Alison Blaire

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Alison Blaire (disambiguation).

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Alison Blaire
Portrayed by Bella Thorne
Codename: Dazzler
Affiliations: Generation X
Journal: xp_dazzler
Player: Chris


Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: (link to LJ profile page with journal name as link text)

Real Name: Alison Blaire

Codename: Dazzler

Aliases: Alison Brown, Alyssa Burrough, Alyssa Harken, various throw-away names for checking into hotels to avoid overly-obsessed fans while on tour.

First Appearance: April 4, 2015

Date of Birth: June 24th, 1998

Place of Birth: Gardendale, Long Island, New York

Citizenship: United States, Japan

Relatives: Carter Blaire (Father), Katherine Blaire nee Roth (Mother), Anastasia ‘Annie’ Blaire (Aunt)

Education: Home-Schooled between practice and shows, some high school

Relationship Status: single

Occupation: Retired Pop Idol, Student

Team Affiliation: Generation X



Alison Blaire was born June 24th, 1998, to Katherine and Carter Blaire on Long Island, New York. Alison grew up never knowing her mother, who disappeared when she was still very young. Her father was a state-level judge in New York City, and was often too busy dealing with work and trying (and failing) to grasp the fact that his wife was gone. He wasn’t home much, and Alison grew up mostly under the care of her father’s sister, Anastasia Blaire. Alison, Carter, and Anastasia all lived in a large manor house in upstate New York. Until Alison was twelve, Carter was an absent parent. So caught up in his work, his legacy, and everything not Alison.

Anastasia was a stand-in for both Katherine and Carter during this time. She was loving, doting, wise, strict, caring, and strong. She instilled in Alison a sense of morals, of hard work, of love and life and caring and passion. And most importantly, she would always preach that when you found something you love, you had to chase it with all your heart and never let it go. In some ways, Anastasia taught Alison how to be a person.

At age twelve, Carter started to push Alison. She needed to be smarter than everyone else. She needed to be better than everyone else. Top of her class. Focus and interest in law. The best tutors. No frivolities. She was going to follow in his footsteps, he’d decided. No matter what she wanted.

Alison began to grow distant from her peers. Her father demanded the best of the best from here in everything she did, and soon that social isolation grew to social awkwardness, and then bullying. Alison started to fold into herself, finding refuge from her father and her tormentors alike in music, the one thing she thought she could always turn to. Anastasia watched twelve years of growing, learning, living, loving, start to unravel before her eyes. Carter was starting to destroy the girl. She knew she had to do something. She did something.

When Alison was fourteen, Anastasia submitted her information, and a demo video of Alison singing, to a local talent agency. She didn’t ever truly expect much to come of it, so when she got a response that an agent just had to meet Alison as soon as possible, she was surprised. They wanted her as a pop idol. Carter wasn’t quite so enthused. There wasn’t any room in Alison’s life for music or dancing or singing. He expressly forbid any form of contact between his family and the talent agency, but he was far too late.

That seed of individuality Anastasia had planted when Alison was younger had bloomed. Alison had taken Anastasia’s lesson of reaching for what you loved to heart, and she’d grown to hate her life as Carter dictated it should be. She and Anastasia left, her father’s parting words ringing clearly.

“As long as you chase this silly notion, this fools dream, you are no daughter of mine. Until you realize that your fate will lead you only one way, don’t look to me. I have no daughter until the day you realize I am right and return. I’ll be waiting.”

And thus, Anastasia and Alison were on their own. They’d have no more support from Carter, not while Allison was intent on being her own person. They moved out of the upstate manor house, and while Anastasia wasn’t poor by any means, they couldn’t quite live in the style they were used to.

And then, something wondrous and terrifying happened. The agency loved Alison immediately. She was small and cute and adorable and undeniably talented and would certainly be a hit. And then someone turned on the music, and the studio exploded in lights. The stress of losing her home, her father, and the worry of what she’d forced Anastasia into finally manifested, and Alison awoke as a mutant. She also temporarily blinded two managers and a DJ, plus Anastasia herself. She spent the next week locked in her room at their new flat, in the dark, trying to clamp down on the involuntary effects that came from being exposed to loud noises.

She’d emerge back into the world a week later, a tentative and fragile grasp on her abilities and, she thought, no other choice but to return to Carter. She was a mutant, a freak. No way the agency would take her now. She had no way of expecting that the agency would see her mutation as an opportunity. Sound to light was, they thought, almost build for entertainment. They signed her, trained her to be a dancer and entertainer, and set her loose on the masses. Her career took off when she was just fourteen.

Her incredible light shows, catchy pop music, dancing, and general appearance all but guaranteed her success. Her manager and the agency helped craft her a persona to enrapture the public, the ‘ultimate cute idol’.

For a while, Alison was happy. She was more successful than she’d expected. Carter was basically a long-gone memory. She had a pretty good life. Her image and music even became popular in Japan, a fact that baffled and delighted her. And somehow, at some time, Allison began to find herself dissatisfied. Her crowds didn’t love her, they loved her act. She didn’t have friends, she had admirers. Her life was reading a script and dancing a routine, day in and day out. She was comfortable, but she wasn’t happy anymore.

She was done. She had to be done. She just didn’t know how she could tell the others.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

(insert Header Title here)

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 110

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Red, although she dyes it so often you’d never know it. It's currently start blonde with pink stripes growing out to natural red.

Other Features: Extremely athletic and fit, very lithe and flexible, like a dancer or a gymnast because you know, she's a dancer.


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Nate's psimitar, Angelo's Asgardian sword, Jamie's staff, Remy's bo, Amanda's amulet etc.


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Cain doesn't know much about music after 1970, but is a big fan of Alison Blaire.

External Links

x_communication posts by tag

x_journal posts by tag

x_logs posts by tag




Player: Chris

E-mail: ChrisEmail.PNG


Player Icon Base: Bella Thorne

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.