Template:Featured Articles/6-2017

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Moment of Awesome - Darcy Lewis : Darcy is recruited to help with an investigation into suspicious activity in Washington D.C.

Darcy was grumpy and hungry from Clint's latest science bender, so she didn't even look up as she heard someone approaching. "The answer is no unless you're offering me food. Jello and pudding cups are food." She paused for a minute, then added "Clint's in his lab, and possibly even still awake."

"Does dark chocolate with chili's count as food?" Hope replied after pulling the bar from her purse. She had put it there with the plan on enjoying it later on, but then CJ had called. "I hope so, because we have something rather urgent to discuss."

​Chocolate was serious business in Darcy's world, so if someone else was offering to share theirs... "No, but if it's important enough to offer your chocolate I should probably listen."

That would be good." Hope nodded as she took a seat, Doug following her example. "We have something of a situation in Richmond you might be able to help us with..." She paused, not quite sure how to explain the situation in the quickest way.

"It involves anti-mutant legislation, and spoking the wheels of a couple people Hope has had some not-so-great experiences with." That was about as neatly as Doug could sum up the situation. Hope was going to need to learn how to be more succinct and not beat around the bush quite as much at some point, but he knew it was probably anxiety about asking for a favor of this nature, and something something guess culture, and all sorts of issues that could be unpacked later.

​"Seems right up my alley. What kind of help do you need?" Darcy had some friends working as staffers in the area, and thought she might be able to talk to them.

"One of the people has an ability we called 'hypersuasion'. He is able to convince people of things they would otherwise not do or believe. We heard you were able to do something similar and we thought you might be able to counter what Garrulous has been doing." Hope jumped in.

"I suppose calling him 'Sudo' would be too geeky for some people to get," Doug joked. "Plus then if he was like 'sudo make me a sandwich', he'd sound like he was talking to himself or referring to himself in the third person all the time." It was a good thing at least Doug was plenty amused by his own jokes and references, even if they were on the obscure side.

​Darcy chuckled at Doug's joke, but her response was serious. "I don't have very good control yet, but I do know some people in the area, so maybe they'd be more inclined to listen. I'm willing to give it my best, just make sure we've got some heavy-duty migraine meds on hand for after."