Template:Featured Articles/20-2024

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Moa bruiser.png
Moment of Awesome - Molly Hayes/Bruiser: Death enters the battlefield for the first time in New York, and despite Gabe's best efforts begins to take ground, before the appearance of Molly.

Death finished flexing his fingers, and turned his open palm towards Gabriel. A ring of jagged teeth gaped obscenely back at him.

"Are you perhaps the sort of man who has developed a visceral hatred of 'Time in a Bottle'?" asked the Horseman.

A sound somewhere between a crackling and a humming noise was heard as two rounds of electricity belonging to a small drone shot at Death's side and lower back from overhead.

"Am I interrupting the golden oldies reminiscing?" came the voice from the drone, which sounded like Molly, who was nowhere to be found. "Good. Zap zap motherforker."

Death's muscles seized at the current. The shock was not organic in origin: nothing his mutation could absorb. Fortunately his other enhancements compensated for it, at least enough to allow him to teleport out of the drone's range. Barely missing a beat, the Horseman gouged a chunk of concrete from the curb and hurled it at the drone with pin-point accuracy. It exploded in a sad shower of metal and circuitry.

"Suppose I deserved that for neglecting you. My apologies, Molly. That was impolite of me." Death cast about for the drone's controller, orange eyes scanning the sidestreets.

Another electric zap erupted at him from another drone strategically hovering nearby.

"Don't worry about it," Molly said, this time right next to him, her eyes glowing purple as she cold-clocked him with a punch, using the zap as a distraction.

For all of Gabriel's time manipulation, his strength had still been that of a baseline human. Molly's was not. The blow sent Death flying into a storefront with an impact so great a piece of his ashen armour went spinning across the street.