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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Catseye (disambiguation).


Sharon Smith
Portrayed by Kiernan Shipka
Codename: Catseye
Birthdate: March 3, 2003
Journal: xp_catseye
Player: Tapestry


Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: xp_catseye

Real Name: Sharon Smith

Codename: Catseye


First Appearance: August 8th, 2023

Date of Birth: March 3, 2003

Place of Birth: Manhattan, NY

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Janet Smith (mother, deceased), Ronald Smith (father, estranged)

Education: GED, a smattering of online college courses based on interest rather than a mind for a degree

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Stray

Team Affiliation:



Sharon Smith was born with a prehensile tail and the power of ailuranthropy, enabling her to shift forms between girl and cat since birth. Her father abandoned the family soon after she was born, and her mother quickly became stressed and paranoid by the demands of caring for such a difficult child. Regardless, her mother did her best, and homeschooled her daughter to the best of her ability while the two family cats served as her playmates.

As the girl grew, Sharon's mother felt it was too dangerous to allow her daughter to interact with others; the child did not understand why the shapeshifting she'd possessed all her life might put her in danger, and would do so at will. She forbade Sharon from leaving the house, and Sharon, largely, obliged -- save for a few instances of sneaking outside of the apartment when her mother slept, always in feline form. Her first human encounter during this time was with a group of kids who threw cans at her because of the odd color of her fur. After that, she socialized only with the city's feral cats.

Despite these restrictions Sharon's mother provided her daughter with access to the internet and other educational materials, enabling Sharon to earn her GED and dabble in whatever online college courses piqued her interest. She proved to be a clever girl, with a photographic memory and keen intelligence. Though her interests are scattered, what she invests in she invests in completely -- for instance, teaching herself Latin as it enabled her access to certain classics.

Like so many of us, Sharon learned the bulk of her social skills on the internet. There she adopted the username Catseye.

For Sharon, M-Day came and went largely as something observed through screens: her isolation protected her from the direct impact of worsening public sentiment, but it did increase her wariness of the world outside. When Sharon was 20 years old her mother suddenly died of an undiagnosed heart condition. Sharon found the woman dead in her bed, already cool to the touch. Not knowing what else to do, Sharon called 911 and hid from the paramedics when they arrived and removed her mother. She hid in their apartment for days until the landlord came to clear their unit, chasing her out in the process. There was no life insurance from her mother, and while she did have access to their bank accounts there was very little in the way of savings from her mother's job as a medical coder. With no practical life skills or experience in the real world, Sharon made her way to District X: the only mutant community she knew of. Wary of strangers, she spent the majority of her time in cat form scavenging food from dumpsters and observing the goings-on before making her way to the community center.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 120lbs

Eyes: Yellow

Hair: Purple

Other Features: In her human form Sharon retains her prehensile tail, slitted yellow eyes, and retractable claws on her fingers and toes.


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Illyana's Soulsword, etc


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Who does and doesn't know about Haller's multiple personalities.

External Links

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts





Player: Tapestry

E-mail: TapEmail.jpg

Player Icon Base: Kiernan Shipka

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.