The Hood

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Parker Robbins
Portrayed by David Lyons
Known Aliases: The Hood
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: TBD
Introduction: X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica!

Magic fire bullets, invisibility... what else could this joker have up his sleeve?

A low level enforcer with the Maggia, with plans - and a gang - of his own.


Name: Parker Robbins

Aliases: The Hood

Affiliation: The Maggia

First appearance: March 19, 2015



Phase 2

Robbins was a low level Maggia enforcer when a job dropped him and his crew into a rogue demon summoning during a shakedown of Ukrainian shopkeepers in Queens. The demon tore apart everyone until Parker managed a lucky shot through its left eye, killing it. He took the boots and robe the creature had been wearing, discovering they conferred a number of abilities to him. Since then, Parker has been laying the groundworks for developing a syndicate of powered criminals to supplant the Maggia and take over organized crime in the city.

He was involved in an attempted break-out of prisoners in X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica! and is currently at large.


With the robe and boots, Parker can levitate, turn invisible and channel demonic energy through his pistols.


Phase 2

X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica!


PB: David Lyons

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