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XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
The Appalanche continues! Welcome [[Eva]], who has successfully acquired [[Sooraya Qadir]], aka Dust!
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<li>''X-Men Mission: Christmas in Milwaukee:'' An FBI investigation into a superhero group in the Great Lakes region turns into another rescue mission for the [[X-Men]].''
<li>''X-Men Mission: Christmas in Milwaukee:'' An FBI investigation into a superhero group in the Great Lakes region turns into another rescue mission for the [[X-Men]].''</li>
<li>''Operation: Teenage Wasteland:'' When a minor [[X-Force]] asset is accidentally exposed to [[Kick]], the affect on his mutation regresses the X-Force folks back a few years, so to speak.</li>
<li>''Operation: Teenage Wasteland:'' When a minor [[X-Force]] asset is accidentally exposed to [[Kick]], the affect on his mutation regresses the X-Force folks back a few years, so to speak.</li>
<li>''X-Men Mission: Day Zero, The Movie!:'' The [[X-Men]] get wind of some potential violence at the premier of an independent film about [[Day Zero]].</li>

Revision as of 23:16, 13 December 2011

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Featured Article:

Moa emplate2.png
Moment of Awesome - Marius Laverne/Emplate: Following his time as Death, a fully conscious Marius awakens, showing he's still the same hero who left the mansion.

"So, here's an awful thought. Consider the Horsemen, mind control, that whole motief... is this Nur character the same 'Apocalypse' we faced in Manhattan in the old world? Or is this some new asshole using the same Spirit Halloween for his villain ideas?" Kane said to Marius as he rubbed his chin absently.

"The ocean doesn't explain itself to plankton." Marius' voice was still flat, but one of his hands tugged against a cuff. "He's old. Can't even comprehend how old. Our lives, they're like the blink of an eye to him. You see yourself that way, too, once he has you. Disposable. Even Akkaba is ready to throw themselves away for him. Those that came knew they'd be cut down with the rest, and they were glad to do it. Human lives are brief. Him, though? He's eternal."

"Akkaba?" Rogue's entire point of being there was as a bodyguard. Once upon a time, many moons ago, they'd absorbed each other and as such, she was forever one of those weird Marius experts (as limited as that was). Why they needed a bodyguard now, she didn't know but since none of this had anything to do with her (and considering she was leaving soon), she'd tried to tune out and be respectful of his confidentiality. But this? "Frainchement, Marius ....qu'est-ce que t'as fait? How'd you end up with him? Tabernac..."

The French startled him. Marius looked back and seemed to notice her presence for the first time. His confusion coaxed a little life back into his response.

"J'ai fait un erreur," he responded. "I was sick. Full myelosuppression. You know, same issue as brought me here originally. I was referred to a hematologist in Toulouse. Credentialed, decent body of research, impeccable work history. All above board." He laughed without warmth. "Maybe it would've stayed that way if I hadn't been responding to the treatments as well as I did, or hadn't quite so useful a mutation. As it was, turned out the good doctor was embedded there for Akkaba's benefit. One day he just slipped something in the IV. Passed out at Clinique Lentz, woke up who knows where. Then they did . . . the rest of it." Marius tugged at the cuff again. "Know they found someone else that way, though I suppose he might've been more willing than I was. Doesn't matter. We all end up the same."

"Abraham Kieros?" Marius would have remembered the other, failed Death - Marie-Ange thought. Hoped. "Former soldier, paralyzed, he was War to your Death. We have less information about Pestilence and Famine, perhaps they also explored other options with regard to injuries or mutations." She tilted her head towards Rogue - and perhaps strangely, Doug, rather than Garrison. "I trust if we remove those restraints, you will neither betray us, or make any more unwise decisions about your own health?" The room was free of anything sharp, walls padded. Her concern was more philosophical.

Marius gave another humourless laugh. "Just get me off this bed. Keep me manacled, put a muzzle on me, I don't care. Just--" He paused, a thought clearly occurring to him.

"Did anyone pull a CBC on me?" The words came out with the reluctance of a man pulling razor wire from his own throat. "If my platelets have hit 90,000 I'll need to line up a donor before I've got a chance to crash. If it's lower . . . leave me tied until you find someone."

"At last check your platelets were at a reasonable level," Doug informed Marius, his voice a bit clipped and flat. "And we intentionally stationed watchers who would not appeal to your tastes until we determined whether you were still under this Nur's influence." There were a few people now that would work as donors in the room, but he was still in his restraints.

"So, welcome back to the X-Men." Kane said. They had gotten the answers they needed. Marius was a victim and if he wasn't, the telepaths in the mansion would find out soon enough. "Some people didn't survive the experience." It was a shitty comment and he knew it, but he was beaten up. The death toll in District-X had been better than it could have been but it wasn't marginal. And once again, they'd all been too little and too late against their enemies.

Marius turned his head to stare at Garrison. His chest burned from the swaths of skin he'd clawed from Akkaba's brand.

"Yeah, well," the younger man said, "guess time will tell on that one."

"Enough." Marie-Ange cut off the conversation. "Someone please release Marius from his restraints." She eyed the man in the bed, his healing injuries and shadows under his eyes. "Please order him a sandwich. Vegetarian, I believe he will not want to be responsible for any more death in the near future."

The one-time X-Man flinched. For just an instant his face twisted as if he were on the verge of something — a denial, or burst of rage, or scathing self-recrimination — but only a moment.

Expression smoothing, Marius shrugged against the bed.

"Well," he said, his tone closer now to its normal ease, "can't say I didn't deserve that. I will admit a caprese does sound good at the moment." He rolled his shoulders against the mattress, forcing the muscles slack, and took a deep breath.

"At your discretion, then."

Today in XProject:

September 30


2004: Clarice voices her outrage over Remy’s return, and explains her frustration to Jean-Paul, who’d had a less-than-successful Danger Room run with Nathan in the morning. And to make his day even better, Nathan has to explain to Manuel why he gave him an A on a paper. To make Clarice’s day better, she and Kurt ponder putting together a school fencing team. Sam is working in the garage when Alison comes home from a day out and promises himself a cold shower when he’s done. Moira receives another riddle, this time from Paige, before running a few tests on Nathan to determine what’s responsible for his balance problems. He also surprises her with a mini family reunion.

2005: Kashmir Waltz: Angelo and Nathan leave for Kashmir. Nathan continues to have disturbing pre-cognitive dreams. Forge discovers there will be solar flares that will interfere with the Jono experiment and insists on doing it straight away; Jono gets his body back.

2006: Penance (plot): Penance wakes up in the infirmary and startles Tommy, who, in turn, startles her into flight; Logan tracks her down but she gets away again; Paige takes a different approach to bring the frightened girl back inside; Haller talks to her once things have calmed down and later he and the professor make a decision.

2007: New Orleans Is Sinking: Angelo updates on Marie-Ange's condition; X-Force arrives in New Orleans and things look grim; Sofia and Ororo barely hold back Hurricane Josephine; Pete, Wanda, Mark, Sarah and Doug go to the levies to take out the assassins and their explosives; Remy and Amanda meet with Tante Mattie, who calls on Baron Samedi; the Baron leads the people against the assassins, but Remy collapses at the gates of the Boudreaux mansion, dead; the levee team gets some help from Javier Boudreaux, who tells them where the main charges are; Ororo manages to hold back the storm long enough for the ritual to be interrupted by Daniel Boudreaux, blowing up the mansion; Remy revives, and is named Guildmaster according to records obtained about his birth; the charges are dismantled, the storm is broken and Belladonna Boudreaux-LeBeau is exiled as an act of mercy; Forge comments on the disappearing hurricane. Davey conspires with Lorna to use cookies to get Marie to talk. Kevin decides to come back to the school after the accident with his powers.

2008: Catseye is enthralled by something. Forge is depressed by something; Jennie wonders aloud about why Forge didn't show for his first Danger Room session after X-Men Mission: Keep The Faith. Somewhere More Familiar: Jane, Amanda and Monet go to Nascor Associates looking for answers, but wind up finding more questions instead; after returning, Jane receives an email with details of her parents and her date of birth and a warning not to return to Nascor.

2009: Doreen emails Julian thanking him for the shirt. Callie posts about autumn. Doreen and Lex run into each other in the woods and discuss self-defense, and Lex offers to teach Dori how to be a superhero. Adrienne uses a book of Lex's to practice her powers control but fails and sees a scene of Lex's life as a soldier. Forge talks about his plans for the West Coast Annex with Crystal and Crystal reveals she wants to be more useful medically at the mansion. Kyle happens upon an unsettled Fred and they talk about the recent departures.

2010: Jean and Angelo enjoy a nice catchup conversation in the garden about Angelo and his future.

2011: The Problématique: Bishop and Adrienne check out Vanessa's hotel room, but don't come up with much.

2012: What Am I Doing Here?: After church Sam and his family run into an unexpected - and unpleasant - surprise. Things heat up and Sam does something he regrets. Kurt posts on x_team about Sam being arrested. Reed and the other members of the local Friends of Humanity have a meeting after his run-in with Sam, where their plans change to accommodate recent events. After the FoH meeting, two individuals carry out Reed's wishes. Things got complicated, however, and they don't go quite as planned. Sam arrives at the Guthrie homestead and finds it under attack. All hands pitch in to save the farm. Tired of waiting for Stuff to happen, Rachel ambushes Remy outside his apartment looking for answers, help, and maybe a little bit of comfort. To some extent, she gets what she wants.

2013: An extremely paranoid Vanessa meets with Garrison and explains why she hasn’t been able to come back yet; Garrison offers to help. Doug updates on the success of Maurice the Dancing Unicorn, the ‘prize’ for losing the fantasy baseball this year.

2014: Tandy and Topaz talk over bad late-night TV, and Topaz demonstrates her form of caring for a friend. Higher Than Hope: Kyle makes a journal entry to x_team about his phone call with the Australian police regarding Sarah Ryall. Megan and Sarah V. catch up over ice cream.

2015: Maya emails Xavin and Clea asking if they’d be up for some cheerleading practice. Alex posts more pictures of his roadtrip teasing Lorna about being unable to leave him behind since he has the coffee.


2017: Felicia posts a picture of her flight back home.

2018: Betsy introduces herself on her journal. Bobby posts about ice hockey clubs. Jean-Paul texts Amanda about finding someone.

2019: Topaz comes to Marie-Ange for advice about the ravens following her with presents of food.


2021: Laurie texts Darcy and Namor asking if either knows where her underwear ended up. Darcy texts Terry to confirm that she did indeed lick some abs... for science. Terry brings Darcy a meal and they discuss their post-Gala nights and powers. Marie-Ange invites the mansion to judge the fashion of Miss Universe.

2022: Jubilee wanders into Garrison’s room and joins him in watching random TV.

2023: Clean Slate - Garrison announces a senior staff meeting regarding Madin; Quentin visits Madin in their "cell" - The Box; the senior staff meet to talk about the Madin problem; Kevin takes matters into his own hands; Kane later has a chat with Madin as well.

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