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[http://community.livejournal.com/x_project/77144.html?thread=1007192#t1007192 Feedback - November 2007 thread]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/73311.html?thread=1001311#cmt1001311 Feedback - November 2007 thread]
[http://community.livejournal.com/x_project/111635.html?thread=1142291#t1142291 Feedback - March 2009]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/107692.html?thread=1136556#cmt11365561 Feedback - March 2009]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/137635.html?thread=1324195#t1324195 Feedback - March 2010]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/133291.html?thread=1317547#cmt1317547 Feedback - March 2010]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/168282.html?thread=1407066#t1407066 Feedback - September 2011]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/163542.html?thread=1400534#cmt1400534 Feedback - September 2011]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/188351.html?thread=1490623#t1490623 Feedback - August 2012]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/183544.html?thread=1484024#cmt1484024 Feedback - August 2012]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/216248.html?thread=1608120&style=mine#t1608120 Feedback - December 2013]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/211083.html?thread=1600651#cmt1600651 Feedback - December 2013]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/236667.html?thread=1655163&style=mine#t1655163 Feedback - February 2015]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/230819.html?thread=1647779#cmt1647779 Feedback - February 2015]
[http://x-project.livejournal.com/256654.html?thread=1745038#t1745038 Feedback - February 2016]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/249649.html?thread=1737521#cmt1737521 Feedback - February 2016]
[https://x-project.dreamwidth.org/287110.html?thread=2072198#cmt2072198 Feedback - January 2018]

Revision as of 22:30, 28 December 2018

Character(s): Player of Callisto
Email: MarrogEmail.jpg
Date joined: May 2008

Former player of Callisto - Phase 1.


So I'm not the most active of players, but don't be discouraged! I'm actually very friendly and receptive to plot, I'm just really passive about it. If you want to use Callisto for something, just hit me up! Part-time player due to Life.

Google Hangouts: as email (nearly always on)

Preferred means of contact: IM, then email

Phase 2


Modsocks NPCs Villains
None None None

Phase 1


Modsocks NPCs Villains
None None Gene Nation


Feedback - November 2007 thread

Feedback - March 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012

Feedback - December 2013

Feedback - February 2015

Feedback - February 2016

Feedback - January 2018

GoldStarJan10.jpg - for updating the player info page.

Art star.jpg - for producing images for the game; namely, advertising cards. :)

Gold star 2015.jpg - for updating Callisto's page and friendlists in 2016