Tabitha Smith

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Character Journal: x_plosive

Real Name: Tabitha Smith

Codename: Meltdown

Aliases: None

First Appearance: September 26, 2003

Date of Birth: January 23, 1982

Place of Birth: Roanoke, Virginia

Citizenship: US

Relatives: Marty Louis Smith (father), Mandy Smith (mother - deceased), Wanda Jo Bialowsky (step-mother)

Education: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters University of California at Monterey

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Assistant Librarian

Team Affiliation: X-Men



Tabitha Smith was born to Marty Louis Smith and Mandy Smith, in Roanoke, Virginia on January 23rd, 1982. Her parents divorced and her father later married Wanda Jo Bialowsky.

She never really got along with her parents, so when her powers began to manifest the fighting finally came to a head. In retaliation for the latest bout of name-calling, Tabitha put a miniature time-bomb in her father's lasagna. In retaliation, he beat her severely. She ran away that night, ending up in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She kept to the periphery of the local gangs, avoiding attention and living off of what was left in vacation homes and what she could get from picking pockets. She was picked up by the police after setting off a home alarm in a condo. She's not quite sure how it happened, but she ended up at Xavier's.

The Team

Tabitha, calling herself Meltdown, was an asset to the X-Men in the early years, where the skills she acquired in her "misspent youth" occasionally proved useful on a mission. She also showed a keen skill for research, both online and off. In early 2004, for reasons not yet made public, Tabitha left the mansion for California. While not official staff at the West Coast Annex, she has been known to stop by on occasion.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'5"

Weight: "Fluffy"

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Other Features: None.


Tabitha creates "time bombs", small spheres of plasma that remain stable until she explodes them. The approximate damage is based on the size of the bomb - spheres the size of a marble explode like a small firecracker, while larger ones are capable of significant destruction.

Tabitha's one crutch to her power is her need to count out loud before detonating her 'time bombs'. Through training, it is hypothesized that she will be able to overcome this difficulty. She has learned how to reabsorb her bombs.







X-Men Mission: Bombing At Disneyworld


X-Men Mission: Plant Life

Red X Mission: Stonewall


This Savage Land


Player: Shai

E-mail: ShaiEmail.jpg


Player Icon Base: Cheryl

Meta Trivia

Formerly played by Dixie, picked up by Shai in March 2007