Inez Temple

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Inez Temple (disambiguation).


Inez Temple
Outlaw profile.jpeg
Portrayed by Hassie Harrison
Codename: Outlaw
Affiliations: X-Factor Investigations
Birthdate: July 4, 1993
Journal: xp_outlaw
Player: Jeff

"Hi, Slight Situation, at your service."


Character Journal: xp_outlaw

Real Name: Inez Temple

Codename: Outlaw

Aliases: Ness or Nessie to close friends

First Appearance: TBD

Date of Birth: July 4, 1993

Place of Birth: Austin, Texas

Citizenship: American

Relatives: John Temple, father, Mary Temple, mother

Education: Highschool education

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Bodyguard/bounty hunter for hire

Team Affiliation: X-Factor (eventually)



Inez's father, John, lead a storybook life: small town football player who married his highschool sweetheart, who gave up a college scholarship to become an officer and serve his community. Having a young child informed that decision, and Mary sacrificed her own opportunity for post-secondary education to raise Inez.

John was good at his job; perhaps a little too good. He quickly developed a reputation for being hard on drug trafficking in particular, and drew the ire of foreign enemies across the border. It never deterred him, but it did worry him and especially Mary. Eventually it lead to an in depth arrest that began an extensive take-down of an international cartel, and he made the tough decision to enter both him and his family into witness protection in order to fully prosecute the traffickers. Inez was 15 years old at the time.

They were in witness protection in Montana for a little over a year before it happened. Inez still doesn't know all the details; all she remembers is they were heading out for a family supper, her parents in the front seats and her in the back of their car, when everything went black. She doesn't even remember a loud explosion, or a flash, anything of the sort. She was simply there with her folks one moment, and then waking up in a hospital bed the next.

From what information she's been able to gather since, it appears that her mutation kicked in and saved her life - she was critically injured but her parents were instantly killed, the explosion leaving little behind to be buried, let alone identified. Her survival was kept a secret, as the first responders found her thrown far away from the vehicle, and her parents' former handlers decided it'd be safer for Inez if she was kept hidden.

Of course they had ulterior motives behind that decision as well. She remained in their care until she was 18 and legally able to leave of her own accord, but until then they attempted to train and study her, grooming her to be an agent they could use for their own purposes. She was strung along with false promises of being able to eventually go after her parents' killers, until she finally realized they had no intentions at all of helping her with that or letting her do what she wanted.

After she left, Inez tried to walk a straight line; she picked up whatever jobs she could, tried to rent a modest apartment, to stay above water. It never worked out, so eventually she turned back to the life she knew. She became a bodyguard for hire, putting herself right back in the middle of a life she never wanted in the first place.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

(insert Header Title here)

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics





Other Features: (piercings, tattoos, scars, tails, horns, wings etc)


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Illyana's Soulsword, etc


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Who does and doesn't know about Haller's multiple personalities.

External Links

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts

xp_teams posts




Player: Jeff

Player Icon Base: Hassie Harrison

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.