Silver Sable International

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Silver Sable International
First Seen: September 7, 2022


Ernst and Miroslav 'Monty' Sablinova founded Silver Sable International in 1971 in the United Kingdom. The brothers had been ironically on either side of the wall in Berlin, stationed there as security experts and intelligence officers. When Monty defected, they bartered their intel into enough political capital and investment money to start up what was billed as the world's elite private security firm. They lived up to their reputation, growing their business. When Symkaria regained independence after the fall of the USSR, they moved the company there, becoming extremely influential and wealthy in the newly free state. In the mid-90s, Kevin Sydney visited their offices in Symkaria and convinced Ernst to pass on a contract that would have put him unknowingly in direct conflict with US backed forces. During this time, he had a brief relationship with his daughter Silvija. In 2017, Ernst passed away from natural causes and Monty decided to retire, putting the company entirely in the hands of Silvija, who renamed herself 'Silver' to better represent the company.

Silver Sable International is an elite mercenary force, who is capable of putting up to ten thousand men into the field supported by armor, advanced tech, drone support, artillery and close non-fixed wing air support. They typically hire out at much smaller numbers and despite their cost, they are highly sought after. SSI avoids the more questionable clients, allowing Silver herself to maintain high level diplomatic favour with most Western countries and intelligence agencies.


Operation: Apalachin


Introduced by: Dex