Category:Player Emeritus

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Players who have played for at least two years and/or made a significant contribution to the game in terms of gameplay, plots, wiki contributions, socking, discussions and so on have the option of requesting the mods to make them “Players Emeritus”. This position involves remaining on the mailing list and having access to xproj_players, the OOC locked players community, and offering their services in the areas of plotting and socking, but without having a character or having to fulfill activity requirements. In all cases of Player Emeritus, the player is expected to abide by the rules, and contribute to the game (on a reduced basis as outlined) and will not be granted voting rights in game polls.

The mods maintain the right to refuse granting this position to players who have proven to be disruptive and/or damaging to the game and its players.

Pages in category "Player Emeritus"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.