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Known Aliases:
Socked By: Dex


Blurb - something sort summarising the character and their relationship with their protagonists.





First appearance:



Josef Kozlovsky is a Russian immigrant who started in the Berruti Family as hired muscle. The young man was immensely strong and didn’t question orders, leading him to be given the dirtiest jobs; beatings, assassinations, kidnapping. During a mini-war between the Berruti and the Mandfredi families, Josef was captured and brutally beaten with a hammer before being left for dead. Shockingly, he was still breathing when he was delivered to James Harrow, a noted underworld doctor. Examinations showed massive fractures across his skull, necessitating the removal of over 60 percent of his skull. Harrow was stunned that Josef was still alive through the process and decided on a radical solution, replacing the bone with titanium.

Josef recovered, but his personality changed significantly. While recuperating, he watched endless gangster films and his broken mind seized on them as a way to rebuild his identity. Brutal and sadistic tendencies emerged as well as a more cunning and ambitious mental approach. He returned to the Berruti family and moved up quickly, earning the nickname ‘Hammerhead’ for his brutal execution technique of headbutting a victim with the titanium plate in his forehead under he shatters their skull. Hammerhead executed a coup in 2019, killing Paul Berruti and his entire family with his bare hands. He informed the Maggia that they could either accept him as the new head of the family as part of the Maggia, or he was willing to go to war with them all. The Commission grudgingly accepted his offer and installed him to Berruti’s old spot.

Hammerhead lost his family when the rest of the Maggia moved against him, with X-Force delivering the final blow. He admitted to being the one responsible for ordering Frank Hardy's assassination, but claimed it was at the behest of another person, bargaining his way out of death at the hands of Felicia Hardy. \his current whereabouts are unknown.

Unknown to anyone, even Hammerhead, is that he is a mutant with slightly enhanced strength and a moderate but slow healing factor which is how he survived both the operation and the ongoing punishment his brain takes within the titanium skull. Because of that, Hammerhead can be prone to fits of insane rage, violent mood swings and irrational behaviour.


Hammerhead has mildly enhanced strength and a slow healing factor which is capable of allowing him to survive catastrophic injuries with enough time to rest.


(list of plots only. No summaries)


PB: link to website for the PB

Socked by: Dex