Template:Featured Articles/35-2018

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Moment of Awesome: Xavin Majesdane: Xavin becomes a target of a mysterious magical curse with terrifying consequences.

Xavin was only half dressed, still damp from the shower and wearing only a pair of track pants when they hammered on the medbay door.

"Help. Help."

Sharon quickly jumped to her feet when she heard the pounding, hurrying over to the door and pulling it open. She'd been updating charts and needed a moment to register the strange sight in front of her. "Come in, Xavin, and tell me what has been happening." She asked in a calm voice.

Xavin tried to speak; couldn't. Instead, they just pointed at their face in silent horror. The skin was stretching, the features softening and slowly sinking back into the skull.

And this was a different one from the weird stuff they'd been seeing in the medlab so far. "Okay, let's get you to a private room and get one of the docs in here." And one of the magic crew she added silently to herself. She hits the nessecary buttons to summon both before holding open another door. "Did this just start?" Sharon asked in a soothing voice.

"I don't know! I was in the shower and then this!" Xavin's voice was frantic as they gestured up and down.

"So not too long ago? And is just feeling strange or does it hurt?" Sharon tried to clarify as she escorted Xavin over to the bed and pulled over high stool on wheel. "Xavin, I know what is happening is really scary right now, but I need you to sit down and listen to me and answer some questions, okay? Do you think you can do that for me?"

"My face is melting. My fucking face is melting. Can you not?" Xavin began to cry.

"Xavin." A thread of steel laced Sharon's voice now, grabbing their hands and squeezing them gently to draw their attention. "I need you to listen to me. What is happening is because of something magical and the magical people are working hard to fix this. It will be okay. But until then we're going to help you if it hurts or anything else. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay." Every slight movement Xavin made caused their face to shift further, forehead sliding down into their cheeks. "Uhh. Uh. Oh god."

And this was not something that is going to be managed by painkillers... or by staying awake probably. "Let's get you as comfortable as we can make you." Sharon rose from her stool and moved over the cabinet to get some basic supplies and to call in one of the docs.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. "Okay."