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'''Plotrunner:''' [[Al]] and [[Isaura]]
'''Plotrunner:''' [[Al]] and [[Isaura]]
The plot draws heavily from the 2002 miniseries [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Morlocks_Vol_1_1|Morlocks] where Postman, Angel, Shatter and Trader were first seen.  
The plot draws heavily from the 2002 miniseries [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Morlocks_Vol_1|Morlocks] where Postman, Angel, Shatter and Trader were first seen.  

Revision as of 02:37, 23 April 2023

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Chicago is Burning
ChicagoIsBurning Poster2.png
Dates run: February 19-Feb 23, 2023
Run By: Al and Isaura
Read the logs: Chicago is Burning

Quote from the plot

A group with interests in the Mutant Underground go to Chicago to help the grandson of a contact who has newly manifested and has joined the Chicago Morlocks.


Quentin Quire, Sooraya Qadir, Alex Summers, Angelo Espinosa, Ben Hammil, Madin

Chicago Morlocks


February 19-23, 2023

Plot Summary

Teenager and newly manifested mutant, Ben Hammil has escaped police custody following his very public mutant awakening and has disappeared on the streets of Chicago.

Jackie, Ben's Grandmother, had contacted X-Factor, asking their assistance in locating the missing teen using her old contacts in the Mutant Underground. X-Factor, arriving in Chicago, made contact with Madin, a mutant Quentin knew with the Underground. Madin provided assistance to them in locating Ben, having seen him with Postman at a mutant-friendly foodbank.

In his time out on his own, Ben had joined up with a group of mutants calling themselves the Chicago Morlocks, living underground, and only coming up to gather necessities with the group. However, the group has found their circle closing in on them with stricter security systems, and the Chicago Morlocks vote to begin making plans to move elsewhere to avoid being hunted down or attacked.

They opt to have their final “wish” in the city granted and leave the tunnels to live elsewhere in safety. Postman says goodbye to his comatose wife, Shatter frees his dog from the Human Society and Eve confronts her former partner/pimp, eventually killing him during a confrontation.

Following Eve's ex's death, Postman puts a stop to the "last wishes" before Ben has a chance to realise his dream of saying a final goodbye to his grandmother. Distraught at being unable to say goodbye, Ben leaves, intending to do so anyway.

X-Factor (and Madin) arrive at the Chicago Morlocks' base in the old Freight Tunnel system but it's too late - the Morlocks have already departed.

Leaving, they note a disturbance in Jackie's neighbourhood on the police scanner and head there, hoping to find Ben. Meanwhile, Jackie's neighbours had called the police, recognising Ben from the news.

When X-Factor and Madin arrive, the situation is deteriorating rapidly: Ben has lost control of his powers and he and Jackie are trapped in a burning house with Chicago PD outside.

Quentin drives the police away while Madin and Alex create a distraction and Sooraya the extraction.

It is clear that Ben at least cannot remain in Chicago and is offered a place to stay at the mansion. Madin, fearing for their safety after their role in the police showdown asks to join him at the mansion.

Related Links

Freight Tunnel system

External Links

Chicago is Burning

xp_communication links

Trivia and Meta


This plot introduced not one, but two characters to the mansion.


Plotrunner: Al and Isaura

The plot draws heavily from the 2002 miniseries [1] where Postman, Angel, Shatter and Trader were first seen.