Template:Selected anniversaries/October 20

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October 20



2004: Alison listens to a love song Jay is writing and talks to him about the memories associated with it. Kitty takes Manuel to get his driver's permit. Manuel and Alison realise they see colour differently than most people.

2005: Alison visits Lorna after Lorna confesses by email she (as Malice) killed Alison's father. Nathan and Marius are properly introduced. Haroun and Miles play chess. Kitty has a wiggins about her non-mutant abilities and Jamie is there to reassure her. Forge goes home; Catseye distracts herself from Forge's absence with tormenting Marius. Mutants and Molotovs: Nathan broaches the subject of a field trip to Seattle and the G8 summit.

2006: Ororo tells Crystal she needs to learn to control her anger. Remy and Ororo meet in New York for their usual lunch and talk about their mutual singledom now that Lorna has explained to Remy that things are over. Laurie says goodbye to Yvette. Vitiation: Marius and Jennie resolve their issues and become friends again.

2007: Forge and Crystal take the bus run and catch up. At Stefan's wedding, Amanda and Kurt talk about being home; Stefan enquires on Angelo's intentions towards his sister; Stefan and Amanda bond and later she and Angelo talk over being left behind and a possible spell that might help.

2008: Garrison asks Adrienne out for drinks to gloat about the Red Sox playoff defeat. Yvette posts about the weekend. Doug points out a World of Warcraft-related cartoon to Forge.

2009: Nico makes her introduction post, clarifying that she has no powers but an ancient magical artifact stuck in her chest and that she is being watched because she made Amanda mad. She covers her likes and dislikes in this post and asks for recommendations for cheap clothing. Megan posts in her journal that she went to Walgreens and bought nailpolish. She inquires about Halloween because it isn't a big deal in the UK. Amanda informs Snow Valley of the mansion's new resident, Nico, saying she offered to work with the girl and see if she can turn up any information about the bond Nico has to the Staff. Logan visits Sarah and is less than welcome as he explains that he left because he was dangerous to people. Sarah points out that she was dangerous but she never left and tells him to leave. Logan complies but makes it clear that he'll be there if she needs backup.

2010: Vanessa approaches Laura about doing some tracking work to try and find Nick. Laurie and Kyle torture new trainee Jean-Phillipe with an early-morning run.

2011: Layla enlists the help of Sarah and Doug to first steal Kyle's phone and then booby trap it with trick mp3s. Kyle mentions on the journals that his phone is missing. Layla emails Artie about Parents' Weekend, the Morlocks and Yvette's sexuality.

2012: Johnny posts about squirrel chaos in the laundry room. Laurie asks for a sparring partner for a workout. Matt posts song lyrics in honour of the homecoming dance later. Maddie posts a picture of herself and her date in their homecoming dresses. Sooraya talks about being burned out on the journals. Garrison and Adrienne go to a charity ball.

2013: Adrienne meets Amanda for drinks Saturday night and the next morning a horrific discovery is made: the temporary Jays tattoo is actually real.

2014: Rogue texts Jessica to see if she could help her find Rogue’s parents. Tandy texts Sue stating she is famous and that the tabloids are eating it all up. Gabriel goes to Adrienne to alter a stolen suit. Clint texts Namor asking about “Sulian”. Cecilia remembers when the intrigue surrounded Dazzler and what happens up at the school and states she misses those days. Matt texts Clint asking when did him and Gabriel get together. Clint texts Gabriel stating he doesn’t like living here. Clint texts Kyle asking him never to tell him that he smells people on him unless he is going to die. Julian texts Tandy asking how Sue is handling the new press.


2015: Miles texts Warren about needing a favor in the form of Star Wars tickets. Gabriel texts Miles asking if that sound was him. Wade posts about returning from the woods and in need of tacos and if he should be concerned about the noise coming from the second floor. Miles texts Ganke Lee saying mission accomplished and that they have opening night tickets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


2017: Alex makes an Instagram cross post of a very tired Mrs. Summers. Clarice makes an impassioned journal entry imploring bearded men to improve the grooming standards of said beards. Jubilee texts Amanda about a potential broken liver.

2018: Felicia posts from her soon to be private island on her birthday. Topaz texts Hope, Tandy, and Ty begging for help with organizing Diwali.

2019: While picking up medical supplies, Molly and Sharon stop a crime in progress. Kyle shares a YouTube video of The World's 10 Scariest Rides.


2021: X-Men: Lone Sentinel: Jean-Phillipe posts to his journal rather than the teams journal with a mission wrap. Kyle comments to his journal while high on pain medication.

2022: Nica finds Alison's YouTube channel.