Garrison Kane

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Garrison Kane is a Special Inspector with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, serving on assignment by the Canadian government with Xavier's as an unofficial liasion. Filling in as a teacher and an X-Man, Garrison also operates with the local FBI field office as part of his cover.


Character Journal: x_dominion

Real Name: Garrison Jonathan Kane

Codename: Dominion

Aliases: None

First Appearance: November 8th, 2006

Date of Birth: April 17th, 1982

Place of Birth: London, England, UK

Citizenship: Canada/United Kingdom

Relatives: Emily Kane (mother – desceased), Christian Kane (father), Victoria Kane (sister)

Education: B.A Psychology/Criminology, University of Ottawa. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Training Academy.

Relationship Status: Dating Marie D'Ancato

Occupation: Special Inspector with the RCMP, temporary tasked to the New York state FBI field office.

Team Affiliation: X-Men



Garrison’s story starts with his parents. His mother Emily was a UN interpreter from Toronto, who worked at the main centre in New York City as a Far East specialist. His father Christian Kane is basically a legend in the intelligence community. He worked directly for British Intelligence in the sixties and seventies as an operative, thwarting the plans of global threats like Fing Fang Foom, Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil. He worked with other agents, like Geogres Batroc of France, and Alejandro Montaya of Spain, and even with his regular rival in the KGB, Alexai Alanovich Shostakov. In the 80s, Christian hung up his laser watch and rocket car to take over the newly emerging Black Ops agencies of British Intel, leading the way for a darker and more vicious shadow war. He mentored a new wave of agents like Pete Wisdom. During a stint in New York at the UN in the early eighties, he met Emily and the two fell in love. Emily moved to London with Christian, and they had two children over the next five years. First Garrison, and four years later, his younger sister Victoria.

Unfortunately, Christian’s womanizing eventually resulted in a divorce, and Emily returned to Toronto with both children. Since then, Christian’s contact with his children has been irregular at best. Garrison grew up in West Toronto, in a fairly normal childhood. He took language lessons from his mother, did moderately well in school, and played sports. Due to the Kane family background, they retained ties with the intel world. It was after breaking three records during an OSSSA competition that Garrison was taken for one of the first mutancy tests in Canada.

Beta Flight

At fifteen, Garrison agreed to enter the Canadian Gamma Flight program, a training program to help mutants learn to control their powers. He graduated quickly and volunteered for the next level of the program, known as Beta Flight. It was during his training there that he was approached about a new bio-modification program, and was asked to participate. Kane’s participation in the program made it a success, and it has become a top priority within Department H. Kane went into university at seventeen, and fully qualified for Beta Flight active status at the same time.

He graduated with honours with a double degree in Psychology and Criminology and entered the RCMP training academy. His training at the academy was specialized for both his powers and the plans that the government had for him. He finished his training at twenty-three, and was about to enter the force when his mother lost her battle against breast cancer and died. After a period of grieving, he returned to work as a full RCMP officer. While Garrison holds the rank of Special Inspector, he is still considered a rookie officer and has none of the responsibilities normally associated with an Inspector rank.

Canada’s Liaison

The deactivation of the Alpha Flight program had put Kane in something of a flux state. His training was designed to lead to Alpha Flight as an officer of the law. However, the sudden termination of the program had him back focused on his law enforcement career. The Hon. Robert Gordon MacDonald contacted him specifically to request him to serve as the liaison for the Canadian government to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The Canadian government is fully aware of the X-Men, and has even accepted two of them, Rogue and Wolverine, into the Alpha Flight program for a time. After San Diego, political forces have been pressuring the Canadian government to provide some response to mutant terrorism.

MacDonald’s proposal is simple: the government is willing to unofficially allow the X-Men to operate in Canada, with a limited amount of assistance from the government in reacting to mutant threats. They will also be allowed to actively admit Canadian children and teens into the school, and will be certified as a recognized educational institution by Canadian officials. In return, the school will accept a liaison appointed by the Canadian government. In any operation inside Canada or involving Canadian citizens, the liaison is required to be present.

He considers Kane the optimum choice for several reasons. Kane’s loyalty is to Canada first and foremost, both as an officer of the law and as an individual. While he is deeply committed to proper law and jurisdiction, he’s also got the right mindset to judge what does and doesn’t deserve to be reported. Finally, he’s very likeable, which helps him earn people’s trust easily. To cover his presence, MacDonald worked out an agency swap with Fred Duncan to link Kane to the FBI while he’s there.

Living At The X-Mansion

Garrison has only recently arrived at the mansion, still in the process of settling in. He’s recently reconnected with his old friends, Logan and Marie. His first few months have proved somewhat tempestuous, between fitting into the structure of the school and the team. In his first real X-Men mission, he found himself paired with David Haller, who unfortunately switched personalities during the job and left Kane to cover himself during the operation. His next mission, a hostage situation in Russia, ended with an assault, and a woman killed right in front of him. Garrison's self-confidence has been badly eroded, and he is doubting his own training.

However, Kane's relationship with the FBI has been strong, helping them and the X-Men to finally capture Sabretooth. The recent action also saw his brief relationship with Marie-Ange Colbert come to an end, and introduced him to Snow Valley's profiler, Sofia. Garrison played a key role in the rescue of the President's daughter during a hostage crisis, which both helped him restore some of his balance, but caused strain in some of his relationships with the X-Men. Garrison's strong support for mutant registration and unhidden concerns about the legality of the X-Men often put him on the opposite side of arguments in the school.

Following Marie's brush with telepathy after her battle against the Mandarin, both she and Garrison got a strong idea of the depth and nature of their friendship, which led them to begin dating in the spring, including a disasterous fieldtrip that ended with them facing a park full of dinosaurs. Since then, Garrison's time has been increasingly taken up by his duties for the Canadian government and the FBI, which has led to a reduction in his operations as an X-Men. There is some concern whether or not this trend will continue.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6ft

Weight: 175lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Other Features: Garrison has a tattoo of a beaver on his left thigh.


Kane was part of an experimental bio-engineering program during his late teens, designed to augment and maximize his mutant abilities. As a result, his powers are split between his natural mutant powers and the bio-engineered additions.

Kane is technically an 'omega-level' human. His physical abilities are enhanced past the normal maximum human levels, meaning that his strength, agility and endurance are many times that of a normal person. He can lift close to three tons, run close to 30mph, resist poisons and toxins at normally lethal levels, and other points. While his physical abilities are impressive, they fall well short of other mutants like Beast or Nightcrawler. As a rough estimate, Kane's abilities are half of that of a mutant with a single dedicated physical enhancement.

Because of his unnatural endurance and rapid healing, Kane was requested to volunteer for a series of experiments. As a result, Kane has bioware systems in his body. Those include an organic reflexive memory chip built into the top of his spinal column, and a pair of neural charge emitters built into his arms and terminating through his hands.

The organic reflexive memory chip is designed to assist Kane's enhanced reflexes to more quickly learn physical skills and reactions to others. Kane's learning curve for activities like martial arts is much sharper than normal people, and the margins of error decrease very rapidly once an activity is learned. This does not apply to fine motor control; only direct reflexive activities. As well, the longer Kane trains/fights with a person, the faster he learns their individual combat tells. Where normal people take days or weeks of study to start to learn an opponent, the chip helps tie Kane’s enhanced reflexes into the process, meaning he can start doing so in minutes and hours instead. The chip was designed to give him an edge against more powerful mutant abilities. The chip is very much an organic version of the cybernetic control chip implanted into Haroun, and that success provided the breakthrough for the Canadian team researching it.

The neural charge emitter is designed to send an incapacitating charge into a person. Touch is optimum, but the blast will work without loss of power at up to five feet. Power level control is very crude; he can transmit a low blast designed for children and teens, a medium blast designed for small to medium adults, and a high blast designed for medium to large adults. A rapid number of charges in a short period will drain the bioelectric power cells in Kane's arms for up to 24 hours. Kane can also deliberately create an overcharge that is lethal, however it immediately drains the emitters and will cause second degree burns on his hands.


Garrison carries a 24” RCB expandable baton and a directed pepper spray aerosol with his X-Men uniform.

In full dress, or while operating with the FBI, Garrison carries a 10mm FBI issued automatic pistol. In Canada, he switches to the RCMP standard 9mm Smith and Wesson.


Garrison’s collar insignias are not X’s like the rest of the X-Men, but small single maple leaves.

Garrison was born on the day of Canadian Confederation.




Epiphany Frosts

X-Men Mission: Leverage

X-Men Mission: Phalanx

Most Dangerous Game



This Savage Land

Voodoo Child


X-Men Mission: Fin Fang Foom!!!


Player: Dex

E-mail: DexEmail.jpg

AIM: dextelfer

Player Icon Base: Ryan Reynolds

Meta Trivia

Garrison is in part based off of an original character named 'Dominion' from an Alpha Flight submission for an on-line fanfic group run by the current player of Pete Wisdom, and the former players of Illyana and Emma Frost, five years prior to X-Project's launch.