Template:Featured Articles/19-2008

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Eldest son of the sprawling Guthrie clan, Sam left Kentucky to attend Xavier's as a high school student when he manifested his powers of thermochemical propulsion during a mine cave-in. He remained at the school for many years, despite sometimes feeling guilty about 'abandoning' his widowed mother to raise his siblings alone. However, his role as an X-Man was just as important to him. When his sister Paige and brother Jay eventually came to the school as their own mutations surfaced, Sam found the family reunion was a bit more difficult than he'd anticipated. When news came in 2007 that their mother had been injured in a fall, Sam was the one who volunteered to return to the family farm and help care for her. Lucinda Guthrie is a proud woman, however, who knows her children's hearts well, and it's entirely likely that when she is recovered, she'll send Sam back to where he feels he belongs.

Sam's power creates a field of unknown energy approximately four inches from his body and anything he's in contact with of approximately equal mass. This field has a unique property of reacting with oxygen and carbon dioxide to create an exothermic combustion reaction. Sam has enough instinctive control to direct this reaction downwards along the length of the field as thrust, but cannot summon the blast field without the combustion reaction happening.