
From XPwiki
Revision as of 19:20, 2 August 2012 by Frito (talk | contribs)
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Character(s): Adrienne Frost, Sharon "Catseye" Smith
Email: File:Monmail.png
Date joined: April 2008


Mon is a drab and dreary prairie girl (who will bake Sex in a Pan for anyone who gets that reference) from Canada who can never seem to finish her masters to be an official archivist even though she works as one. Her real job, of course, is feeding and entertaining her cat, Pancakes.

Mon started in XP in April 2008 but left in May 2010 to try and get superpowers from radiation, returning July 2011. Sadly, she didn't become Spiderman, but she did become a vampire. Rawr! *sparklesparkle*

Mon loves baking, Doctor Who, Castle, Modern Family, Shameless, gardening, the Blue Jays, painting, scuba diving, and historical fiction. Glee is her secret guilty pleasure that's not really a secret.

The best way to contact Mon is email. She also begs patience as she has a notoriously awful memory and is distracted very easily by shiny things.


Modsocks NPCs Villains
None Smith Family Magnetic North


Awesome stars.jpg - for completion of character bios for Adrienne Frost and Angelica Jones in 2011

GoldStarJan10.jpg - for completion of player bio

Worker bee.jpeg For volunteering to help during the Great 2011 Wiki Update.

Mon.png - for volunteering to help with the weekly summary as a compiler/poster.

Feedback - November 2007 thread

Feedback - March 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012