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'''Height''': 5'7
'''Weight''': 70kg
'''Other Features''':  (piercings, tattoos, scars, tails, horns, wings etc)
'''Eyes''': Black
'''Hair''': Black
'''Other Features''': Purple skin. What looks like long, jagged scars up the outside of both arms. These (and to an extent Madin’s arms) glow when their powers are in use. The pattern of the scars varies and is a physical representation of their powers
== '''Powers''' ==
== '''Powers''' ==

Revision as of 20:01, 4 November 2022

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Portrayed by Bex Taylor-Klaus
Codename: Madin
Affiliations: None, yet
Birthdate: 26 January 1999
Journal: xp_madin
Player: Al

Madin is a mess, on the run and maybe considering violence as a solution.


Character Journal: xp_madin

Real Name: Madin

Codename: N/A

Aliases: (formerly) Maddison Murphy

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: 26 January 1999

Place of Birth: Broadmeadows, Australia

Citizenship: Australian

Relatives: Ash (Brother, estranged)

Education: Year 7, part of year 8

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Ex-mercenary, odd-jobber, sex worker (occasionally). Unemployed if we're being technical here.

Team Affiliation: (if applicable)



Madin was born on January 26, 1999 to working class but decent parents. When they were 5, their younger brother Ash was born.

A January baby, Madin was 6 when they started school in 2005. They’ve grown up under the shadow of the mutant problem and Australia’s increasingly repressive laws about mutant registration and training.

Their powers manifested in year 8, in 2013, and Madin was forced into the Mutant Registration and Training Program. Around the same time, bullying and social pressure led to Madin stopping attending school. Madin’s parents were wildly ill equipped for this. They wouldn’t have known what to do with a regular kid who refused school due to anxiety and bullying. A kid who was involved in the Registration program, who was under intense scrutiny in case they had a powers accident and killed everyone around them was outside their parents ability to handle and everyone else, from the principal on down was kind of relieved when Madin stopped attending school.

Not long after that, targeted for being purple and fourteen and stupid, Madin started hanging out with the local toughs who offered a shy 14 year old a place as an enforcer. They were jailed for the first time shortly before turning 15. There were attempts at school when Madin was in Parkville Youth Detention Centre and their remand conditions always included school attendance but Madin wouldn’t go, would go get in trouble with the police again and wind up back in jail for a period. When not in jail, Madin would fight, use drugs, hang with the local gangs who offered acceptance for work as muscle.

Post M-Day Australia

In 2015, the Australian government brought in the home detention for dangerous mutants program in response to M Day. Madin was involved. They broke their detention conditions early and wound up back in jail. They were 16. Madin’s parents cut ties with Madin not long after that and, with the safety of 11 year old Ash high on their list, they refused to let them back home.

At 16, homeless, Madin found themself having to turn to petty theft and dealing to survive. They wound up back in jail after a brief stint of homelessness for breach of detention conditions. Their mental health was pretty poor at this stage and after yet another stint in Parkville, Madin was sent to Port Headland in April 2015 as there was no way for them to comply with release conditions that insisted on having access to a home, curfew and movement restrictions.

Port Hedland Mutant Detention Centre was formerly an immigration detention centre. It sucked.

Eventually, in 2018, Madin was sent to Woomera Detention Centre. Less isolated than Port Headland, the Brotherhood staged a breakout from there.

Brotherhood affiliated mercenary and on to America

Madin spent a winter in hiding in Adelaide before being sent overseas to work as a mercenary for the Brotherhood’s operations. It was sort of voluntary. The alternative was basically staying in hiding and inevitably ending back up in a detention centre. They worked in conflicts in central and west Africa for the next few years, with the Brotherhood supplying mutant mercenaries to various rebel and separatist groups and as security for illegal mining, drug barons and similar organizations.

After about three and a half years of this, Madin, not generally given to introspection, came to the conclusion that being a living weapon in a variety of conflicts they didn’t really understand and criminal security kind of sucked.

They cut and ran, paying a people smuggler in Lagos and wound up in America in December 2021, spending a few months in Los Angeles. Madin has no legal ID, no bank accounts and no legal standing.

Early in 2022, Madin got in touch with Ash for the first time in years. The internet is a joy. Ash, newly 18, newly manifested themselves, indicated they would soon be sent to community detention as part of the mutant safety programs in Australia. Madin’s contacts in the Brotherhood got him out as well, via Indonesia where they lost contact again.

Madin left Los Angeles after contacting the Brotherhood, drifting across country before ending up in Chicago in June 2022.

They volunteer with the Underground - the parts not associated with the Brotherhood - in Chicago. They’re homeless and squat in a series of abandoned houses in the city and do odd jobs and sex work for cash. Madin is currently on the run from the Brotherhood who are, thankfully, not currently looking for Madin.

Madin is working with the Chicago Underground but haven't told them much of anything. Madin never asked the Underground for assistance with housing or legal status, assuming that both were probably impossible to obtain as a mutant refugee, having grown up on a diet of American TV that made it clear that illegal immigrants in the US got nothing beyond deportation. Instead, they simply moved into an abandoned house. They've been doing the odd hired muscle job and sex work because it's what they know and they never thought to ask for help. The prevalence of visible mutants in Chicago’s highly visible homeless population confirmed Madin’s belief that there was probably no help to be had, anyway.

Living At The X-Mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'7

Weight: 70kg

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Other Features: Purple skin. What looks like long, jagged scars up the outside of both arms. These (and to an extent Madin’s arms) glow when their powers are in use. The pattern of the scars varies and is a physical representation of their powers


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Illyana's Soulsword, etc


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Who does and doesn't know about Haller's multiple personalities.

External Links

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts

xp_generation-x posts




Player: Al


Player Icon Base: (provide html link to IMDB, Wiki etc page)

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.