Template:Featured Articles/1-2010

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Revision as of 12:54, 4 January 2010 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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Theresa Cassidy: A resident at the school since her early teens, until recently Terry has made Xavier's - and the X-Men - her life. Fiery and passionate, Terry's relationships with her father, Sean Cassidy and her young husband, Bobby Drake, have always been tempestuous and marked by long separations. Following her completion of her college degree, Terry relocated to Cassidy Keep to join Bobby and hopefully pursue a career in Interpol like her father. Whether her plans and her marriage succeed is yet to be seen, but she knows she always has a place to return to, especially now Bobby has returned to the X-Men.

This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.