The Plaguebearers

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The Plaguebearers
Dates run: April 15, 2016
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: The Plaguebearers

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


Garrison Kane, Logan, Kitty Pryde, Julian Keller, Sharon Friedlander

Fred Duncan, The Scourge

Death Adder, Enforcer, Termite


April 15, 2016

Plot Summary

Summary of the events of the plot. Include links to supporting characters, locations, other plots. Remember, only link to something once per page, so no need to link to characters listed as Cast.

Related Links

Cruelty is Bitter Bane

External Links

The Plaguebearers

x_communication posts

x_journal post

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Dex