdays this year.

2012: I Do...NOT! Sooraya informs everyone that she and a few of the others will be heading to Attilan so she can participate in Achmed's trial. Meggan apologises to Korvus for not telling him about her ability to 'eat' electricity and they go for a picnic - with champagne - and talk about their college plans.

2013: A distracted Johnny runs into Angelo and learns a bit about X-Corps in the process.



2015: Wade and North do their thing to try and deal with the world ending. Adrienne goes out with Jean, and her bad mood and continuously bad reactions to Jean lead Jean to call off their friendship. Monet and Artie meet and Artie realizes she’s basically the same despite being younger.

2016: Jessica’s Beyonce lyrics post is somewhat more emo than last time. Clint and Ev get out of the mansion and catch up.

2017: Topaz and Kyle talk about Clint's team idea after a fighting lesson, and make plans of their own to help.

2018: Ready or Not: The brand new game, Predator-X, is in the news with a new trailer and a hype blurb.

2019: Bobbi takes Nica to a tanning salon so she can power up, given the lack of natural light.