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Paige grew up in a mining town in Kentucky. As the oldest daughter of a large family, she watched her father struggle to hide the extent of his struggle with blacklung and saw her older brother struggle under the weight of filling his shoes. As her father's illness got worse, Paige struggled to help her mother explain what was happening to her younger siblings. While Paige had heard about M-Day on the news, the anti-mutant sentiment in her area had already been very present and she didn't really notice much of a change. While the church the Gurthries attend had moved a bit away from the fire and brimstone snake-handling of Paige's early childhood, their new pastor was insistent that M-Day was God's punishment for mutantkind's hubris. However, the Guthries continued to have a favorable opinion on mutants because of Sam.
Paige grew up in a mining town in Kentucky. As the oldest daughter of a large family, she watched her father struggle to hide the extent of his struggle with blacklung and saw her older brother struggle under the weight of filling his shoes. As her father's illness got worse, Paige struggled to help her mother explain what was happening to her younger siblings. While Paige had heard about M-Day on the news, the anti-mutant sentiment in her area had already been very present and she didn't really notice much of a change. While the church the Gurthries attend had moved a bit away from the fire and brimstone snake-handling of Paige's early childhood, their new pastor was insistent that M-Day was God's punishment for mutantkind's hubris. However, the Guthries continued to have a favorable opinion on mutants because of Sam.
After Sam left, Paige would read his letters home and began dreaming about becoming a mutant herself. After a few years of jumping out of barn lofts and trying to telepathically communicate with animals, Paige discovered her ability to change her skin into different substances. Paige was determined to be the best mutant she can be and began practicing in secret.  Despite hr family having a strong pro-mutant stance, Paige is something of a perfectionist and over achiever.  In order to not be shown up by Sam, she decided to train her powers in secret from everyone else in order to reveal her powers when she feels she has the most control over them.  Paige also notices when Sam moves away, her mother becomes upset and she has more trouble being a parent to her children.  Paige and her mother have never been close, and Lucinda tends to treat Paige rather coldly, so revealing her powers would also have likely made Paige’s relationship with her mother worse.  Paige is also close with her younger brother, Jay, who begins to resent Sam after he moves away, and Paige does not want to introduce that tension to their relationship as well.  Eventually, Paige does tell Sam about her mutation, but has not yet told the rest of her family.
Because of the way her father’s death affected her family, Paige goes to study Allied Health Education and Psychology at Bluefield State to help others work through difficult situations. She’s going on to get her master’s in psychology at Columbia University.
=== '''Manifestation''' ===
After Sam left, Paige would read his letters home and began dreaming about becoming a mutant herself and becoming like her big brother. She spent a few years of jumping out of barn lofts and trying to telepathically communicate with animals. In a moment of sheer frustration after attepmting to force her powers didn't work, Paige ran off into the woods one night and, quite literally, ripped her skin off in anger, discovering her ability to change her skin into different substances. Paige was determined to be the best mutant she can be and began practicing in secret.  Despite hr family having a strong pro-mutant stance, Paige is something of a perfectionist and over achiever.  In order to not be shown up by Sam, she decided to train her powers in secret from everyone else in order to reveal her powers when she feels she has the most control over them.  Paige also notices when Sam moves away, her mother becomes upset and she has more trouble being a parent to her children.  Paige and her mother have never been close, and Lucinda tends to treat Paige rather coldly, so revealing her powers would also have likely made Paige’s relationship with her mother worse.  Paige is also close with her younger brother, Jay, who begins to resent Sam after he moves away, and Paige does not want to introduce that tension to their relationship as well.  So a secret her powers remained until she decided to move north to continue her education.
=== '''Living At The X-Mansion''' ===
=== '''Living At The X-Mansion''' ===

Revision as of 23:24, 10 December 2023

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Paige Guthrie (disambiguation).


Paige Guthrie
Paige wiki.png
Portrayed by Ava Phillipe
Codename: Husk
Affiliations: Generation X
Birthdate: 4/13/1999
Journal: xp_husk
Player: Ren


Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: xp_husk

Real Name: Paige Elizabeth Guthrie

Codename: Husk

Aliases: N/A

First Appearance:

Date of Birth: April 13, 1999

Place of Birth: Kentucky, USA

Citizenship: USA

Relatives: Lucinda (mother), Thomas (father-deceased), Sam (older brother), Jay (younger brother), Melody (younger sister), Elizabeth (younger sister), Joelle (younger sister), Jebediah (younger brother), Lewis (younger brother), Cissie (younger sister)

The Guthries are a matriarchal Appalachian family, with all children deferring first to their mother and then to Sam as the oldest/father figure. Paige is closest to Sam and Jay, but is also particularly fond of Melody. Sam, Paige, Melody, Jay, Elizabeth, Joelle, and Lewis are all musically oriented in one way or another, while Jebediah and Cissie are very much not which leaves them feeling a bit othered from the rest of their siblings. Paige is fortunate enough to be less parentified than her older brother, due to the rather cold relationship between her and her mother, but still views the youngest kids as something as a cross between sibling and her own child (ex. Joelle, Jebediah, Lewis, Cissie). Lewis and Cissie are twins.

Education: Paige has a Bachelor’s degree from Bluefield State in Allied Health Education and Psychology, enrolled to begin psychology PhD at Columbia University

Relationship Status: single

Occupation: Graduate student at Columbia University

Team Affiliation: N/A



Paige grew up in a mining town in Kentucky. As the oldest daughter of a large family, she watched her father struggle to hide the extent of his struggle with blacklung and saw her older brother struggle under the weight of filling his shoes. As her father's illness got worse, Paige struggled to help her mother explain what was happening to her younger siblings. While Paige had heard about M-Day on the news, the anti-mutant sentiment in her area had already been very present and she didn't really notice much of a change. While the church the Gurthries attend had moved a bit away from the fire and brimstone snake-handling of Paige's early childhood, their new pastor was insistent that M-Day was God's punishment for mutantkind's hubris. However, the Guthries continued to have a favorable opinion on mutants because of Sam.


After Sam left, Paige would read his letters home and began dreaming about becoming a mutant herself and becoming like her big brother. She spent a few years of jumping out of barn lofts and trying to telepathically communicate with animals. In a moment of sheer frustration after attepmting to force her powers didn't work, Paige ran off into the woods one night and, quite literally, ripped her skin off in anger, discovering her ability to change her skin into different substances. Paige was determined to be the best mutant she can be and began practicing in secret. Despite hr family having a strong pro-mutant stance, Paige is something of a perfectionist and over achiever. In order to not be shown up by Sam, she decided to train her powers in secret from everyone else in order to reveal her powers when she feels she has the most control over them. Paige also notices when Sam moves away, her mother becomes upset and she has more trouble being a parent to her children. Paige and her mother have never been close, and Lucinda tends to treat Paige rather coldly, so revealing her powers would also have likely made Paige’s relationship with her mother worse. Paige is also close with her younger brother, Jay, who begins to resent Sam after he moves away, and Paige does not want to introduce that tension to their relationship as well. So a secret her powers remained until she decided to move north to continue her education.

Living At The X-Mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8"

General Build: Paige is a thin white blonde woman with gray eyes, wavy hair, and a lot of freckles from being out in the sun. She’s fairly tall, and while skinny, her muscles are clearly visible.

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Blonde, wavy

Other Features: Paige has a patch on her left arm without any freckles in the shape of a small heart.


Husk has the mutant ability to shed her outer layer of skin and reveal a new state or shape underneath. She can only shift into solid forms of matter. Her power can cause random changes if she activates it without thinking, but by concentrating on specific chemical or elemental formulas, she can control the nature of her transformation, becoming any kind of solid that she’s studied. When she morphs, she gets rid of any dust, dirt, grime, or sweat but deeper injuries stay with her. She can hold a form for about an hour before she needs to revert back to her original form. She can morph repeatedly and is not required to stay in any one form, but too many transformations can become very painful. In great stress or trauma, Paige can shed without control, revealing patchwork forms. Her powers can cause intense mood-swings based on what she’s morphing to, and if she does it too many times within an hour she’s prone to blacking out. When Paige "husks", she often sheds her clothing as well (so she typically has back-up clothing on her at all times). Most of Paige’s growth with her powers will come from learning more about chemistry and physics and training herself to use new forms and transform more quickly or more often.



Paige enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons. She is teaching herself how to knit.

External Links

Links to the tags for each character in xp_communication, xp_logs and xp_journal.

[html link xp_communication posts]

[html link xp_journal posts]

[html link xp_logs posts]




Player: Ren

Player Icon Base: Ava Phillipe

Meta Trivia

I'm really excited to play Paige because I love her determination and drive, and I'm excited to see where I can take her character development.