Template:Selected anniversaries/May 15

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May 15 - Moira MacTaggart's birthday

2003: Everett enrolls in the school.

2004: Nathan is injured when Muir Island is invaded, but the Pack manages to kill them all. Domino informs Pete about this incident. Skippy (plot): Jamie’s autonomous dupe "Skippy” tries to lure Kitty away at the HeliX event, and Amanda prevents Bethany from confronting them; When they get home, Jamie explains Skippy.

2005: On the anniversary of her “death,” Jean and Scott talk about it. Jamie talks with Jean about what it feels like to survive your own death.

2006: Romancing the Holy Whatsis: Wanda encounters Stephen Strange in New Dehli. Cain visits the brownstone to help with renovations. Kyle and Forge prepare for prom.

2007: Laurie announces pancakes for breakfast and Lorna invites her to join the advanced cooking class. In the wake of the kidnappings, Forge asks Jean for advice on ways to protect himself. Ahab (plot): The three kidnappees are released from medlab and are glad to go back to their rooms; Pete and Nathan discuss the events; Ororo checks up on Jennie; Monet checks up on Marius. Remy invites Ororo out and they get away for a day or two. Remy gives Sofia a trenchcoat, following her actions in Uganda. Crystal emails Sofia about training. Scott and Sooraya discuss living at the mansion and danger. Mondo discovers a new facet of his powers when he absorbs his Kermit doll and goes to Forge for help. Mondo and Yvette watch television together and talk about their futures. Logan talks to Terry about her training whilst she's at Cassidy Keep. Jan and Terry discuss Tommy and how to get him out of his room more. Terry leaves her harp in Pietro's care.

2008: Monet announces she's found someone's underwear in a vase; Cessily emails her to claim them, having abandoned them after melting at Prom. Gene Nation (plot): Remy emails Ororo, letting her know that the Morlocks are safe as long as they don't cause trouble and that he can't stay in New York any longer; Sarah complains about being back in medlab. Bedlam: Amanda's last piece of chalk is broken; Adrienne uses her powers on Amanda's necklace and tells Angelo she was mugged. Nori asks if the bus run is on for the weekend. Kevin goes to see Haller about his increasing fear of his powers; Haller arranges with Jean for her to medically examine Kevin for potential powers addiction issues. Nathan and Jean continue to try and work on his shielding problems and consider a possible physical cause.

2009: Jubilee breaks into Jake's apartment and is surprised by Jean-Paul. Jubilee leaves a note for Jake, who then e-mails her. Angel posts about a new turn her power has taken; Shiro stops by in order to help Angel learn control of the new ability. Callie and Yvette discuss boys, Prom and being teenagers. Garrison and Paige take Yvette, Angel and Catseye through a Danger Room session.