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Dates run: October 13-16, 2021
Run By: Eva
Read the logs: Tayammum

“She knows who she is. She just needed a little help to find herself again.”

Dust deals with the consequences of being stuck in her sandform after being defeated by Avalanche.


Sooraya Qadir, Susan Storm, Laurie Collins, Doug Ramsey, Molly Hayes, Emma Frost


October 13-16, 2021

Plot Summary

During their mission against Magneto, Sooraya fought Avalanche and he managed to get the upper hand on her. She ended up stuck in her sandform, alive, but unable to reform, move or to really communicate. Somehow Avalanche managed to distort Sooraya's neurological map of her body and thus she is unable to shift back.

Sue, Laurie and Molly worked on a way to communicate with Sooraya, since in her sand form she is immune to telepathy etc. They tried a few different ways, but they all don't work, though Topaz does confirm empathically confirm that Sooraya is still in there. Finally they consulted with Doug and figured out a way to reach her. Doug actually bled nanites onto her sandform and for a few minutes when the nanites were alive, they managed to communicate with Sooraya.. From this they learned that Sooraya was feeling dazed and somehow couldn't get a sense of her body.

After consulting Laurie realizes the issue was with Sooraya's neurological map of her body. Doug spoke with Emma and they came up with the idea to do a kind of mental reboot. Emma uploaded a copy of Sooraya's neurological map to Doug and through bleeding nanites again he managed to convey this to Sooraya. She finally managed to resume her form, though it left her week for a few days.

Related Links

X-Men Mission: Lone Sentinel

External Links


xp_communication posts

Trivia and Meta


As a positive consequence of studying Doug's nanites interacting with Sooraya's silicone form, Molly and Sue managed to build Sooraya a communicator that works for her while she is in her sandform.


Plotrunner: Eva